Immortality System: The Last Human's Transmigration

Chapter 97 [You Have Died]

I slowly lost consciousness after my final attack, the final wisp of life in my body dissipating. The only evidence of my second life was the corpse that stood with its hand stretched out, not daring to fall even in death.

[You have died]

[Construction of a new body will take one week]

[Seeker of Death title has reached level 2]

[Evolver trait is beginning to activate]

[Your instincts have been amplified]

[You have completed one secret mission]

[Secret Mission: Meet the Planet Spirit]

[Informtation: Meet Gaia, Earth\'s first planet spirit. A planet spirit is a being that forms after a planet gains sentience and has the power to control almost all non-sentient forms of matter on the planet]

[Reward: -

-10 000 Immortality tokens

-1 Free item from the system shop]

Appearing in the dark space once again, I could not help but smile. In the middle of an infinite void, the familiar sensation of drifting had become strangely soothing, as if all my troubles were slowly being sucked out of me. At the same time, my body began to relax minute by minute.

My gaze landed on the screen in front of me, yet I looked at it coldly instead of smiling while killing intent slowly seeped out of me in waves.

\'That b*tch... This is all her fault!\' I inwardly roared because I could not speak in this void. It was like an instinct, but I knew I couldn\'t.

\'That f*cking little sh*t! That little bastard! That insignificant b*tch.\' My cursing rampage continued for several minutes as I did nothing but release all my fits of anger and frustrations. I was not a man who cursed regularly, but there was always a good reason for it when I did.

My anger lost momentum after a few hours, but it quickly surged again in a wave of bloodlust when I thought of Blanca.

While I disliked when I first met her, my discomfort around her and my animosity towards her had begun to dissipate over the last few months... Hell, we even lived together for a little more than half a year, and our bond had grown so sturdy that the average person would have thought we were best friends, if not a couple.

\'Yet she betrayed me... Just like that and without a single speck of remorse. Even that b*tch Gaia was shocked by it. That snake didn\'t even hesitate. She just shot a beam right through me and acted like she was the victim!\' I roared, my rage clear for anyone to feel as my bloodlust grew to new heights.

\'She believed her words so easily! She didn\'t even let me explain!\' I cried out, the pain in my non-existent heart increasing by manifolds as I remembered her face. Her face that indicated anguish, as if she was somehow the victim in this situation.

It was that day that something snapped within me, something that would forever determine my way forward. The pain I felt that day would remind me of how cruel someone can be, and no matter how strong I am, I learned never to open my heart to anyone.

The light within my eyes had significantly dimmed while what remained of my innocence disappeared as if it had never existed.

This was the mindset of a human warrior. A race that cared about nothing but themselves and what they could gain from every action they performed. A race that would not hesitate to destroy entire planets if it meant that they would grow closer to their goals.

Indeed, a race of chaos.

My eyes slowly closed by themselves before a manual appeared in my mind as I quickly re-read its contents.

Without having realized it, my body had appeared in a white palace hall with endless doors, yet instead of entering any one of them, I stayed sitting on the hard ground and began to circulate mana through my body. This would have been usually impossible due to me not having any mana circuits in my body, but after having been trained and beaten to a pulp by the man behind the earth inheritance, I learned how to circulate mana my own way.

My mana simply existed within my body and ran rampant without pause, all I needed to do was direct the mana and its properties, and now that I was using the earth manual I had been given by the middle ages man, I was using my earth seed as well as the elemental rune within me to circulate earth mana around my body and into various muscles to reinforce them with the properties of earth.

​ I had used the manual more than once before today, yet it was only today that I found it extremely easy to complete the exercise multiple times due to not feeling an ounce of fatigue in this strange world.

Unbeknownst to me, several eyes were watching me from afar as their gazes of surprise, interest, and curiosity lingered on me as I slowly but surely reinforced my body.


Planet Earth

Slowly, out of the ground sprouted a plant that slowly began to grow before morphing into the shape of a humanoid. Vines and roots enveloped this creature and created a cacoon, and after a few more seconds, the cacoon gradually began to open.

Once the cacoon had finally opened, the figure of a beautiful woman draped from shoulder to knees with a tight-fitted green dress that allowed the breeze of the wind to hit her legs from the knees and under.

She was bare feet, yet his expression did not show any discomfort as she stepped onto the ground created from a mixture of rock and mud.

"I can\'t believe he killed me... Just like that." Gaia spoke in disbelief. While the power of her avatar was nothing compared to the power of her real body, she still could not believe that a human boy with a cultivation at the late-ethereal stage could kill her avatar in a single hit, especially not with an element that she was highly versed in using.

Before, when Gaia had watched me use the earth element, she felt like she could have easily taken control of the earth I was using. The only reason Gaia didn\'t do so was because she knew that she would be punished for directly attacking me, yet now when she had seen me use the earth element, she felt as if the earth itself had lost its connection with her even though it was a part of her planet.

"It must have been that red energy of his. It completely revoked my power over the earth he was using, and when he combined both energies together..." Her avatar slightly shuddered after remembering the power of the attack I released.

While she usually didn\'t feel direct pain from attacks that her avatar would receive, this time, she felt as if the red energy itself was beginning to pour into the life energy she put in the avatar. When that happened, an extremely high amount of pain coursed through the life energy and began to move towards the thread that linked Gaia to the avatar. Yet, even before she could react, the connection was cut entirely before she quickly destroyed what remained of the thread that linked her to the avatar, fearing the red energy would use it to integrate itself into her.

She realized later that energy of such low potency could have done nothing to her real body, but she still sighed in relief before beginning to create another avatar.

Sighing again after recalling all that happened, Gaia, or to be precise, Gaia\'s avatar, began to move in the direction she felt Blanca\'s energy.

She now knew that I was dead, but she checked on me anyway, yet instead of finding a corpse, she could a pile of ashes and a hand that was beginning to crumble.

After seeing the sight before her, she threw a fireball of intense heat toward the remaining ashes before instantly disappearing.

In the next second, she appeared again, but now she stood in front of a kneeling woman who was crying her heart out.

"You didn\'t hesitate to kill him, yet you still choose to cry as if I was the one who killed him," Gaia muttered with a cold voice that sent shivers down Blanca\'s spine and forced her to look up with tear-filled eyes.

"I didn\'t mean it. I swear! I don\'t know what came over me! Believe me!" Blanca pleaded.

Gaia\'s eyes narrowed slightly and began to peer into her soul, but after a quick inspection, she let out a sigh of annoyance and looked in a particular direction.

"I\'m going to have to speak to your grandfather about this." She stated, her hair beginning to float wildly while her piercing eyes landed on an enormous white snake sleeping with its entire body wrapped around a mountain.

The creature\'s eyes opened slightly and made eye contact with Gaia\'s avatar, but it quickly shut its eyes as it knew that it could do nothing but wait.

"Your grandfather is a few thousand miles away, but I should be able to move both of us there in a few hours of travel. Let\'s go." Gaia stated and stretched her hand towards Blanca and opened her palms to receive hers. Still, as her hand grew closer, it suddenly stopped before Gaia\'s eyes darted upwards and met the golden eyes of a white-robed figure standing above them on thin air.

"You are going nowhere until you answer my questions." A primordial voice boomed out and sent shockwaves across the forest and, at the same time, forced Gaia\'s avatar to kneel before the figure.

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