Tales Of The World Devouring Serpent

Chapter 492: Five Fleets

Chapter 492: Five Fleets

Translator: Yamir Moon


Judging from the current situation, the eighth heaven doesn’t want to participate too much in this mess, at least directly. They probably want to seek benefits in this incident.

“Since they are not monolithic, they will be much easier to deal with.”

Fang Yun couldn’t help but smile. The people in the eighth heaven are not monolithic. As long as any creature has intelligence and self-consciousness, then they must seek benefits and avoid harm for themselves.

Since this matter is not good for them, they will not cooperate wholeheartedly at all, they must all have underlying intentions.

Upon realizing this, Fang Yun also began to think of a plan. Maybe he could use these guys to rapidly evolve. From his current point of view, high-level battleships made of precious materials are even more precious than ordinary rock planets.

In the case of planets, basically, he can only swallow one per day. Not only due to its huge size and the time needs to grind it into energy and absorb it, but also the time spent in searching for it.

Due to their small size, he can swallow as many battleships as they can send.

It can be said that these battleships can quickly raise his level. Of course, he must be careful not to be harmed by the opponent.

The battleships that he is dealing with now are extraordinary. If he is too careless, they might just send a battleship full of explosive matter into his mouth, then detonate it, causing irreversible damage.

“Now, I need to know the whereabouts of those fleets.”

Since these guys want to hunt him down, it’s better for him to launch a counter-ambush, destroying all the other heavens’ battleships and leaving only the battleships of the eighth heaven behind.

In the past few days, Fang Yun continued to move forward, constantly searching for life and civilized planets, or fleets in space.

During this period, he also learned about the movements of those powerful heavens’ fleets. They have all arrived in the eighth heaven, and they are still gathering in the area where he had appeared before.

It’s just that if they keep searching in the areas he appeared in before, they will certainly have no gain. He is now millions of light-years away from the location of the previous battle, their search there is meaningless.

Of course, Fang Yun didn’t want to leave like this. He is planning to get a bit further away, then show up and create some commotion, playing around with those guys.

Of course, he will definitely escape before these guys can react and fly to his location. Now is not the time for a head-on battle.


In the silent space, there are a total of five huge fleets quietly moving. Of course, the distance between these fleets is far enough, but at the moment, they are in contact with each other.

Of these five fleets, two belong to the Eighth Heaven. They were sent to assist the other three fleets in searching for the track of the giant serpent.

The other three fleets belong to the seventh heaven, sixth heaven, and fifth heaven.

They have been wandering in this space area for three months, but they hadn’t found any trace of the great serpent up to now.

Not only that, even the monitors placed around by the eighth heaven didn’t capture any useful information.

Fang Yun had already noticed the existence of these monitors a few months ago. At first, he didn’t care about them, hence, his traces might have been captured.

But now, he will definitely not stupidly show up again.

“Damn it, Otto, have you noticed anything over there?”

There was a holographic projection in front of Otto, and in this projection, a person with a gloomy expression asked Otto.

Otto, the commander-in-chief of the two eighth heaven’s fleets, is responsible for communicating with the other fleets.

The person who questioned him at this moment was the commander of the Seventh Heaven’s Fleet, Finsen. Hearing Finsen’s tone of questioning and commanding, a trace of gloom and unhappiness appeared in Otto’s heart.

His character is relatively mild among the high-levels of the Eighth heaven, but during this time, the communication with the commanders of these three fleets made him feel unusually angry.

“Who these guys think they are?”

Otto thought bitterly, but he didn’t show any strange emotion on the surface. It was precisely because he could perfectly hide his emotions that he was appointed as the commander of these two fleets.

“Not yet.”

Otto replied faintly, then said.

“Don’t worry, if we have a discovery here, we will definitely notify you.”

“Otto, haven’t your monitors discovered anything?”

Suddenly, an additional holographic projection appeared, on which was the commander of the Sixth Heaven Fleet, Nadu.


Otto shook his head.

“Otto, it’s best for you to be more serious about this matter. If you allow that giant serpent to survive and grow in your heaven, your eighth heaven will definitely become a ruin!”

At this time, commander Nadu warned, then said.

“We have all taken the initiative to come from far away and help you get rid of this threat, be grateful!”

“Thank you.”

Otto nodded, but even though he looked calm and grateful on the surface, his heart was filled with disdain.

These guys never thought of helping them or something. All they want is to capture the priceless infant high-level pollutant.


At this moment, someone suddenly walked up from behind Otto and looked at the holographic screen in front of him, seemingly hesitant.

But it was at this moment that Finsen, the commander of the seventh heaven’s fleet spoke


He shouted harshly, startling the soldier behind Otto.

Looking at this scene, Otto held back his anger and said to the soldier.

“What do you want to report? Just say it.”

After a pause, The soldier looked at the holographic projections ahead, then at Otto and said.

“Commander, our monitors have caught the trail of that giant serpent.”


Otto’s calm face suddenly changed, full of astonishment.

It wasn’t just him, Finsen and Nadu on the holographic screen were also astonished.

Under the questioning gaze of the three, the soldier nodded seriously and said.

“One of our monitors caught the trace of the great serpent, but it’s a bit far away.”

“Where exactly is it?” Otto didn’t even think about keeping this news secret, because, in this situation, it’s impossible to keep it secret.

Furthermore, deep in his heart, he hoped that the great serpent competes with the fleet of the other three heavens. The best result would be for both sides to lose.

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