Ball of Nothing

Chapter 397 Dirt Ring

Chapter 397 Dirt Ring

The lawless zone made Zero high on alert. There were all sorts of people around and many of them gave off nasty vibes. Zero might have the protection of the gods and was a powerful person but their killing intent made him feel highly uncomfortable. The doctor didn’t want to get into fights but these people didn’t look like they would be easy to reason with. Zero was also not someone who was willing to give in and back down when he was bullied. He wondered if Truen would be mad at him if he started a brawl in these streets before even they reached the inn.

The town that they stopped by was on the very edge of the desert and the vegetation was very different. The small party had been travelling on sand walker backs for four hours and Zero could feel the air changing to resemble Amon’s territory. It was hot and dry, unlike the hot and humid climate at the foot of Endow Hill that he had gotten used to over the past few days. Moreover, the plants were less leafy and green. The soil was now reddish and dust kicked up behind them where they travelled. Zero pulled the hood of his travelling cloak up to try and keep the dust out of his eyes. Truen did the same and Bob simply climbed into Zero’s shirt to take refuge.

The small town was the only place that offered those doing business in the lawless zone a place to eat, resupply and transact safely. They had their own operating style and everyone who came by had contacts. Without any support, Truen and Zero were new faces in their territory. It was only natural that the business owners were on guard. After all, it wasn’t uncommon for empires to send their spies here.

The small town was very crowded despite being out in the middle of nowhere. Zero saw many taverns and the marketplace was packed with people selling weapons, slaves and other illegal products. There were even brothels and Zero learnt that it was a place for women to sell their bodies to men who want their needs satisfied. No further information was given but Zero didn’t question further. He only needed to know that it was a place that brought about unwanted babies from time to time to form an opinion about it.

The inn that they were heading to was called Axis. It was said to be the only neutral inn in Deadman Town that guests and adventurers frequented. Not many non-criminals stayed there because the innkeeper was a fearsome hero who decided to retire and establish an inn in the middle of the bloody territory war zone of Deadman Town. Zero didn’t know if he wanted to meet this strange man. Dorgon was strange enough and Zero didn’t have a very fond opinion of heroes. This innkeeper was sure to be a weirdo too.

Truen slowed down when they saw the broken sign indicating that they’ve reached the borders of Deadman Town. It was too crowded to be riding so they dismounted and walked with the sand walkers to the inn. Nobody caused them any trouble but everybody eyed on the newcomers, trying to figure out whose side they belonged on and if they could do business with them or sell them off.

Truen didn’t trust the stablehand with their mounts so he told Zero to take care of the sand walkers while he went in the inn to gather information and ask for rates. Zero agreed and took hold of Truen’s sand walker before pulling them to one side so that he didn’t block the entrance. With nothing much to do, Zero started to scan the area with Mind’s Eye and took note of those who had hostile intentions.

While Zero waited outside and observed the people in Deadman Town, Truen headed inside and was immediately tested. A wave of killing content was directed towards him but the archer didn’t flinch. He had worse with Freya and Merlin training him. Besides, his body was immortal. Not even the greatest hero can kill him when his soul was immortal.

He walked confidently to the lazy innkeeper and Truen wasn’t fooled by his sloppy attire. This was the innkeeper and Truen’s battle instincts were screaming at him to be on guard. truen was a B ranked adventurer and although he was confident that he could be an A-rank adventurer or even an S ranked one with his special abilities, the archer wasn’t a good close-quarter combat specialist. He was more of a reconnaissance expert and ranged fighter.

The innkeeper eyed Truen lazily as the elf approached the counter. While he didn’t discriminate against different species, he didn’t like this archer already. Unlike the other low lives loitering around and talking big to put on airs, this archer was the real deal. He had a dangerous air and was very guarded. Even as an experienced adventurer, the innkeeper wasn’t able to tell what rank this archer was. If anything, he felt more like an assassin than a ranger.

"A room for two," the elf said in a steady voice and the ex-adventurer raised a brow.

"How many nights?"

Truen blinked. "I’m not sure. Can I just book one night first? If I finish my business quickly I won’t be staying more than a night. If it doesn’t go well, I’ll probably be here for a week."

"Then pay up for one night and a downpayment for a week. If you don’t need those nights, I’ll refund you."

Truen didn’t even blink at the extortion and simply asked how much everything was. The innkeeper grinned. He might be dangerous but he was a fool. Still, Dwayne couldn’t dislike this straight-forward and no-nonsense personality. He pitied the archer and let him in on a little information.

"You can’t afford, it," he told Truen who frowned with displeasure. Dwayne wasn’t even daunted and explained. "We don’t use the normal currencies in Deadman Town. It’s a lawless zone after all. The only thing that’s worth is bloodstones."

Hearing that, Truen nodded. "Where and how can I get bloodstones?"

Dwayne grinned and shook his head. "They might not have a need for money but I do. two binnites for each question."

Truen reached for the shared inventory and withdrew six binnites. "Where do I get bloodstones? How do I get bloodstones? What should I beware of in Deadman Town?"

This archer was good. The innkeeper liked him already even though he was a suspicious character. It didn’t look like he was here to cause trouble so the innkeeper answered the questions honestly after pocketing the money.

"You go to the Dirt Ring to earn bloodstones. There’s nothing better than a good bloody battle to rake in the bloodstones. I’d normally warn fools not to do it but you look like you’d be able to manage. As for what you need to look out for, it’s the same as every other lawless area. The ones causing you trouble are small flies. The ones you don’t want to attract are those who work for dark guilds with friends in higher places."

Truen nodded and was about to leave when Dwayne called him back.

"It’s twenty bloodstones per night, 50% deposit for each night you want to stay in advance. Food served by us will be two bloodstones per person per meal. Information sold at various prices and a trusty stablehand for ten bloodstones a day. Your companion outside can stay in one of the rooms first and I’ll arrange you a trustworthy stablehand while you get the bloodstones. That twig of an elf wouldn’t last alone outside."

The kindness that Dwayne showed made Truen smile genuinely. "I’ll take you up on your offer, innkeeper. However, my brother is stronger than me."

With that, Truen exited the inn and left Dwayne in confusion to think over his words.

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