Re: Level 100 Farmer

Chapter 52 - Guard

Old Thane sat on a chair across from Li, the fireplace dividing them. Li had told him everything he had learned from Alexei, and even everything about Alexei himself. That had taken the rest of the day, and now outside the cottage windows, there was only dark.

"Well, lad, I can\'t say I am shocked."

Li crossed his arms. "You\'re not? Your entire image of the duchess should be shattered, right? This peaceful land you live on is built off of blood."

"As is every land. The northwastes I hail from hold a far colder, bloodier history." Old Thane shook his head. "Lad, all that I care about is you and this farm, for that is all that I yet live for. That this farm stands upon bloodsoaked soil matters not so long as it grants you happiness."

"I\'m not judging you. In that regard, we\'re very similar."

"It is a shame to learn the duchess so cruel a woman, that is to be sure, aye, but I cannot judge. I have killed many that were unjust. But I also slew many that were just. The blood that my fists drew to grace me the title of \'Bloodfist\' did not discriminate between good or bad, old or young, it merely fought."

Old Thane closed his fist, and even now, Li could see how they would have made the perfect bludgeoning weapons. Wide and sturdy knuckles calloused over countless times to the point where they would have felt like iron slabs.

"So tell me, lad, are we in danger? Will the duchess raise her hand against us? For I am more than ready to bear my fists once more."

"Old man, if you ever have to end up fighting, then I\'ve already failed you." Li smiled. "I don\'t foresee any threat to us right now. The duchess understands her position and is leaving us alone, and she\'ll continue to leave us alone if she knows what\'s good for her. And in the future, if she ever plans anything, we\'ll have a heads up on her."

"Aye, I expected nothing less from a capable lad such as yourself. But if ever you need a helping hand, do not be afraid to ask this old man." Old Thane unclenched his fist and rested his hands against his dirt-stained trousers. "Now, how will the vampire assist us with the harvest?"

"Alexei\'s company will send transport down here at the end of each week. The first one is due in two days, around the time I figure we\'ll be done threshing the grain. Then the grain\'s going to be distributed to orphanages all around the city. As a bonus, the vampire that\'s going to be driving these wagons will be filling us in about the duchess."

Old Thane gave a hearty nod. "Aye, that sounds agreeable. Well then, lad, that leaves us but with the harvest to fret over. Now then, let us save our energy for the morrow. I am eager to see that my grain finally helps those in need."

The next morning, Li and Old Thane kept watch over the wheat. Li in particular paid close attention to its growth, making sure nothing was unnatural. Sure enough, the wheat was just fine. By now, it had developed heads at the tip of their stalks. The heads were still green and unripe, but in a day, they would be golden and ready.

Until then, there was just a matter of maintenance, weeding the fields and ensuring plenty of water nourished the soil. Li did not know how much water this super crop needed, so he and Old Thane had resorted to just dumping out buckets of water everywhere as much as they could, and so far, it looked like it worked.

On the matter of pests, well, it seemed like there were none. No birds nor even pesky insects dared to approach the crop, and as Li saw Zagan lying down in the fields, he had a pretty good understanding of why. Just the demon\'s very presence shrouded the fields with a foreboding aura.

Iona oncemore manned the stall, but it had yet to open for now. No doubt she was busy brewing [Anti-venom] on Li\'s request. However, there were no adventurers in sight for now. Odd, considering there was supposed to be some grand hunt, but Li supposed that they were going to show up sooner rather than later.

But when his ears picked up the clatter of adventuring armor from the main road, it was no large party. Instead, when he raised his head, standing over stalks of wheat, he found himself looking at a trio of familiar faces.

"Old man, we\'ve got visitors," said Li as he spied Jeanne waving, her arm swinging in wide, enthusiastic arcs. "The good kind."

Old Thane stood up, tossing an uprooted weed into the dirt. "Aye? Then let us greet them."


Li watched as Old Thane gave Jeanne and Sylvie a hug. Azhar refused, but it was still evident from his smile that he was happy to see the old man.

"Gods, little ones, all of you are safe!" said Old Thane.

"Of course! Triple Threat will not buckle under some little stone drake." Jeanne nodded and twirled, showing off to Old Thane through the sound of clatter that she had gained a new set of armor.

Before, she wore minimal armor over her priestly white vestments, but now she was fully equipped in shining platinum armor lined with gold. At her back, a cape of white still signaled her ties to the temples.

But what was more noticeable was golden medallion dangling around her neck.

"You\'ve earned some mighty fine coin to wear such armor," commented Old Thane. "And how about you two?" He smiled as he nodded to Sylvie and Azhar.

"I travel light," said Azhar. He looked no different, still dressed in leathers and skins, but his bow looked far better, and when Li focused, he could see that a runeslot had been engraved into it with a fiery red rune of damage enhancement slotted within.

"As do I," Sylvie said, a little shyly. She still wore the same black cloak that covered her from neck to toe, preferring to keep herself hidden.

Li commented. "It\'s good to see you all back." He gave a nod to Sylvie. "Thanks for the letter updating us."

"Oh?" said Jeanne as she leaned in towards Sylvie teasingly. "A letter, hm? I didn\'t know about any letter."

Azhar cocked his head, genuinely dumbfounded. "Good goin\', Sylv. Keepin\' the gramps updated and all."

"Oh, and I also noticed Jeanne is gold-ranked now?" said Li, aiming to take the pressure off Sylvie. But he saw that her pale red eyes cast downwards.

"And with that means all the more opportunity to help others," said Jeanne.

"Ya should\'ve seen her," said Azhar. "The damn adventurers up north thought we were green little children, even with a silver by our side, and they had us guardin\' the entrance to the mines, not even lettin\' us get into the fight with the drake. But when the whole damn mine started to collapse, who saved their arses by holdin\' up the entire shaft?"

Azhar gave a light punch to Jeanne\'s shoulder plate. "This beast right here."

"I am not a beast!" protested Jeanne.

A pause. Azhar and Jeanne both glanced at Sylvie, as she was usually the one to mediate the two, but she remained quiet.

Old Thane sensed the prolonged silence and said, "Jeanne, a gold? To know my little lassie bears the same medallion I did grants me great pride, though I daresay ask what an esteemed gold adventurer is doing on this humble farm?"

"Oh, don\'t be like that, Old Thane, we\'ll always come to visit you," said Jeanne as she blushed a little at the compliment, her fingers gently clutching at her golden medallion.

"And cause there\'s a hunt round\' these parts," Azhar chimed in, his arms crossed. "Didn\'t want nothin\' dangerous to be comin\' near the farm, so we headed here real quick to keep you all safe. Ain\'t a venom wyrm gonna take a gold party down."

"Must I remind you that you and I are still bronze?" said Sylvie finally.

Azhar shrugged. "Well, that ain\'t no big deal. It\'s kinda like that blonde prettyboy Launcelot and his party of bronzies. Tough vanguard\'s all ya really need, and Jeanne\'s as tough as it gets."

"Stop putting yourself down, Azhar, you and Sylvie both are just as important as me. I wouldn\'t be here without you all." Jeanne smiled as she patted both Sylvie and Azhar\'s shoulders. She then turned her glance to the fields, her long blonde hair swaying with the movement. "But my, enough about adventures, look at that! Old Thane, you\'ve grown crop! It\'s just beautiful and golden as I remember it used to be."

"Aye." Old Thane slapped Li\'s back with hearty pride. "But it could not have been achieved without this lad."

"And without you, there wouldn\'t even be a farm to begin with," said Li.

Jeanne clapped her hands with enthusiasm. "I know! When it comes time to harvest, please tell us. We will help! Remember when we used to help you with the threshing, Old Thane? It\'ll be like old times again."

Sylvie and Azhar nodded. All three looked to Li for approval.

"Sounds good," said Li. "But that\'ll be in two days, so you better finish this hunt fast."

"Two days!?" Jeanne put her hand over her mouth. She turned to Sylvie and Azhar. "Quick, we must convene a guild meeting and move the adventurers if we are to be in time for the harvest."

"Sooner the better," grunted Azhar. "Wyrm probably ate a few of my tribesmen getting\' here from the furnacelands. I\'ll be happy to put that thing down."

"All the more reason to hurry!" Jeanne said, energy positively bursting from her. She started marching back to the city, and Azhar and Sylvie followed suit. As they turned to wave goodbye, all three of them smiling now.

As they left, Old Thane put a hand on Li\'s shoulder. "Lad, a venom wyrm is a dangerous beast, and its poison may waste away even those much stronger than it."

"I know," said Li. Old Thane knew Li was powerful now, and with that came more responsibilities. "You want me to protect them."

"Just watch over them, lad. It would break my heart to see them fall when we could have helped them." Old Thane shook his head. "You, I call my son, but they, though I knew them since they were tiny little things, I may have cared for, but did not consider mine own.

Perhaps it is because I know you will continue what I have built up while I knew they were destined to fly away.

But still, Aine considered those little ones her very own."

Li smiled as he got a hold of Old Thane\'s shoulder and led him back to the fields. "Don\'t worry, old man, you don\'t have to explain yourself. Anyone you helped, I\'ll help as well, it\'s just as simple as that."

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