Tales Of The World Devouring Serpent

Chapter 362: Warhammer

Chapter 362: Warhammer

Translator: Yamir Moon


The news about Fang Yun and the Giant Turtle eventually spread to the public. There are always people who can’t control their mouths, and there are people who stealthily sold this information to those that don’t have it.

However, the first group of people that received the news are still the most prepared.

Five days later, the large forces began to set off. At the Z-32 gathering area, dozens of teams set off from the port and straight into space.

These dozen or so teams all headed towards the area where Fang Yun and the giant turtle are.

This incident not only gathered great popularity in the No. Z-32 gathering area, but also caused news organizations to send personnel to broadcast the incident.

They used quantum transmission, which is instantaneous, so there’s no need to worry about the long-distance, and that the sound or picture won’t arrive until thousands of years later.

Of course, this technology can only be used in densely populated areas or important events. If the transmission area is too far, the signal will become weaker.

Therefore, multiple signal towers are usually built in an area. These signal towers can receive the signal, and instantly send it to the next tower, effectively increasing the transmission distance.

It’s because of this that the towers can only be built in densely populated areas. Building them in a remote area is not only very costly but also not worth it.

Many people from the Z-32 gathering area moved towards the area where Fang Yun and the Giant Turtle are active in. This event is being watched b many people

”Damn, I hope they capture this Star Beast, or I will have to stay in this place for a long time”

In a cell, Randall was looking forward to the incoming news. He hopes that they catch the giant serpent as soon as possible, then proves that it’s just an ordinary Star Beast, not a Pathogen.

Otherwise, he will have to stay here for several years maybe even a dozen.

In space, Fang Yun and the sea turtle wandered around leisurely, occasionally blasting a passing meteorite, then eating it.

Although he planned this, Fang Yun didn’t expect that a big squad composed of many teams was coming towards him and the turtle to hunt them.

The squad coming here was composed of a total of 21 fleets.

Among them, there were thirteen teams of gold diggers, including the one-eyed madman Roger. However, the gold-digging teams were following behind seven hunting teams, teams sent by several companies, and a fleet of the SkyRiver Empire.

The distance between the twenty-one teams in space is very far apart, but compared to the empty space near them, they appear very close.

”Damn, the SkyRiver Empire actually deployed a planet-destroyer.”

In the dark space, two huge spaceships quietly flew forward, in the command room of one of the two spaceships, Roger cursed uncomfortably.

The result he imagined would be that after all the teams failed to capture the two Star Beasts due to their surprising strength, allowing them to escape. However, the two Star Beasts will be severely injured.

Then their teams will strike like thunder and capture the two Star Beasts.

However, when he saw what type of spaceship the SkyRiver Empire sent, he knew that their plan will fail miserably this time.

The SkyRiver Empire dispatched a planet-destroying spaceship, plus three ordinary spaceships/

Although the Star Destroyer is only a Victory-class, the turbo laser cannon on it is very powerful, much more powerful than the turbo laser cannon on their ordinary Battleships.

In short, in front of the planet-destroyer of the SkyRiver Empire, these two Star Beasts don’t even have the qualification to escape. They can only obediently be captured or killed.

Of course, he didn’t know that Fang Yun had destroyed a planet-destroying spaceship before, even if he did that in conjunction with the ‘Great Will’.

The Planet-Destroyer Spaceship of the SkyRiver Empire also didn’t know that their goal this time had already killed their colleagues. They are still full of confidence.

”Mr. Major, this time our target is two suspected pathogens. You should promise Major Boll and let him come with us.”

In an office on the Victory-class Warhammer spaceship of the SkyRiver Empire, Chief Officer Kvelver looked at the Captain in front of him helplessly

Redrick, 78 years old, is a very young person in such an elite military system like the Planet-Destroyer Team. However, due to his noble origins, he was promoted to a Major at such a young age and was granted a planet-destroyer of his own.

”Chief Officer.”

Redrick elegantly took a sip from a fruit juice, then lowered his cup and said to Kvelver.

”You mentioned it yourself, right?. This is just a suspected Pathogen. If it’s not, then these are just two ordinary Star Beasts. For an ordinary Star Beast, do you want me to call another Planet-destroyer? Such an absurdity!”

”Mr. Kvelver, I hope you remember that our El family is a family with countless legends and glorious history, and I belong to such a family. The pride EL family will never allow me to act timidly!”

”Besides, even if these two were truly pathogens? So what?”

”Our Warhammer will blow them up. What should you think about now is the fruit of victory and glory we will bring back, not other messy things!”

Redrick stood up, then walked towards the command room expressionlessly. He had enough of this timid Chief Officer.

”If it weren’t for the arrangement of the empire, how can such a senile thing stay as Chief Officer?”

Redrick shrugged, “Ohh, how much I love the empire. Even with such a deputy by my side, I have never complained to the empire. As expected of me! I’m truly the embodiment of nobles’ elegance.”

After arriving in the command room, Redrick arrogantly asked the staff.

”Have we entered the target area yet?”

He looked at a screen on the side, and said, “Have you detected any electromagnetic signal yet?”


A staff member not far from Redrick said.

”We haven’t detected any abnormal energy fluctuations yet, maybe we should …”

Just as the staff member was about to give a suggestion, a siren suddenly rang from a device next to him.

”Mr. Captain, we detected an abnormal electromagnetic signal!”

The atmosphere in the entire command room suddenly became tense. Everyone focused on the instruments in front of them, doing their part of the work;

Kvelver also just walked into the command room, his face had a solemn expression.

Unlike what he is showing, Redrick was quite nervous.

The infamous reputation of Pathogens and their terrible strength have already spread everywhere. Even though he is arrogant, it’s impossible to not be nervous in front of a Pathogen.

However, while a bit nervous, Redrick was actually very excited. If he manages to kill or even capture the two Pathogens, he will be granted great rewards, even bringing glory to his family.

Even if these two Star Beasts aren’t Pathogens, they’re still likely Disaster-class, which is very valuable.

While Redrick was stuck in his fantasies, Kvelver was anxious after seeing that their captain didn’t give any order. In the end, he gave the orders himself.

”Everyone! Prepare yourselves! Be on guard and ready to attack anytime!”

”In addition, notify the sky-hunting group to prepare themselves.”

After hearing Kvelver’s orders, Redrick quickly regained his senses. His face became very ugly. He said with a look of suppressed rage.

”Kvelver, I know what to do. You aren’t qualified to give orders in my presence and without my permission. “

After scolding Kvelver’s and instructing his previous orders to be given up on, he directly said: “Just drive Warhammer to the head of the team. Whatever Pathogen shows up, just blow it away.”

”Right, Turn on the holographic screen, I want to personally watch that happen.”

Later on, this video will be his card to get the cheers of the young ladies at the next noble party.

”Captain, you should order them to activate the shield as soon as possible, not attack blindly.”

Seeing Redrick’s reckless action, Kvelver couldn’t help but remind him.

The moment the two sides encounter each other, it’s possible that the Pathogen will immediately launch an attack. Although their victory-class battleship is very good, it’s still in danger in front of disaster-class creatures or Pathogens.

The safest choice now is to deploy the energy shields in advance, use a larger battleship to attract the Pathogen’s attention, then use strategic attacks to slowly injure it.

After the Warhammer activates the energy shield, there won’t be any problem even if they are attacked by the enemy.

At the same time, their flexile battleships and fighters can harass the Pathogens from the surrounding area, giving their planet-destroyer battleship, Warhammer, the time to accumulate enough energy.

Next, after accumulating enough energy, they will deactivate Warhammer and launch a thunderous attack on the Pathogens, instantly killing them. This is the most effective, safest, and wisest choice.

However, although his plan made a lot of sense, Redrick did not appreciate it. His expression became gloomy. He turned around and snarled at Kvelver.

“Chief Officer, know your place; I have said it many times before, I’m the captain!”

”Don’t you dare give orders on my behalf or tell me what to do!.”

”You’re really a timid and stupid rat! Your unprofessional, rash and arrogant behaviors are making me, an elegant and courteous noble, angry, and disgusted!”

Redick scolded Kvelver loudly, in front of the entirety of the people in the command room.

After a while, he turned around with satisfaction, not looking at the red-faced Kvlever, and shamelessly repeated the exact same plan he just scolded Kvelver for saying.

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