Global Killing: I Could Plunder Talent

130 Chapter 130

Dick stared at the little thing in his hand, dumbfounded. It was hard for him to imagine that the dire wolf king cub in front of him could erupt with such a huge force from its body.

The dire wolf king cub seemed to be satisfied with the expression on Dick\'s face. After this blow, it did not show any weakness but still looked energetic.

It puffed out its fluffy chest proudly. Although it looked a little funny to do this with its current appearance, Dick could still see its pride from its movements and expressions.

"You are so powerful! It\'s beyond my expectation! You are not a dog, but a real wolf king!"

Dick stroked the fluffy head of the dire wolf king cub. The warm touch spread from the palm of his hand to the bottom of his heart. A sense of familiarity that they were sharing the same roots made Dick happy.

After receiving Dick\'s praise, the dire wolf king cub returned to its lovely look. It rolled in Dick\'s hand happily and showed its soft belly to Dick.

Dick knew that this meant that it trusted him completely, so he felt happy again.

​ He held the dire wolf king cub in his hands, stroked its belly and activated the Eyes of God.

"Magical beast: dire wolf king cub (king level). Level: LV12. State: concluded the blood covenant with Dick. Blood vitality: 800, energy: 800, strength: 600, defense: 600, agility:400. Talent: ice vein. Skill: absolute zero."

Sure enough, although the dire wolf king was only a cub, it had reached the king level! And it was not like what Dick had expected, it wasn\'t around LV5 but directly soared to LV12!

This also meant that the growth speed of this dire wolf king cub would definitely be extraordinary. Perhaps the vitality that had spilled out before had not fully played its role in the body of the wolf king.

After playing with the dire wolf king cub for a while, the cub finally ran out of its energy. After all, it was still a cub, so it was impossible for it to be as energetic as the adult magical beast.

Although the spirit power of the dire wolf king cub was high enough, as long as it was a magical beast, it would never be able to get rid of its own habits. As long as it was a cub, it was always easy to fall asleep.

Dick held the little dire wolf king cub in his arms and fiddled with it. In its sleep, the dire wolf king cub licked its lips and snorted unconsciously, but it refused to wake up.

Dick was angry and amused. It was not like a magical beast but a domestic pet dog. So he simply held the dire wolf king cub in his arms and walked into Bramble City.

He went straight to Ellena\'s wooden house. After waiting for five or six minutes, Ellena raised her head from the corpse of the magical beast. Seeing the radiant smile of Dick and the little wolf cub in his arms, Ellena frowned.

"Well, tell me, what\'s your request this time? Let me guess. Do you want me to create a space for your little wolf cub to carry with you?"

Dick scratched his head shyly and said with an awkward smile.

"That\'s it. This little thing has already made a blood covenant with me. But if I leave the village, I can\'t leave it alone here. No matter how small it is, it was a magical beast."

Ellena waved at Dick and gave him a round badge. Then she lowered her head again.

"I\'m too busy now. I don\'t have time. You can use this little thing I made when I\'m bored. When I\'m free, I\'ll make it for you exclusively."

Then she didn\'t care about Dick anymore but immersed herself in her work.

Dick held the round badge and tried it curiously. When his spirit power entered the interior of the badge, he was surprised to find that there was a space as big as half a basketball court.

Although it couldn\'t keep the items solidified like the storage ring, it could store living things and let humans enter.

Not to mention keeping such a cub, even two more adult magical beasts would be enough.

"Thank you very much. I will try my best to get you some new magical beasts for materials. If you need any special items, I can also get them for you."

It seemed that Ellena didn\'t hear Dick\'s words. She didn\'t even raise her head.

After leaving Ellena\'s wooden house, Dick made some simple preparations and set off for the emerald sea in the fog forest.

The earlier he completed the task, the earlier their Green-Hand Village would be upgraded to level-four. Dick couldn\'t wait to complete the last trial of the task.

A light flashed and Dick returned to the emerald sea.

Different from the last time he came here, Dick could clearly smell the scent of magical beasts in the air this time. This meant that lives had finally been born in this emerald sea.

Finally, there was no longer only the desolate place of the ancient flower demon.

Dick jumped off the cliff. This time, he didn\'t pass by Lady Flower\'s villa. Instead, he walked around the ancient building and moved forward to the edge of the emerald sea.

As he went deeper, Dick could smell the strong smell of the magical beasts. They hid in the green trees, condensing Dick\'s body, and wanted to eat this delicious prey at any time.

Finally, some magical beasts couldn\'t bear it anymore. The trees on both sides of Dick\'s body twisted, and countless pieces of wood floated in the air. Two magical beasts hidden in the trees opened their sharp claws and pounced on Dick.

The two magical beasts had owl-like bodies, but they had three sharp claws at the front of their wings.

They moved so fast that they almost jumped in front of Dick in an instant, trying to grab Dick\'s body with their claws on their wings and take him away from the ground.

Dick smiled gently. The two magical beasts were both LV15, which was not enough to compete with him now.

After killing the ancient flower demon, his level was only a small step away from LV23. The two magical beasts that pounced on him didn\'t know who the real prey was.

With a flash of the blood, the two magical beasts were cut into two pieces by Dick\'s machete before they could react. They fell to the ground and instantly turned into two pieces of rotten wood.

Are all the magical beasts in this emerald sea made of wood? Dick wondered.

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