Almighty Summoner System

Chapter 171 - New Item: Dark Beetle Chest Armor

Ban felt elated upon reading those words. He searched for a place to sit before checking the random item reward he got from the daily mission. 

[Rewards distributed… 1x Random [Item]...

Congratulations, you\'ve gained the [Item] Dark Beetle Chest Armor.

The [Item] has been placed inside your Dimensional Storage!]

"Another insect related Item?" 

Ban did not think any more and accessed the Dimensional Storage with his consciousness. A new item was now present in one of the corners of the Dimensional Storage. He wanted to take it out but decided against it a moment later as he recalled that he was now in his normal outfit. 

He fought against his urge as he walked and entered the Adventurers Guild building to hand in the quest he took earlier. 

The quest he took was only a simple material searching quest. The quest issuer was looking for a particular herb that could only be found in the Yellow Desert. 

Ban checked the Book of Techniques and sure enough, the herb was recorded in there. As the herb was not rare, he decided to look around the Adventurers Market for it first. He recalled there was a herb shop near the entrance so he went there and managed to find one. 

He bought the herb for 20 Silver Coins and the quest issuer set the reward to 50 Silver Coins as long as he could complete the mission on the same day. 

Ban headed towards the same receptionist who confirmed the quest for him earlier and the receptionist in turn, called the person who issued the quest for verification. 

After a few moments, a young woman who has a black and long hair tied in her back. There was a huge black bird on her shoulder, it was clearly her summon. Upon closer look, one could see that the bird was injured on its left foot, hence the reason why it was only using one foot to perch on her shoulder. 

And what was more surprising to Ban was that he actually knew of her. He met her during that time when he was tasked to kill the Two-Tailed Rats by Boss Mario. It was Amanda, the woman who was at the hole during that exited the Two-Tailed Rat\'s nest.

"Eh? I didn\'t expect it would be you!" Amanda exclaimed in shock upon seeing that it was Ban. 

She could not forget about him ever since she saw the scene underground. Ever since then, she kept on thinking if it was really him who killed all of those rats. However, she concluded that it should not be possible as he still looked very young. She guessed that there might be someone who was also there during that time and it was only a coincidence. 

"Me either, didn\'t you say you\'re already a Silver Rank adventurer? Why did you still issue a quest like this when you can just do it on your own?" Ban said.

"Well, things happened. I\'m very busy at the moment and besides, a few silver coins really isn\'t much for a Silver Rank Adventurer like me. I earn at least 10 Gold Coins, you know?" Amanda puffed her chest feeling proud of her wealth. 

Ban just shook his head feeling amused at her actions. 

\'You\'re ambition is too shallow for you to be so proud after earning something like that,\' Ban could not help but laugh. Nevertheless, he did not say it out loud as to others, he was only earning less than 10 Gold Coins a day as a Wood Rank Adventurer.

"It seems that you two are already familiar with each other… Please confirm the completion of the quest so that I can now hand the reward to the quest accepter," the receptionist smiled towards them as she reminded them of the quest. 

Ban took out the herb he bought and placed it on the table for Amanda to see. 

Amanda looked at it and a few moments later a frown appeared on her face as she looked at Ban before smiling apologetically towards him, "I\'m sorry but it seems that you got the wrong herb…" 

Ban was shocked upon hearing her words. He observed the herb he took and then took the quest paper to verify if he really got mistaken. 

"The quest request was to get a Glint Flower Root right?"

"Yes, but unfortunately, what you got was not the Glint Flower Root. The Glint Flower Root is dark pink in color. The one you got was lighter in color and it even has that shining luster that doesn\'t really appear in a Glint Flower Root," Amanda explained. 

Ban accessed the System and told it to inject all the knowledge regarding the Glint Flower Root directly into his brain. 

A while later, he finally understood why Amanda said that it wasn\'t the Glint Flower Root.

"Actually, the one I got is really the Glint Flower Root. The one you mentioned is an immature Glint Flower Root while the one that I got is a fully matured one. In fact, the name Glint Flower Root was actually taken from its appearance that will produce a \'glint\' once it fully matures…"                               

Ban proceeded to explain detailed information of the Glint Flower Root to her. 

Amanda was still suspicious so Ban turned towards the receptionist and said, "Don\'t the Guild have any record about this type of root, can you verify it for us?" 

The receptionist nodded her head and immediately went to the upper floor to take something. 

She returned a while later with a book in her hand. 

She flipped it open and presented to them the full description of the Glint Flower Root. 

And as expected, Ban was right and even provided some information that was not recorded in the book. 

Amanda could only apologize to him and even offered him another 50 Silver Coins as compensation for doubting him and for the fact that what he got was more useful than the immature one. 

With that, Ban earned a total of 1 Gold Coin from her. Ban could only pretend that he was happy earning such a low amount in front of Amanda and the receptionist. 

He needs to complete a wood rank quest in order to not get suspected. He also wanted to take it one step at a time so that when the time comes that he needs to discard the \'Leon\' persona, his original persona would already be at least in the Silver Rank so that he could still do high earning quests.

Ban immediately left the Adventurers Market after he received the reward. He then took a carriage and went home early. 

Kuys requested for him to come home early. He was indebted to Kuys for taking care of him so he naturally could not decline on his request. 

After a few minutes, he finally arrived in front of the Kuys Bar. 

As usual, it was bustling with activity and it was even busier than when he arrived home during the night. 

Ban could observe that some of the adventurers who were either dining or drinking were still somewhat dirty. It was apparent that they just came back from adventuring.

A few Adventurers noticed his entrance and decided to look away immediately after seeing that it was only him. 

Ban did not waste any time on them as he went towards the counter where Kuys was at. 

Kuys had already discovered him the moment he entered the Kuys Bar. As usual, he waved his hands towards Ban and beckons for him to come over. 

"How\'s the day Ban-kiddo?" Kuys asked with a smile. 

"It was good, I managed to earn 1 Gold Coin today…" Ban answered truthfully.

"Oh… that\'s a good harvest for a Wood Rank Adventurer like you… here get a snack first you must be tired from adventuring…" Kuys smiled and offered him a black drink that looked like it was boiling due to the small bubbles that kept on popping around it.

"What\'s this?" Ban asked as it was his first time seeing this kind of drink being served in the Bar.

"It\'s called a soda. I managed to obtain its recipe a few years ago but I was only successful in making it today…" Kuys said proudly. 

He raised his hands and called one of the waitresses over. 

Who knows if it was intentional but it was actually Emilia who came over with a cold and emotionless face. 

"Here, sit beside him and try this new drink that I just made earlier…" Kuys took three more cups and filled it with soda before serving it to Eva, Emilia and her Monster, Server Monkey.

Ban looked over and met Emilia\'s dull gaze in the middle. 

For a moment, Ban somehow managed to see her lips raise slightly upwards before she nodded her head lightly towards him before taking a seat beside him. 

\'Did she just smile?\' 

Ban was suddenly at a loss for words as he didn\'t know if it was just his imagination or it was really real. It was also his first time seeing Emilia take the initiative on greeting him. He could only nod his head in response as he stared back at the bubbling black soda on his hand. 

At the same time, Kuys was already secretly laughing as he saw their short exchange. He could not help but let out a slight giggle as he turned around with a strange smile. 

"Come on, stop observing it and start drinking now, no worries it doesn\'t have any alcohol content and it\'s like a juice but in a different flavor and texture," Kuys kept the smile to himself as he urged them to drink the soda he just created. 

Ban just shrugged his shoulder as he finally took a little sip of the new drink called soda. 

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