Thrown Into A New World: Let The Punishment Begin!

Chapter 216 - Busy In Preparations

Chapter 216 - Busy In Preparations

\'Does he not realize that we\'ve been practicing for hours now? No! I\'ve been practicing while he was lazing here!\' She narrowed her eyes at the man who was putting her through so much training.

As tomorrow was the big day of the assessment, her father had canceled all of the other classes to let her practice well before the test.

Captain Desmo had come over at the usual time and they had begun their training as it was their everyday routine.

However today, he did not stop after the first hour of training and kept making her practice her skills.

He made her run ten laps around the training grounds, the same as she had done on the first day.

This time, she did not have to struggle nor did she vomit due to the excess toil on her little body.

Training for the past month, her body had grown used to being put through the strain of exercises each day.

She completed her laps with ease after which she and her trainer moved to the archery field.

The custom bow and arrows that Rutherford had gotten for the little girl made life much easier for her.

She didn\'t have to struggle to hold the bow up as the new one was made after keeping her body proportions in mind.

There, the Captain kept a keen watch over her posture and the strength she used to pull the arrow backward.

Yvonne\'s body was still young and the power in her hands was little even when she was training to improve herself.

Though the progress she had made was great, she was still not proficient in archery.

This was one of the biggest frustrations she had and it fueled her desire to work harder to hit the bullseye on each pull of the arrow.

"Focus on the center and release the arrow." Her trainer advised when he saw her struggling.


The arrow flew out of the bow, shooting in the direction of the target at a high speed.

The two gazed at the target sheet to see where the arrow would land but unfortunately, the arrow hit the tree behind it, missing the target by a long shot.

The vulgarities that were about to spill from her mouth were swallowed when she remembered that she wasn\'t alone here.

Captain Reel sighed but did not scoff at her when he saw the displeased look on her face.

"Keep practicing." He ordered and took a seat on a chair at a distance away from her.

The strict taskmaster only let her move to the next training center after she managed to hit three bullseyes in a row.

Though she took her time, she rejoiced when she saw the arrows stuck to the target sheet.

"Spar with me." Captain Desmo Reel ordered once they had moved to the main training ground.

He spent the next hour sparring with her in sword fighting.

Yvonne received multiple blows from her trainer who was not going easy on her.

Even when he did not compromise with his speed, he made sure to keep the strength he used against her under check.

Thus, even if she was hurt it wasn\'t to the point that she could not carry on with the training.

Captain Reel soon asked her to practice the steps he had shown her and sat under the canopy to keep an eye on her while sipping the iced tea.

Yvonne did exactly as he had taught her and after spending a long time working hard under the harsh rays of the Sun, she had finally gotten a chance to rest.

This joy was snatched away from her when she heard his next command which was to move onto the next part of their training, horse riding.

\'He wants me to collapse by making me work too hard?\' She continued to glare at the man who shrugged his shoulders, unaffected by her vicious look.

"One ride on your horse and we will be done for the day." He announced in hopes of making her happy.

Yvonne was pleased with his words and it was apparent on her face as she smiled and nodded in acceptance of his words.

"We will not have any class tomorrow morning so you can rest for longer." He added which was like a cherry at the top of the cake for the little girl.

\'What a sloth!\' He scoffed at the girl who was short of jumping around in excitement after hearing that she could sleep in tomorrow.

This information she received energized her and she was ready to go right away.

However, Captain Desmo sneered at her and forced her to rest up for a while longer before they could leave.

\'He just doesn\'t want to leave the shade and move out.\' She caught his real intention but was gracious enough to not expose his hidden thoughts.

While Yvonne and Captain Desmo enjoyed the shade before they could move to the grazing fields behind the Mansion where the stables were located, the people inside the mansion were rushing around.

Butler Limo was stormed with tasks that the Madam had handed over to him.

The entire household was busy in preparations as not only was tomorrow the assessment day of their young miss but also the day their young master returns to the house.

For an entire month, the people of this household had not seen the face of their young master so the joy and excitement for his return were great among the servants.

Rutherford and Raylene would get to meet their firstborn child after a long separation and they were in high spirits in anticipation of the next day\'s arrival.

The Madam was busy instructing the chefs to prepare every dish her son enjoyed eating.

The kitchen staff complied with her wishes and began preparing for the grand feast that would take place tomorrow.

In his office, Rutherford was sitting behind the desk and was fighting the urge to peek from the window to catch a glimpse of his child.

He had promised Desmo to not interfere during their training and he had kept this promise until today.

However, much to his chagrin, today they were training near the archery field which was right under his office.

One peek and he could watch the entire training that the trainer and pupil were undergoing but he resisted his impulse to the best of his abilities.

\'Tomorrow… I will see my Vonna\'s progress tomorrow.\' He coaxed his curious heart which helped him tremendously and not once did he glance outside his window.

He could hear faint words being shared among the two outside his window but he chose to concentrate on his work rather than on what they were talking about.

The great amount of self-control he had exercised made him proud of his will power and restraint.

Once he had managed to curb his urge to peep on the training, he went back to the work at hand as he would not get time to finish it after today.

His son was returning after a month of separation and the loving father wished to spend some time with his family and not stay cooped up in his office.

He decided that he would work harder to finish everything on his plate today in order to rest and enjoy quality time with his family for the next few days.

Thus, each one of the St. Claires was working hard in their own way for the arrival of the firstborn of the family.

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