Tales Of The World Devouring Serpent

Chapter 373: BattleStar

Chapter 373: BattleStar

Translator: Yamir Moon

This time, Tang Guo led a larger team. The thing that increased this time is mainly the number of cargo ships. There were three cargo spaceships in this team this time. These three were the only ones in the “Red Sun” base.

As for the Red Coral pirates spaceship, Tang Guo left it in the base. They can’t take it out so boldly now. If it gets recognized by people familiar with it, it might cause them some unnecessary troubles.

After many space jumps, Fang Yun, Tang Guo, and the others returned to the folded space. This time they directly headed towards the central area, planning to search for the resources there.

Fang Yun and the giant turtle followed millions of miles behind the team. Although they were far apart, they could communicate with each other through electromagnetic waves. Moreover, this distance can be crossed by Fang Yun using just one space jump.

”Tang Guo, there is something that looks like battleship wreckage 100,000 kilometers ahead of you.”

Fang Yun keenly discovered that a weird object appeared not far ahead of Tang Guo and her crew. It’s most likely a spaceship wreck, so he quickly reminded Tang Guo.

After hearing Fang Yun’s reminder, Tang Guo immediately ordered their fleet to move in the direction specified by Fang Yun. Soon enough, they indeed saw a battleship wreck over there.

”Sure enough, it’s the wreckage of a battleship.”

Inside the command room, Tang Guo looked particularly excited. She quickly ordered her subordinates to start acting.

”Immediately send two space fighters to drag that battleship wreckage!”

Through the electromagnetic signals sent between the spaceships in Tang Guo’s fleet, Fang Yun knew that Tang Guo’s subordinates have just dragged the battleship wreckage inside one of their cargo ships.

”How is it going?”

Fang Yun asked Tang Guo curiously.

”Is there anything useful to you on that battleship.”


Tang Guo’s voice sounded in Fang Yun’s mind. “This battleship’s state is very good, many of the devices and weapons on it are still intact.”

Her voice had an underlying tone of happiness.

Fang Yun was also taken aback. He didn’t expect their luck to be so good. The first battleship wreckage they found is relatively complete with many of its internal components still working. In fact, it might even recover its former glory after fixing it.

This is a good sign.

He has also learned a little about space battles. The battles between advanced civilizations are mainly major destruction weapons such as turbo laser cannons and ion beams. Of course, even traction beams are used. If used correctly, this device can change the course of a battle.

After getting locked by a traction beam, the target’s speed must plummet a lot, and even if the target manages to get rid of the beam, it will still suffer some sort of internal damage.

Fang Yun is naturally happy to see that humans are increasing their strength and technology. This is the purpose of his visit this time after all.

After Tang Guo and her crew captured the wreckage of the battleship, the team continued moving forward. Under Fang Yun’s gigantic detection range, Tang Guo and her crew had a great harvest.

Fang Yun’s electromagnetic induction ability can be maximized in space. He is especially sensitive to electronic devices such as those of Tang Guo’s cargo ship.

Even the biggest spaceship is inconceivably small in the endless void of the dark space. Even with all kinds of high-tech instruments, Tang Guo and her crew are still mostly relying on luck to find these battleship wreckages.

But with the addition of Fang Yun, the situation has completely changed.

For seven days, Tang Guo and her crew, with Fang Yun’s help, obtained the wreckage of three battleships, one in excellent condition and two that were very worn out.

In addition, they found the wreckage of some space fighters and space cargo ship.

The wreckage of the space cargo ship was especially big. That cargo ship was over 30 kilometers long. It’s simply ginormous, Tang Guo’s cargo ship can’t even compare.

Therefore, they could only drag it at the end of the team.

This cargo ship must be the cargo ship of an advanced civilization, it’s extremely big. After all, a 30 kilometers long cargo ship isn’t something an ordinary civilization can make or maintain.

On that cargo ship, Tang Guo and her crew found a lot of super laser cannons, even powerful turbo laser cannons.

This caused them to be extremely excited, especially Dr. He who almost fainted. With so many advanced weapons, they can finally start their research with confidence.

Moreover, there is still cargo on this cargo ship. This cargo is some type of grenade. According to Dr. He’s speculation, the power of this type of grenade is very high, but it’s not made for space combat, but rather surface or planetary combat.

There are also many high-energy firearms in the cargo.

Obviously, this is a large cargo ship that transports armaments and supplies. Unfortunately, the transported supplies and weapons are mostly for planet or ground battle, so it’s not very useful to them.

Tang Guo transported all these materials, then dismantled the weapons and devices in the large cargo ship, and brought them to their own. Currently, the large space cargo ship is only an empty shell.

Even if only a shell remains, the huge cargo spaceship is still very useful. Perhaps, after their repairs, this ship can roam space again.

Tang Guo and her fleet continued their treasure hunting journey in space. On a certain day, their instruments detected the existence of a strange object ahead.

Furthermore, when they flew towards that area, they discovered that quite a few fleets were flying there as well.

Tang Guo and their crew received a few warnings to back off, but after a brief discussion with Fang Yun, she ignored these warnings and resolutely led her team forward.

Tang Guo, who had tasted the sweetness, was reluctant to give up easily. She isn’t planning to leave with some scraps this time. Her goal is to continuously capture battleship wreckage and quickly improve the military strength of the federation.

Her bottom line to at least get a decent military team, one that can’t be shaken by someone like the previous pirates.

As they got closer and closer, their instrument was able to build a 3D model of the object in front. From that model, they were able to see that the opposite thing is a huge spherical object, a bit like a miniature planet.

Its diameter is more than 50 kilometers.

This is not surprising. After all, such a small moon isn’t rare in space. It might even be a large meteorite, which is even more common. What is unusual is that this spherical celestial body seems to have suffered from a fierce attack, as it was left with countless pits from a variety of attacks.

In addition, their instruments analysis shows that this spherical celestial body is entirely made of super-grade special alloy. This celestial body doesn’t seem to be produced naturally, but rather man-made.

”This is… a Battlestar!!!”

Tang Guo’s eyes widened upon seeing the 3D model, then suddenly cried loudly.

The name of this object is called the Battlestar, this is its standardized name through the galaxy. This is an extremely powerful weapon. Planet-destroyer battleships are farts compared to it.

The level of firepower that this weapon can deploy is extremely high! That’s without mentioning its exaggerated defense!

This kind of weapon is also known as the interstellar bulldozer. Few weapons can stand in its path in an interstellar battlefield. It’s one of the top weapons that can be found in the Milky Way Galaxy!

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