Tales Of The World Devouring Serpent

Chapter 199: Stealing Prey Again

Chapter 199: Stealing Prey Again

Translator: Yamir Moon

Fang Yun swam over to the Kaiju and closely examined it.

A huge hole was blown in the middle of its chest, and blue blood flowed out like magma overflowing from the crater. This kaiju’s blood is very sticky.

”Why is the blood of this kaiju this dense?”

Fang Yun was puzzled. After killing the kaiju in Hualien city, he discovered that its blood is also quite sticky, but not as much as this one.

However, he thought that calling these blue liquids blood might not be appropriate. They are more like the energy stored inside their bodies.

He flicked his tongue underwater, trying the taste of this weird blood. He tried to lick the blood on the body of Kaiju and discovered that he didn’t feel any discomfort.

”Forget it, let’s drag this kaiju body away first.”

Fang Yun was too lazy to study this Kaiju. He is not a scientist. It would be better to just swallow this monster directly, sparing him from the pain.

Thinking of this, he bit the forelimbs of the kaiju then dragged it deep underwater.

His actions were immediately by noticed the ‘Bald Eagle’ warships using radars.

What appeared on their display was a picture of a weird creature slowly sinking towards the bottom of the sea. The next moment, a giant snake came out of nowhere and dragged the weird creature into the depth of the ocean.

”Oh, sh*t!”

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On the warship, cursing filled the control room. Currently, they can’t do anything about the giant snake snatching the kaiju. They could only watch as the giant snake and kaiju quickly moved away, finally disappearing from the detection of the radar.

The warships wandered in this area for a long time, the submarines also came over, searching for the giant serpent that has taken their prey.

The identity of the creature that took the kaiju away has basically been determined. It’s the giant serpent. This sea monster particularly likes to steal other people’s prey.

The super Mosasaurus was snatched by this sea monster before, causing them to angry for a while. Now, it snatched this kaiju again.

They searched in every corner of this area, but they didn’t find anything.

The ‘Bald Eagle’ country’s experts were exploding.

After they got the news of the kaiju, they waited anxiously for the news of the navy. This is a real alien.

The previous ancient and mutant creatures are a different matter. Although they can grow to an astonishing size, far beyond anything seen before. They can still be counted as a native creature from the blue planet. They have appeared on this planet long ago.

Fortunately, this trip wasn’t entirely a waste. They found some tissues and blood of the kaiju.

This discovery has barely calmed down the anger of those experts.

The ‘Bald Eagles’ launched a second hunt for the giant serpent. One of the reasons was mostly due to the fact that it’s always snatching their prey. In addition, the giant serpent has some similar characteristics to those of the kaiju.

After getting the tissues of the Kaiju, the ‘Bald Eagle’ experts and scientists began to study it. The first thing they discovered is that this creature is a silicon-based life.

”Their flesh and blood cannot be eaten at all, their structure is completely different from human beings. Similarly, other living creatures cannot eat flesh and blood of this strange creature.”

This is the conclusion they reached after the initial research.

After this result came out, another question became apparent. Why does the giant serpent eat those creatures? Although they didn’t see it directly eat it, this is already the second kaiju it hunted, proving that it’s very interested in this creature.

Unless it’s mentally retarded, it won’t snatch a creature that it can’t swallow.

After all, this isn’t the first time it hunted a kaiju. It should have known that this creature isn’t worth the effort if it can’t eat it.

All of these problems have caused the ‘Bald Eagle’ scientists to make the assumption that the giant serpent is a silicon-based life.

That’s why it hunts these kaiju.

Fang Yun does think that he is similar to silicon-based creatures. However, he is still quite different from those kaiju.

For example, his blood is still red, and he needs to breathe oxygen.

The Godzilla-like Beast has been swallowed by him, raising his bio-energy to 1.2 million points.

Eating such large and powerful creatures can quickly fill up the required bio-energy for evolution. Unfortunately, there aren’t that many kaiju in the ocean. At least not yet.

He is currently in the sea area of sakura country and will soon enter the sea of Okhotsk.

The number of prey here is very high, including ancient and mutant creatures.

With “Overclocking Resonance” he can detect any creature in the range of 8 km. Including their shape, size, etc…

With “Thunder Domain” he can strike many creatures at the same time. He won’t fall into a situation where he could only capture one and the rest escapes anymore.

He spent a full month in the ‘Sakura country’ sea area, raising his bio-energy to 3 million points. Only 2 million remain for evolution.

He didn’t hide deliberately during this time, so he was often spotted by ‘Sakura country’ fishermen, scaring most of them and causing them to fall to the ground.

The fact that the giant serpent has never attacked the people that fell down caused a rumor to spread among them.

”As long as you fall on your knees, the giant serpent won’t attack you.”

This is the story of Yi Chuan.

In fact, some fishermen didn’t fall on their knees, but just stayed frozen. They also weren’t eaten by the giant serpent.

However, after the fishermen who knelt and begged for mercy weren’t eaten by the giant serpent came back home. They spread their deeds, from one to the other. Finally, they reached this conclusion.

”If you meet the giant serpent, all you have to do is to kneel and beg for mercy and you won’t be eaten.”

Fang Yun was stupified at the sight of people kneeling on the deck and preying for him with a pious expression at first, but as time passed, he gradually got used to it, until he didn’t care anymore.

The story of the giant serpent’s activities in ‘Sakura country’ seas naturally fell into the ears of the ‘Bald Eagle’ country, but their warships can’t follow the track of the giant serpent.

After struggling for a while the ‘Bald Eagles’ gave up on catching the giant serpent. They turned their attention instead to the Antarctic ocean. They detected the trail of a kaiju there.

Kaiju became the official title of those monsters.

This is a wonderful correspondence to the kaiju in movies and fiction.

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