Almighty Summoner System

Chapter 197 - A Profitable Business?

Ban panted a little as he delivered the final blow to his enemy. After a while, his breathing stabilized as the passive ability of Greed took effect. 

Ban looked around and after confirming that no one was looking, he hurriedly searched their body and obtained a grand total of 18,000 Gold Coins. The 16,500 must be the Gold Coins he used to buy the Beast Cores while the remaining Gold Coins must be their own money. 

Anyways, Ban did not feel anything as he searched their bodies. He looted every valuable item on their body before proceeding to store them in one corner of his Dimensional Storage to avoid the other items getting dirtied by their blood. 

From one of their Storage Pouches, Ban managed to find a transparent liquid. After letting the System inspect it, he learned that it was actually a potion, especially used to lure beast. 

They only need to smear it on an item and let the beast take that item. With the smell of the potion, the beast would then move unknowingly towards the direction of the \'parent\' liquid. And of course, this potion works too well on humans who have lower resistance to potions than Beasts.

\'It looks like I was influenced by my smell this time. They must have smeared it on the Beast Cores and deliberately lured me over here. I hope the System rewards me with something that can detect something like this in the future.\' Ban thought and wished at the same time. 

He already has a Skill that can detect sound-based skills and effects, obtaining a Skill that can detect smell-based skills and effects should also not be a problem.

Ban no longer lingered in the area as he walked back towards the direction he came from earlier. With the influence of that liquid, Ban unconsciously walked here. Now that he was already aware of it, the effect naturally came off. 

After a while, he finally returned to the blackmarket area. 

Ban did not immediately walk away as he went towards the inner area of the blackmarket again. 

He just obtained 18,000 Gold Coins, it would be quite a waste if he didn\'t use it to buy Beast Cores. 

However, before he bought another Beast Cores, he first sold the useless items that he looted from the two guys earlier for a total of 700 Gold Coins including the low quality storage pouches.

Including his previous Gold Coins, Ban now has a total of 19332 Gold Coins and 83 Silver Coins. 

Using that Gold Coins, he bought another 2 F-Apprentice Rank Beast Cores and another 1 E-Elite Rank Beast Cores for a little discounted price. 

Ban was very careful this time. He inspected the Beast Cores first and even asked the System to inspect it if there\'s something malicious smeared on it. And nly when he confirmed that it was safe that he paid for it. 

To be honest, Ban was also secretly hoping for another robbing incident. It seems profitable that way, even more profitable than being a Monster Doctor. 

However, he shook his head a while later as that thought was quite dangerous. It would only be profitable if he managed to live in the end. 

Who knows, he might encounter a strong Summoner next time he gets robbed.

Anyways, after battling those two earlier. Ban managed to confirm some things. 

The battle style of the summoners, and the hesitation of the monster when facing him.

The battle style of the summoners was really cowardly in his own opinion. They will send their Summon to battle and try to stay as far away as possible while commanding their summons to attack. 

The weapons on their hands will only be used when they are in imminent danger and they aren\'t even well-practiced in close combat and even a little self defense. 

Of course, he was also not sure if it was the case for other summoners as well but he just assumed it as it is for now. 

The hesitation on the Summons\' attack towards him… Ban only thought of one possibility. 

Which was the Almighty Summoner Title. 

According to its description, Beast and Monsters will be more friendly to him. However, from what he observed previously, Beast would still try to attack as soon as they saw him so he thought that it might be a different term of being friendly. 

However, after thinking about it, it seems that what it meant was that they will be more hesitant to attack him. 

He managed to confirm it just earlier. This thing also needs further observation so he would still not lower his guard during combat. 

After readjusting his perception about his title, Ban finally managed to get out of the Blackmarket and the Adventurers Marker successfully. 

He no longer wasted any more time in the area as he rented a carriage towards the Adventurers Guild. 

He wanted to check if there\'s a Quest that he might be able to complete along the way to the Death Swamp. 

Unfortunately, he was only disappointed in the end. There was actually an available quest but the reward was so little that he even wondered if the Quest issuer still had some money on them. 

However, it was not that his trip to the Adventurers Guild was wasted. 

While there, he heard an interesting piece of news. 

Apparently, the mysterious family, the Glorious Panda family, exterminated more than 100 Dark Guild members yesterday night. 

According to what he heard, one of the receptionists was also killed, and evidence of her being a member of the Dark Guild was also provided on the scene. 

Apparently, bodies were piled up in front of the Adventurers Guild this morning, as if it was a kind of warning from the Glorious Panda family. 

Although the Adventurers Guild cleaned it up almost immediately, there were still a lot of people who saw it. 

At that time, fifty cloaked persons who were wearing a black green masks appeared at the same time in front of the Adventurers Guild. 

Ten of them went forward, waved their hands in the air and bodies were then piled up in front of them almost immediately. 

After they did that, they immediately retreated amongst the crowd before they disappeared completely. 

During that time, everyone was definitely dumbfounded. 

Not only with the multiple dead bodies, but also due to the re-emergence of the Glorious Panda Family.

According to the gossip, the staff of the Adventurers Guild hurriedly disposed of the bodies, as if they were afraid of the blood staining the floors in front of the Guild.

Hearing this piece of news, Ban could not help but be secretly happy and curious at the same time. 

He was happy, because as of recently, he seemed to have encountered the Dark Guilds more than once already. 

He was afraid that he might have been targeted by them so with the interference of the Glorious Panda this time, their attention should now be casted to them. 

At the same time, Ban also grew more and more curious about this mysterious family. 

When he tried to gather information about them before in the public library, he would always encounter a blockade, as if some of their records was purposely erased. 

And when asked about them, the answers would always be the same. 

"They are a good family who disappeared a few years ago." 

There are even times that when they tried to talk about them, there will be beep sound occurring all of a sudden, especially if they talked about some of their important information. 

For example, 

"According to my sources, the patriarch of the Glorious Panda family was actually *beep, and their hideout is located in the *beep." 

Sometimes, even the word, Glorious Panda would also be \'beeped\' by that annoying sound. 

When Ban inquired about those sounds, the local would only answer that it was called a censor. 

After learning the meaning of censor and censored, Ban immediately felt hostile towards it. 

He felt that something like that shouldn\'t exist and that it was only blocking the curiosity and happiness of some people. 

Anyways, Ban immediately left the Adventurers Guild after listening to those news. 

He suddenly felt free as his worry about the Dark Guild has been somehow partially cleared for now. 

Ban ran towards the library this time to borrow some books again. He also returned the books he already finished reading. At the same time, he also found some books that talks about the legends in the Death Swamp hoping that he might obtain some clue on the Pure River Water there.

After he was done, he did not linger any longer and immediately left the library. 

Ban then searched for an abandoned alley and changed to his normal appearance. Eva was also feeling tired of being in her combat form for too long already. 

After changing, Ban decided to search for a place to eat first. And after he filled his stomach, he finally ran towards the West Direction of the Eagle City. The Death Swamp was located there.

After a few minutes of rest, Ban took a glance at the System daily mission completion but did not check it yet. He first searched for a carriage and told the driver to go towards the Death Swamp. 

After a few minutes, Ban finally decided to check the daily mission and the random item reward that he will get this time.

[Daily Mission Completed! 

Distributing rewards… 

Strength increased a little, stamina increased a little, endurance increased a little. 

Muscle has been compressed a little and some of the minor injuries were also healed. 

Reward, Random Item has been put in your Dimensional Storage, please check it.]

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