Shut up: You, Nymphomaniac Evil Sword

Chapter 192 - One Nine Two

the chapters will be updated and edited later,

The first thought that came to his mind, when he heard his grandfather mention his father was of the face of the well built middle aged man with long mustaches, who disciplined him with an iron cane when he used to practice spear as a child.

This middle aged man who was renowned as the invisible spear was also a commander, the current commander of the Air base Xavion his father.

Xeander didn\'t have the courage to retort to his grandfather after he mentioned his father so he had to endure all the reprimand in silence with a bowed head, while silently cursing the real culprit behind this whole incident, Dror.


While On the planet Grey, an unknown battle ship entered its atmosphere .

The planet Grey was a deserted planet famous for its grey sand desert.

Nothing much grew on this planet other than a few mines that were operated by some big corporation or families and the mine workers and their families.

Most of the rest of places other than the surroundings of the mines were lawless lands, and the survivors of these lawless lands were more or less criminals and runaways.

In a place called the stone garden which was part of the lawless land, A middle aged man was leading a group of 8 people and 5 of them including the leader were in the True warrior realm.

The middle aged man wore a silver vest armor that was full of scratches and other marks, along with a saber on his waist and a very long modern gun on his back, he had uncut hair and beard that made him appear like a barbarian.

The Rest of the team members also looked like ragtag warriors, with most of their equipment mismatching the rest of their accessories.

A very thin man with light red hair and long hands and legs like that of a monkey appeared before the leader from the front.

The leader spoke " How is it monkey did you find it…"

The man called monkey had an evil grin, and he licked his lips slightly when he replied " Yes, leader I have already located them, They are towards the north east… But their numbers are a little more than we were informed ...There are around twelve soldiers in the True warrior realm.."

The leader paused and replied " Madonna  get back to the contact and say either double our pay or we are not taking any action… By the way, the people from the Lomba family will be arriving soon. We need to finish this fast…."

Of Course this was the mercenary group known as the desert scorpion.

Their leader Leonard was a well known warrior in the peak of True warrior realm in the mercenary circles, known as the merciless butcher.


Few days passed by as today. In the Air base, Dror was standing along with his 100 men in front of the three people and two 3D projections. 

Among the hundred men there were eight True warriors excluding Dror and the rest were all almost in the ninth level of the warrior realm.

The Earth base commander , Lady Raven and Minister of War along with the projection of the king and the prime minister, were checking out  the soldiers standing before them.

The King looked at the men standing before him with a pleased expression and spoke.

" I don\'t have any big speech prepared for you… I can see that all of you are determined and will give your all in this war challenge, but remember that there is no shame in retreating if the circumstances are against you, we have already sacrificed many citing different reasons…. I wish all of you the best, may the hopes and the best wishes of the ordinary people and the entire rebel forces guide you to your victory…"

Dror along with his men bowed and gave a salute to the king in respect.

The four seniors also bowed and showed respect to the king.

It wasn\'t long before Dror along with his 100 men entered one of the biggest battleships of the rebel forces and departed the Air base.

Dror was really excited about the space travel along with some of the soldiers who were leaving the planet for the first time.

Even though the battle ship took warp after leaving the base immediately, the Battle ship was not the top end or high class one that could make a direct jump to their destination.

They had to make small jumps and take time before reaching the destination.

Dror was really excited about the whole experience, a gleeful smile couldn\'t escape from his face.

For someone who has never been to space this was a really wonderful experience to watch the planets and heavenly bodies from an entirely different view or perspective.

But he was sad about the fact that the battle ship had a gravity manipulator, that made it feel like they were still on the planet with only some minute difference and for this reason he missed an opportunity to experience the gravity less environment.

It didn\'t take them much time to finally reach their destination. It was a huge planet at least 10 times bigger than the good old earth.

Along with it beyond the atmosphere of the planet itself stood  all kinds of humongous technological construction; some seemed like humongous space stations and battleships that were a 100 times bigger than the current battle ship of the rebel force in which they were travelling .

Dror couldn\'t close his mouth for some time after watching this humongous construction of space stations and similar other construction.

This was nothing less than an advanced science fiction movie setup.

The sheer awe of watching something as wonderful as this in reality made him awestruck for a while.

Xeander who was besides him showed a knowing smile, He could only remince his past when he himself first visited this planet for the first time and how awe stricken he was about the whole event along with his brothers.

Remembering the past also brought him an immense grief that slowly turned into anger and hatred, and later into determination.

While Dror was still awe stricken and slowly cursed in amazement " fu*k… can technological development really reach such heights… "

Dror watched as their now small battleship docked on one of the so-called humongous Docking stations.

Ones they departed from the space ship Dror was like a curious child who had visited the Disney land for the first time, he couldn\'t stop his eyes from wandering all around the place.

The situation of the other soldiers who were experiencing something like this for the first time was not any better, but everyone could see that Dror was the real village boy here.

It took some time for Dror to come back to himself and he observed the soldiers who were checking their credentials, these kinds of matters were left with Xeander to deal with.

Even the invitation for the War challenge was with Xeander, Dror hadn\'t even looked at it properly even once.

Dror observed the soldiers who were checking the credential, all of them were in true warrior realm and the full armors that they wore gave out a pressure that could not be easily avoided, Dror could easily feel that these were at least top grade magical artifacts.

Dror could only sigh in his heart 

" These are the ordinary soldiers of the Empire, I can\'t believe that even the ordinary soldiers are so powerful. 

They are able to completely seal their aura, but I can still feel an immense pressure just from their calm gazes.

How strong would their elite soldiers be if the ordinary guards are like this.

Their discipline is also of the highest degree, they don\'t even flinch while on duty…. I wonder how strong the Empire really is… and this whole place is only a strong hold of the empire… What will the capital really look like then… hmph.."

As Dror was immersed in his thoughts the whole company entered into the space station.

Even Though Dror was the person in the lead , it was Xeander who was beside him who was guiding him, as he had been here before.

Only a few space ships with special permission or status were allowed direct entry into the planet, the rest had to Dock their ships outside the planet at the docking station, which was also nothing less than a small continent with all kinds of markets and amenities available.

  To enter the planet they have to use one of the space ships that were arranged to take people into the planet. But as they were about to reach those space ships they met with another group of people.

And as Dror\'s group met with the opposite group, there was a sudden silence and the whole atmosphere turned fierce and still.

Soldiers who couldn\'t hold back started emitting killing intent.

The opposite group which was also led by a young man had a very similar reaction.

Of course enemies does meet on narrow paths.

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