The Wielder of Death Magic

Chapter 1071

“Nothing’s the matter,” a frail old man bowed at a table filled with flasks, “-my attempts at restoration failed. Who was it?”

“Who was what, mister?”

“Ingrate,” he flipped, “-I asked you a question, give me an answer,” *cough, cough,* he gripped the table’s ledge, lamenting the future. ‘Who closed my portals... they destroyed the vase. I was this close to becoming a true god. I’ve used the extent of my mortal body, I need to reincarnate.’


“Artanos...” a not-so-inviting tone returned, “-what brings you to my workshop?”

“I heard the latest update from the Alchemic Mister’s workshop. You pathetically failed. So much for being a man of true intellect. I thought you’d be wiser.”


“Acting like you know everything,” he shot his discontent. Artanos dipped under the feeling and fed the fracas, “-why are you here? Had to go and ruin my plans at taking Draebala.”

“I’m here to ask a favor,” he sat, “-and in exchange,” a vase materialized, “-these are the remnants of Ayah’s vase. I thought it wise to grab what remained before he destroyed it.”

“You know who’s responsible?”

“You bet I know,” he grinned, “-I’m the one who knows much. Tell me, Engratse, what is your price?”

“My price is not for negotiation. I take what I want, such is what my father, Grostian taught us, siblings. Tell me who’s responsible and where is he?”

“Thing is,” he smiled, “-we’re closer than you’d think,” he walked to a small opening, threw curtains open, and saw the sea and a city perched atop a cliff, “-you went into hiding after the incident. You choose for your offspring to lead the city however they wanted. I mean, he did inherit that draconian style of leadership. The one responsible can be found in the city. You’ve harmed his precious little sister with a curse. The lass can’t return despite his attempts. Orin’s a good realm – it’s perfect for what you have in mind, the reckoning of Estral. I would consider caution over recklessness. Take your time.”

“I don’t have time,” he thundered, “-I need lives to feed my soul. I’m not god, I was a failed creation. My symbol of power weakens.”

“Grostian died.”


“The realm too.”


“You should have heard it from your father. Your elder brother, the Cursed King Alfred. His reincarnation’s here and well. He’s inherited the true power of Grostian as well as the old man’s domain. The death of another mighty god sends tremors around the dimensions. We have lost so many mighty gods. From the olden kings to nigh, Kronos, my mentor, and Grostian the VIth of Fall. He will be kindly remembered.”

“My father’s dead?”

“Are you angry?”

“No,” he glared, “-I’m not angry, I’m disappointed. The old man was strong... he had so much on his plate, I- I guess I’m relieved.”

Artanos leaned against the opening, the outside hue enveloped his outline, “-why the look of disdain?”

“He gave Alfred the symbol. My older brother is bad. I ought to reincarnate. Facing him will demand a lot of strength.”

“Don’t,” Artanos leaped, “-I have something even better,” a portal to the infinite realm of Knowledge opened, “-join my faction, Engratse.”

“What’s in for me?”

“A true vessel. I have the perfect candidate for your reincarnation. A follower of your older brother’s faction. A servant who served my mentor and my master, she’ll remember when we pay a visit.”


“You got it,” a sadistic grin echoed, “-she’s helpless without Kronos, always living in his shadow. She’s a shadow and depends on a great light, call her a pest. She’s no Guardian, only a loyal dog. I’m sure she misses me,” the portal widened, “-Orin’s to be left alone. Such was the deal I made with him.”

“You lost?”

“No, not lost. Leave Orin as it is. I know a place,” glimpses of the Eipea Empire flashed, “-a realm which surpasses the threshold. Just so happens that Zeus and I have a meeting. I would like your company.”

Golden and pure, jewels of power and of prestige, the three suns of Nortest and the Quadran of Elsia to the south. The guardian deity Monslav circles the realm, guiding the sun and the Quadran, elapsing night and day. Various floating isles scattered over a lower continent, the highest peak being a castle made with calcified godly mana. Angels flapped, and sparks of righteousness fluttered a deeply soothing aura. Old man Engratse inhaled into his stomach, *cough, cough, cough.*

“Don’t overdo it,” beamed Artanos, “-we’ve just started,” he swiped, a golden bridge manifested towards the great hovering capital. They walked, and gods and mythical creatures flew past. Idyllic waterfalls rained gems, “-the abundance of mana.”

“Such the Eipea nation,” Artanos added, “-tell me, Engraste, care for a wager?”

“What wager?”

“Will Zeus accept my proposal or nigh?”

“If you make him accept, I’ll join your cause no questions asked.”

“That’s what I like to hear.” From pleasant outside to a ravishingly affluent inside. Tall intricately designed pillars carved from precious stones, marble, and elder wood held the domed interior on which, what could only be described as a masterpiece, was painted. The symbol of Athena gave credit to the artist. Artanos waited, as did the many servants(angels). A powerful presence echoed, and the doors opened with a gust of innate power. Zeus’ boyish features transformed into a thick well-combed beard. His body grew muscular, he held a stronger, fiercer, and more mature look on his visage.

He dropped to the opposite seat and waved. The attendants left, and a simple click marked the beginning, “-Artanos.”

“Supreme God.”

“You and I are not friends,” Zeus elaborated further, “-why have you come into enemy territory?”

“I seek an armistice.”

“Is that so?” he watched cautiously, “-and who sits by your side?”


“The Alchemist God,” he nodded.

“Supreme God.”

“Make your case, Artanos.”

The room’s aura dropped, “-Zeus, you’re no longer in control of your surroundings. The Eipea Empire was on verge of a revolution. The one leading the assault is a little dame by the name of Miira. I heard about her recruitment efforts. She’s taken the gods who were displeased by your leadership and is forming a formidable army. I know the location of her pocket dimension. There are little things in this world that I know. My title of God of Knowledge extends far and wide. Tell me, Zeus, what have you done in the time I’ve been away? Is your relationship with Lucifer going well or has the Fallen Angel decided to fly closer to the sun?”

“Artanos. You were part of the Heavenly faction; you were part of my faction before you decided to leave. Not obeying my orders is reason for execution. Why didn’t you kill Eira when the opportunity presented itself? And Miira, she’s returned and has gained popularity. I can’t get rid of her... she’s stronger. You abandoned us. Didn’t you think I would know you’re leading the Titan Army, God of Titan? Your assault on our territory in Draebala has caused my faction a lot of trouble. What will you do to attain for your sin, Artanos.”

“Supreme God, I explicitly said I’m a neutral party before joining the Heavenly faction. I played my cards and came out on top. The Titan factions are on their way to crushing your armies.”


“Hold your tongue, Zeus. I’m not your enemy. Draebala’s not my target. The Aapith nation is,” he smiled, “-Lucifer’s outstayed his welcome. I think it best to take the realm of demons. They’re a nuisance.”

“Are you suggesting?”

“Yes, I am,” he smiled, “-in exchange for your help, I will grant you, my knowledge. Qhildir’s dead. You need an advisor, someone who can see what can’t be seen.”

“Qhildir’s death, you know something?”

“Yes. The Curse of Misfortune. It would seem the Curse’ out of control.”

“We could always ask Creation or Death about the matter.”

“The Neutral Faction best be left alone. Death and Creation have no say in our heavenly affairs. Zeus, will you join me in my quest of taking the Aapith Nation?”

“It sounds interesting,” he smiled, “-Lucifer and I have worked wonders together. We’ve killed and destroyed those who stood in our paths. Lucifer’s a strong man with a proven track record. How can you compare?”

“How can I compare?” he clapped, portals opened with demons of high-ranking power, “-these are a few of my Clockwork puppets. Dolls made from the Tower of Aria. An army with the ability to destroy and conquer realms. I dubbed them the Twelve Hour Mark, or The Twelve for short. ”

“Interesting,” Zeus clapped, the seats teleported into a coliseum. “Action speaks louder than words,” he clapped, and a four-armed behemoth roared into the arena, “-the champion Aras. He’s the strongest one of my many affairs. Tell me, do you have the strength to fight one of my sons?”

“First-hour mark,” Artanos clapped. A frail-looking skeleton stood opposite Aras, the latter dwarfed poor little skeleton.

“Insulting,” Zeus narrowed, “-you sure he can keep up with my son?”

A gong boomed. The fight instantly ended. Aras fell on his knees, a massive hole in his chest spewing blood, “-what did I say,” he clapped, and the skeleton disappeared, “-the strength of my army isn’t a linear increase, no my friend, it’s logarithmic. Hey, I doubt the supreme god cares for explanations. In summary, the XII is strong.”

“You’re telling me, they’re unbeatable?”

“Depends on the fighter... my goal is a small unit of elite fighters.”

“You killed Aras, he didn’t last a second. Artanos,” they teleported inside, “-tell me, why must we betray Lucifer and how do I know you haven’t approached him first?”

“The reason is simple. Eipea Empire was ruled by one monarch. The Aapith Nation’s ruled by a council of Demons. You see, the latter is a hassle. I rather not waste my energy butting them up. Instead, I came to you, Zeus. We’ve worked together and have a close connection to Kronos. We’re both students of his. I don’t care about what happened, the past is irrelevant. What remains is our deeper connection to a common man, a great man.”

“My father was great, I agree,” he breathed a shallow sigh, “-he was a shining example of what it meant to be a ruler... he’s paranoia fueled his downfall. I don’t much care for the sentiment. Artanos, what will happen to the Demonic faction?”

“We will crush them. Their kind has long leeched mana off those who deserved the essence. Take them out of the picture and we can move to conquer Draebala without harming the realm. We should leave the domain heal... constant fighting hastened the clock of the end. I want to save Draebala. I have my own domain to think about, despite my strength, my personal realm isn’t strong nor is it powerful. What I have is here, in this body, not locked or hidden. I am what you’ll get, simple and easy. Zeus, you hate Lucifer too, don’t you?”

“Lucifer?” he gulped; “-I don’t hate him. He’s a good companion and a good friend. We’re the same if you think about it, he was unlucky, a failure unable to overthrow his father. I’m the exception, I defeated my father and stand here on his throne. Artanos, I’ve always wanted to rule over Time. Promise me the symbol of Kronos, promise me the symbol I failed to acquire, promise me.”

“I don’t make promises. Stick with me and ruling Time will seem like Childsplay. Zeus, by allying with us, you gain not only my council but also the Titan’s might. I will cease my assault against your faction and channel their might towards the Aapith Nation. ”

“What about Faction north?”

“Should be a simple process of taking the demons then walking to reclaim Zayan.”

“To the start of a great partnership,” Zeus extended his hand.

“To the beginning of the end,” Artanos firmed the handshake, and thus, a new faction was born.

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