Tensei Shite Inaka de Slowlife wo Okuritai

Chapter 240: Arriving At Erics House

Chapter 240: Arriving At Eric\'s House

After satisfying my appetite with breakfast that consists of menus that have a strong flavor and go really well with rice, we start to prepare to resume our journey.

We collect the light magic tools installed in the house, blankets, beddings, and the like, and put them all into the carriage. After that was done, the house made with Earth magic becomes empty, and any hints of life instantly disappear from the house.

That’s natural since all the furniture and tableware are made of Earth magic.

After we finished transferring our luggage into the carriage, everyone left the house.

「Are you really going to flatten the house?」

Perhaps she already has an attachment to the house after spending a night in the house Mina said in a somewhat sad manner.

「Un, that’s right」

In terms of territory, this place is also considered Slowlett territory so it’s actually fine to just leave it as it is, but it will just make the house dirty since there is no one to take care of it.

Roomba - who lives in My Home - is clear proof of the actual condition of that fact.

「It’s kinda regrettable」

「I can just build it if it’s just a house and even when we return from our trip, I can try to build a better house」

「It will just make it even more difficult for me to go home if you build a better house!」

Mina was dejected before, but she regains her brightness immediately due to her cheerful nature.

Looking at such Mina, I canceled the Earth magic.

Immediately after, the soil that kept the house’s shape started to crumble *sarara*, and in the blink of an eye, they all returned to being normal soil.

There is no longer any house on the plains. All that was left in front of our eyes, was just a thick lump of soil.

「Now then, let’s set off」

With Nord-tousan’s voice as the signal, we boarded the carriage.

After that, we were jolted inside the carriage, taking a break again just like the first day, and continuing our journey.

Still, as it’s already the second day and perhaps because we had passed the steep mountain road, we’ve reached a point where we can gradually see villages and stopped by on our way to replenish our food while continuing the journey.

And when the sun set, we stayed at the village’s chief’s house in the nearby village and slept soundly while also being treated to dinner by their family. At such time, I felt that living in a house made using Earth magic is more comfortable, but it was a secret.

On the third day, after having breakfast at the village’s chief house we paid him some money as an expression of our gratitude and depart. We ride the carriage in the same manner as before and continue along the way.

When we were traveling, I spend my time freely reading books indoors, chatting with everyone, or taking a nap, and when it was time to take a break, I spend it by being forced to practice with others, occasionally staring at the scenery outside comfortably, and practicing magic.

In doing so, we finally arrive at a town in Sylford’s territory in the evening, and we were able to leisurely spend our time in a town.

And on the fourth day, after a few hours of being jolted around inside the carriage. We finally arrived at Bern village in Sylford’s territory, where Eric lives.

As our carriage try to proceed through the big road, an old man in butler clothes get off a horse and called out to us.

Behind the butler are strong-looking men with weapons and armor, and there is a sword crest in their equipment, so it was apparent that they are people connected with Eric’s family.

「We have been expecting you. Baron Slowlett, I presume?」

「Aah, that’s right」

Hearing the question from the butler as he smile - with a friendly smile on his face -, Nord-tousan calmly nodded as he answer.

There is a Dragon coat of arms depicted in the carriage in such a big way. So there’s no room for doubt about who we are.

「I am a butler serving the Sylford house, my name is Larg (Largoラルゴ). And these people are the escorts employed by the Sylford house」

When the butler called Larg introduced himself while bowing his head, the strong-looking men behind him also lowered their heads with a well-organized movement.

I wonder if they normally practice that movement for this kind of occasion?

「I’m extremely honored to be able to meet the famous Dragon Slayer 」

「I’m not such an amazing person. I know this is abrupt, but can you guide us to Sylford’s house?」

Hearing the sudden passionate words from the butler, Nord-tousan urges him to guide us while having a wry smile on his face.

Guess you’ll also get sick of it if you keep getting this kind of reaction every time you stop in a village or town.

「Certainly. Then, I will guide you to the mansion」

Perhaps the butler sensed the subtle meaning in Nord-tousan’s question that he then mounted his horse and went to the front and lead the carriage. Then, the strong-looking men began to move around our carriage as though to surround it.

「We, as the Dragon Slayer’s sons are also honored to meet you」

「……puh, stop it Al」

Sylvio-niisan unconsciously laugh, when I said that as if using Larg-san’s words.

「And such an honorable father thought of an intense training menu for his beloved sons. I hope you all work really hard」


As we were laughing foolishly at the joke, we immediately become speechless after hearing such words coming from Nord-tousan.

Even when we look dumbfounded by his remark, Nord-tousan only grins.

Though he’s smiling gently at us, a pressure of unknown nature is boring down on us.

「「Un, understood」」

That was the only thing we could say in response.

We make our way to Bern village while being guided by the butler.

Perhaps it’s due to the fact that we arrived in a new village that I, Sylvio-niisan, Mina, and Eleonora-neesan are curiously looking at the scenery through the window of the carriage.

The houses where people live are painted white, maybe because it’s located close to the sea, just like the port city Esport. They may have the effect of protecting the houses from the salty sea wind blowing from the sea.

The number of houses is relatively large, and it seems like the population is twice that of Koryatt village.

But it’s peaceful, without the bustle like Esport and it feels like a rural area that was surrounded by the sea and mountains.

「Such a big river」

Sylvio-niisan - who is looking at the scenery through the window - raises his voice as though he is impressed with the scenery.

There is a large river flowing near the road we are taking, and it has continued since a while ago. It’s so large that you can’t compare it with the river in Koryatt village.

「It also has such an impressive bridge! I think it’s bigger than the one in the royal capital!」

At the place where Mina’s finger pointed to as she said that in excitement is a bridge made of stone, drawing a splendid arch that crossed the river. It’s interesting enough just by looking at it, perhaps it’s also due to the decorations on the bridge.

「Maybe, this river is connected to the sea I guess」

「Sea, huh」

「Sea, eh」

When I said that, Sylvio-niisan and Mina stared at the river before us as if they were thinking about something.

They are probably looking forward to it since the two of them have never seen the sea before.

On the other hand, Eleonora-neesan is quietly sitting there with her arms folded, maybe she had already lost interest in the scenery outside. She probably wants to quickly arrive and practice with her sword.

Though it would be fine if you would show a bit more interest and enjoy the scenery outside.

While we keep on looking at the scenery outside, the villagers outside are also looking at us as well. If there is a carriage being guided by the butler and escorted by the guards of Sylford house and what’s more bearing the Dragon coat of arms on it passing through, eyes will naturally gather on us……

「Mom, look! That carriage has a Dragon’s crest!」


「Baron Slowlett the Dragon Slayer must be riding on that carriage」

That kind of voice kept happening everywhere we pass through.

I’m curious about the scenery outside but I can’t stand it if I were to be mistaken for the Dragon Slayer. Sylvio-niisan and I quietly move away from the window and stopped looking outside.

After that, we were sitting quietly while being rocked inside the carriage for some time. Then the carriage that was moving through the road stopped. Apparently, we have arrived at Eric’s mansion.

The door of the carriage is opened, and we see the butler - Larg - respectfully bow to us.

「We have arrived. The servants will bring in the carriage and luggage properly inside」

「I understand. I will leave it to you」

「Well then, please mind your steps」

With Larg standing by near the door, and Nord-tousan is the first one to get off the carriage.

He has such a dignified appearance as he gets off that just seeing it alone made the viewers admire him and can feel the dignity of the head of a noble family.

After that is Elna-kaasan, who gracefully got off the carriage using the prepared carriage’s steps while borrowing Larg-san’s hand. No matter how you look at her, her figure as she steps down is so excellent and ladylike.

Then the next head of the family - Sylvio-niisan - resolutely gets off the carriage without taking Larg-san’s help. Even though he doesn’t have the same impact and aura as Nord-tousan, you can feel the refined grace from him.

……I wonder why. It becomes something like a show of this family’s style. From my point of view - who has the least style as a noble -, I can only think of this as a public execution though……

However, there is my sister right beside me, boasting the lowest ratio of femininity. Although she has the style of a noble, she is weak with this type of conduct. Or rather, it’s certain!

Though Eleonora-neesan insists that she has perfect etiquette when she was attending the party at that royal capital, I’m sure that she is actually lying. So she shouldn’t be able to do it in real-time if she can’t do it normally.

So I jokingly say to her, to distract me from the nervousness.

「Eleonora-neesan, you can’t jump off from the carriage here, okay?」

「I know. I’m not like Al, I won’t show any impolite appearance outside」

After Eleonora-neesan said that - seemingly confident in herself -, she tensed up her expression and start moving outside with a cold look on his face.

Then, she took Larg’s arm - as he respectfully held out his hand - with a polite smile on her face, and slowly got off the carriage with a beautiful gesture I’d never seen before.

「T, traitor……」

I blurted out such a hoarse remark as I can’t believe the spectacle happening right in front of me.

I can’t believe that Eleonora-neesan can make the same level of conduct as Elna-kaasan. Actually, we haven’t reached Eric’s mansion yet and I’m probably still sleeping and dreaming about this situation, right? It’s more realistic to think about it like that.

And what’s with the polite smile. That Eleonora-neesan, she can even make that kind of expression?


As I stiffen in place like that, I heard the faint sound of someone clearing his throat coming from the direction of the door.

Hearing that, I suddenly came to my senses and headed for the door even while being nervous.

「Do you need help?」

「No, it’s okay. But thank you for the offer」

As I told him my gratitude with double meaning in them, Larg-san grins and bow.

How nice, I also want to have this kind of thoughtful butler.

As I go down the stairs for the carriage while thinking of such a thing, I join with the other family members that had already gotten off before.

There was an atmosphere that seems to be reproaching me drifting in the air, but it looks like it\'s going to be embarrassing to argue about it here so it only stopped at exasperated expressions.

But, I mean, it’s unthinkable for Eleonora-neesan to have the conduct like a noble young lady! Why didn’t you tell me before if you can do that!

As I was shouting like that in my mind, Mina finally came down from the carriage with the help of Larg-san and join us.

Then, Larg-san slowly closes the door of the carriage, and the other servants come out and moved the carriage with Row-san to park it.

「Well then, I will guide you to the mansion」

Guided by Larg-san, we walk toward the mansion in front of us.

Eric’s mansion is a little bigger than ours. It’s not as gaudy as the mansion of the nobles in the royal capital but, it gave the image of a sturdy-looking building that put emphasis on practicality.

The servants that were standing by at the solemn-looking door opened it and we enter inside.

Contrary to the outward appearance of the mansion, the inside is unexpectedly bright and the space seems to be spacious. The ceiling appears far and wide, I guess it’s because of the especially high ceiling.

As we enter the entranceway, Larg-san walks down the corridor at just the right pace, neither too fast nor too slow.

Then, he came to a stop in front of a door in the back and knock on it.

「Egar-sama (エーガル) this is Larg. I bring the guests-sama of the Slowlett family」


After hearing the stern answer coming from inside the room, Larg-san opens the door with a polite gesture and encourages us to enter.

And finally, when we enter the room with the same order as we got off the carriage just now, there were all members of the Sylford’s house - along with Eric - waiting inside.

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