Pet King

Chapter 1454: This Thing Can’t be Learned

Chapter 1454: This Thing Can’t be Learned

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

For those people whom people have met only once or twice in their lives, people often remember the other person by their profession, rather than remembering the person’s face. However, it is better to remember the person’s entirety- from the face to the figure, from his or her temperament to his or her clothing. This is especially important for clothing with distinctive professional characteristics, such as police uniforms, nurse uniforms, restraint uniforms...and of course, this is including nun uniforms.

The things in a dream are easy to forget after a person wakes up, and when Zhang Zian met the priest in his dream, his attention was paid more to his clothes and occupation. He paid little to no further attention to the priest’s face, leaving only a vague impression in his mind.

No wonder, when he claimed to be working in Binhai City, his choice of words were ambiguous. This is because, to be precise, the priest could not be counted as a profession, let alone be a job. They were not serving a boss, but serving...their supreme God.

“Are you...the priest of Nancheng District Church?” Zhang Zian confirmed.

The middle-aged man was not deliberately concealing his identities, but most Chinese atheists do not necessarily believe in his god, so he always keeps a low profile as much as possible after leaving the church to avoid discomfort to others. This is to prevent disputes from arising. won’t be long before the plane is about to leave China.

The middle-aged man smiled and stretched out his hand to Zhang Zian. “My name is Chris, Chris Young.”

Zhang Zian politely shook hands with the other party, hesitating for a while on whether to call himself Zhang Zian or Jeff Zhang and finally chose the former.

“Do you mind if I ask? Are you Chinese or...” he asked curiously because even if the Chinese have an English name, they will say the Chinese name when introducing themselves to another Chinese person. After all, this is not the capital’s central business district, where there are numerous Nicole Jude Zhao and Oliver Douglas Liu...

Coupled with the other’s special identity, he has reason to suspect that the other party is not Chinese.

Sure enough, Father Yang admitted frankly: “I was born in China, I went to Belgium with my parents when I was young, grew up there and became a citizen, then converted when I was studying at Ghent University in Belgium before returning to China a few years ago.”

Father Yang Yang was very candid. He told his experiences in depth. For ordinary people, when they first meet with a stranger, they are afraid to talk in-depth, and often do not talk about their own past in such detail.

Zhang Zian moved his lips slightly, trying to respond, but Richard, who had been silent up till just now, suddenly imitated his voice and spoke.

“In fact, I almost entered Ghent University,” it said.

“Oh?” It was Father Yang’s turn to be stunned this time, “Really? However, later, you changed your mind?”

Zhang Zian was also stunned. This was the first time he heard about Ghent University, what bad water does this little bird want to drink? He knew that no matter how much it begged, later on, it would have to be locked in the phone.

However, since the situation is as is right now, he can only smile and keep up the act.

Richard sighed and hurriedly said, “Because I found out that things like ‘generally big’ cannot be learned.”

Zhang Zian: “...”

He was obviously so angry that he was about the explode, now he can only awkwardly smile across his face.

Father Yang: “... hehe.”

Both of them are awkward because this kind of joke is not suitable for telling an orthodox clergy.

Fortunately, the plane began to taxi on the runway, reminding passengers not to leave the seat and turning off the wireless connection on their mobile phone. It helps to dissipate the awkwardness, and it did not last very long.

The airplane taxied faster and faster, and with a sharp pull, the heavy body left the ground and plunged into the arms of the blue sky.

The atmosphere in the cabin slightly relaxed, but the aircraft has not yet flown into the stratosphere. It may be affected by the airflow and cause bumps, and one cannot leave the seat.

Father Yang spoke again and switched the topic, “Mr. Zhang, is San Francisco, your destination, or a transit stop?”

“Destination,” Zhang Zian replied.

Father Yang frowned inconceivably. “May I ask if you are visiting San Francisco for visiting relatives, visiting friends, working, or just for vacation?”

“It’s a vacation trip. You should know that Binhai City is too hot right now, and I just have the time recently to go there and take a break from the summer heat,” Zhang Zian said. This time around, this is not a deception.

Father Yang nodded, “Okay, but...Although San Francisco is a good place, it can be messy at times, so be careful, especially if you go out at night.”

“I know I’ll be careful.”

Zhang Zian knows that he was not trying to be an alarmist. Compared with Binhai City, the United States that does not ban guns is a very dangerous place. He heard that vicious incidents such as robbery easily happen in San Francisco at night. It may not be a joke that you may indeed lose your life because you cannot pay for it when you are robbed.

So, he made up his mind to avoid going out at night when he was in San Francisco, telling himself that San Francisco is not New York or Los Angeles, and there is nothing fun to fo at night.

“Father Yang, are you familiar with San Francisco?” He thought of Jiang Feifei’s request. Although he felt that there was not much hope, he still asked. Perhaps, there may be a certain aquarium that asked Father Yang to bless it?

“I’m not very familiar.” Father Yang shook his head. “I personally don’t like the United States very much. I have to go because of something.”


Zhang Zian was a little disappointed. He didn’t ask what was the matter, because he estimated that it was something related to the church. Otherwise, what else could a priest who is separated from the common world do?


Father Yang stopped talking.

“What else?” Zhang Zian asked.

Father Yang had a grim look, and glanced around, lowering his voice and saying, “Also, it is my personal suggestion. When traveling in San Francisco and the north of it, if you can find a companion, it is best to go with that person and avoid being alone.”

This surprised Zhang Zian. Is law and order in San Francisco so bad?

Or did he got on a flight to Afghanistan by mistake?

“Why?” He asked.

Father Yang hesitated a little, saying, “This is because of the frequent coyote attacks in San Francisco and the northern region. Several witnesses claimed that they saw small coyotes attacking small animals, including cats and dogs, and even...there are reports of coyotes attacking humans, but it hasn’t caused casualties, but you certainly don’t want to be the first, right? ”

“Coyotes?” Zhang Zian was really shocked. “Coyotes? In San Francisco?”

Father Yang nodded slowly, “It stands to reason that coyotes generally do not actively attack humans, but in the witness reports we received, witnesses claimed that the coyotes looked like they were crazy and were not afraid of people at all. When humans are walking their cats or dogs, if they refused to abandon their pets, the coyotes will even rush up to attack the human...and there is more than one such coyote in the area.”

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