Rise My Elementals!

Chapter 744 - Osborne Versus Selina Part 1

Chapter 744 Osborne versus Selina part 1

Author: M_W Cancer

Proofreader: M_W Miss Fierce

At this moment, Osborne and Selina prepared themselves for their fight against each other. Selina took out her sword and equipped herself with the 5-Star level armor she had once used during her fight against Faye in the first round. On the other hand, Osborne used every passing second to recuperate more stamina and energy.

Finally, the staff asked, "Are you both ready?"

"Always been born ready," Osborne responded.

"I have long been waiting for our fight," Selina put her hand forward and taunted Osborne.

"Since both of you are ready, then you may begin!" The staff announced the start of the battle as he then quickly distanced himself to a safe enough location.

Hearing the staff\'s announcement, both Osborne and Selina swiftly lunged themselves towards each other.


Soon, a loud explosion echoed throughout the stage as Osborne and Selina\'s weapon clashed with one another. It was right after followed by a series of metal hitting against metal sound.

Clang! Clang! Clang! Clang! Clang!

A few moments later, Osborne and Selina suddenly jumped away from each other. 

"So, they are finally done accessing the other\'s current state," Leo remarked.

"It is now time for the main show," Edgar Pierce murmured a similar thought as Guild Leader Loki.

In the next moment, Osborne and Selina lunged themselves towards each other once again.


This time, a series of loud explosions sounded everything Osborne and Selina exchanged their attacks. Their clashing was so intense that fierce wind would blow outward every time they clashed, and a few of the tiles on the stage got damage, with a few pieces of stones getting cut off.

Even the staff who was standing nearby couldn\'t help himself from flying a bit more distance away from Osborne and Selina, lest he would get himself involved in their intense fight and cause some unnecessary trouble to the two that might affect the final outcome of their fight. Anyways, with his cultivation level, he could still view clearly their fight even if he was standing in the spectators\' stand. The only reason he is this close is to get in time and prevent any accidents from happening, for example, the death of a participant. After all, they are very strict with regards to such an important matter, especially considering the fact that all the participants in the Battle Competition are geniuses of their respective forces. Also, if one of them dies, it would undoubtedly affect many things in the future.

"I didn\'t expect that you\'d be this strong, Selina," Osborne expressed, a bit surprised.

"This is not yet my full strength," Selina jumped a few meters away. She gathered some Mana on her sword upon landing on the ground and soon cast, "Flaming Slash!"


A crescent wave of fire swiftly shoots in Osborne\'s direction.

Seeing this, Osborne quickly cast, "Earth wall!"

Whoooosh! Whoooosh! Whoooosh!

A few earth walls have begun rising from the ground in a straight line.

Booom! Booom! Booom!

The earth walls that Osborne had created were immediately destroyed upon making contact with the Flaming Slash spell from Selina. As a result, there was no longer any shield protecting Osborne.

However, Osborne was already raising a shield when the last earth wall was destroyed. Thus, he wasn\'t wholly unprotected. 


Whooosh! Whooosh!

A loud explosion echoed all throughout the stage as Osborne received the Flaming Slash spell with his shield. Along with that explosion were a series of muffled sounds of fire being shoot towards different directions in front of Osborne, which immediately covered the ground in flames and charred it. While, these flames created smokes that blocked everyone\'s sight of Osborne, only allowing them to see a vague image of his tall figure under the cover of the thick smoke. 

"Did he lose?"

"Is it already over?"

"Was he defeated?"

Those were the questions that every spectator asked while watching the smoke that covered Osborne\'s figure.

Fortunately, it didn\'t take that long for their question to be answered.

Currently, Osborne was still standing with his shield raised up to block his front. Other than the surface of his shield getting charred a bit, nothing else was affected.

"Impressive!" Osborne muttered. He put the shield to the side and said, "But if you were expecting that was enough to take me down, then you are hugely mistaken,"

After saying that, Osborne raised his sword above his head before waving it towards the ground in full force while at the same time he cast, "Earth Split!"


The vast crack immediately appeared on the ground and swiftly made its way towards Selina\'s direction. Wherever the crack appeared, the land would right after split apart for a few meters wide, creating a long and deep crevasse.

Unlike the Flaming Slash spell, though, the Earth Split spell was significantly slower. Thus, Selina has a lot of time to jump away and escape from the range of the Earth Split spell.

But to Selina\'s surprised, a series of earth walls suddenly appeared around her, trapping her in the middle and preventing her from escaping away. The only escape route remaining is in front of her, where the Earth Split spell was going toward.

"When did you cast an Earth wall spell?" Selina wondered just when exactly did Osborne cast an Earth wall spell to trap her. Or did he perhaps cast it in advance without her knowing? The best time for that would be…

"During the time when I was momentarily covered in smoke. After all, it would be such a huge waste not to use that opportunity to my advantage, right?" Osborne responded.

"I didn\'t expect that an Orc would also possess such wisdom," Selina said in helplessness. Since things have already developed this way, then her only way to escape is to use another powerful Magic spell to counter the Earth Split spell.

Inserting her sword to the ground, Selina cast, "Vine rush!"

Whooooosh! Whooooosh! Whooooosh!

Thick vines appeared under Selina\'s feet and shot towards the direction of the incoming Earth Split spell.

"What can that even do to help you?!" Osborne sneered after seeing Selina\'s action. The Vine rush spell might be in the same level as his Earth Split spell, but when comparing the effect of the two, the latter is clearly much more effective. The reason for that is because the vines need a ground to be their foothold, but due to the Earth Split spell, all the grounds nearby Selina would get farther and farther away from her. Hence, her Vine Rush spell would be redirected towards another direction as the vines would follow the ground\'s trajectory.

"Just watch!" Selina responded dismissively.

"Suit yourself," Osborne shrugged his shoulder off.

Not long after, the Earth Split spell and the Vine rush spell clashed with each other. However, because they were of entirely different Magic Element and their characteristic could not counter each other. Thus, neither of the two was significantly affected. 

The Earth Split spell still continued moving towards Selina\'s direction. In contrast, the Vine Rush spell split apart following the ground that moved apart from each other. Though this still didn\'t change its momentum, as it still rushed towards Osborne\'s direction, albeit they are now coming from two different directions.

"Intending for a scissor attack? Unfortunately, that would still not do anything to me," Osborne said before spreading both of his hands to his two sides. Afterward, he cast, "Earth Sphere!"

Whoooosh! Whoooosh!

However, this Earth Sphere spell was distinctively different from the usual Earth Sphere spell as it didn\'t form a sphere shape from the ground. Instead, it formed into something akin to a wave.

With two wave-like earth walls blocking Osborne\'s sides, the Vine Rush spell was instantly stopped, unable to reach his location.

After stopping the Vine Rush spell, Osborne\'s attention quickly returned to Selina. He murmured, "Now, let me see what you intend to do," 


As soon as the Earth Split spell reached Selina, the ground underneath her immediately split apart. With no way to escape, her figure instantly started falling.

But what Osborne soon after saw when the ground underneath Selina\'s feet split apart instantly made him surprised. What appeared was a few intertwining roots that formed something like a stair leading back to the surface.

"How surprising!" Osborne was really not expecting for something like that to appear under Selina. No wonder she had cast a Vine Rush spell despite knowing already that it wouldn\'t be able to do that much to him. This was because it wasn\'t intended to attack him from the start, but instead, it was to create a foothold for her to land onto after falling and climb back up.

Nevertheless, nothing still changed on Osborne\'s expression. He raised his hand and pointed it towards the intertwining vines while saying, "But don\'t think that it would just be that easy for you to escape from my Earth Split spell!"

In the next moment, Osborne cast, "Fireball!"

Whooosh! Whooosh! Whoooosh!

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