Rise My Elementals!

Chapter 711 - The Battle Of Alliances Part 3

Chapter 711 The Battle of alliances part 3

Author: M_W Cancer 

Proofreader: M_W Miss Fierce 

"As you can see, even the four of them know clearly well just which choice is better between choosing your side and my side," Emir scoffed at Eben Nero for suggesting such a foolish proposition to the four players. 

If the four players from the weakest alliance really choose to join the alliance of the major Noble Households, then they would just become an easy pick once they finally end up defeating the alliance of the major independent Guilds. After all, even if they consider the possibility that a few of the nine players from the former\'s alliance would get eliminated in the fight, those remaining players could still easily defeat them. 

In addition to that, the weakest alliance should also consider the matter regarding the highly likely situation where they would merely end up becoming the cannon fodders of the alliance of the Noble Households. Meaning to say, they would become their pawns to achieve their goal and end up receiving nothing but pure scraps. 

"None of us are fools here as all of us are the leaders of our respective teams, though I strongly doubt that being the case when it comes to Eben Nero. No offense, but just looking at you, I no longer wonder why the Nero Noble Household is the weakest amongst the three major Noble Households in the Emerald Tree Kingdom. By the way, my name is Enos. And Emir, if that is really what you wish, then we will accept your proposition," An Elf from the weakest alliance expressed his thoughts and also introduced himself. 

"I agree!"

"Same thoughts,"


"We sincerely hope that you will consider cooperating with us instead of them," Enos said while bowing his head by a bit towards Emir. In his mind, he fully understood that contrary to choosing the alliance of the major Noble Households, the alliance of the major independent Guilds could clearly provide them with much better benefits. 

There are three reasons why;

First and foremost, since there are only seven players in the alliance of the major independent Guilds, in that case, there are three available slots for the four of them to share. That doesn\'t even include the remaining slots after the fight is over, as there would definitely be a few of the seven players that would get eliminated, which simply means to say that it is possible for each of them to have their very own slots for themselves at the end. Unlike the alliance of the major Noble Households, which only has one open slot, and a possibility of only having two or three available slots after winning. If that is the case, one of them would have to be left out, which, honestly speaking, is going to be really unfair for whoever that unlucky fellow is. 

Secondly, there is only a low possibility that they will become canon fodders for the alliance of the major independent Guilds, as there are only three-player differences between the two alliances. If the latter really thought of pulling such a stunt, then they wouldn\'t mind being eliminated together, which can definitely cause a lot of trouble on their side. 

Last but certainly not least, they are not people from the Noble Households in the Emerald Tree Kingdom, nor are they even in any sort of way related to any of them. Instead, they are members of Guilds as well. As such, it is much more beneficial for them if the alliance of the major independent Guilds would owe them a favor. 

In spite of such an unfavorable situation on their side, Edgar Pierce\'s expression still didn\'t change, implying that he was utterly unaffected by Emir\'s and Enos\' potential cooperation to fight against his alliance. He said, "I must admit that choosing Emir\'s alliance is indeed much more beneficial for your alliance, Enos. As a matter of fact, there is nothing better than choosing to be on their side. And if I were in your shoes, even I would also choose to do that,"

"See that, Eben Nero?" Enos looked at Eben Nero with an insulting look on his face. He explained, "That\'s the reason why the Pierce Noble Household is the strongest major Noble Household in the Emerald Tree Kingdom! Just look at him, he knows when to move forward, and he also knows when to take a step back and accept defeat!"

"Defeat?" Edgar Pierce asked in disbelief before letting out a hysterical laughter. It was as if he had just heard the most hilarious and ridiculous joke that he had ever heard in his entire life living in the Celestial World.

"Look, Edgar Pierce could even just laugh his defeat off as if it is merely nothing for him. I recommend that you should learn a thing or two from..." Enos was unable to finish his line as he shockingly noticed that Edgar Pierce was already right in front of him with a sword pointed towards his neck. 

Observing closely, Enos noticed that there is only a one-inch gap in between the tip of Edgar Pierce\'s sword and his neck right now, making him gulped down a mouthful of saliva, which he regretted for a short bit of time as he saw his Adam\'s apple slightly moving closer to the sword for a moment.

"Enos, do you happen to know why exactly we are called the Pierce Noble Household?" Edgar Pierce asked with a wide grin on his face. 

"I..." Enos doesn\'t know how he should respond to Edgar\'s question, fearing that he would accidentally get himself killed if he said something wrong.

Seeing that Enos was unable to say any proper word out of fear, thus Edgar Pierce chose to do the honor of answering his very own question himself, "That is because all members of our Noble Household are trained to use any type of bladed weapons from a very young age. I don\'t think you know this, but some of us even started learning despite only being one to three years old. And that\'s not all, because even after awakening our potential to become Mages, we still train in the art of bladed weapons, including this sword I am holding right now if you know what I mean,"

Edgar Pierce inched forward his sword, which created a tinny tiny wound on Enos\' neck, where little droplets of blood could soon be seen oozing out from it and dropping onto the collar of the armor he is wearing. He then muttered softly, "If only it wasn\'t because killing someone while in the middle of a conversation is a shameful action for us Elves, then I assure you that your body would have long already been lying on your own pool of blood right now,"

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