Chronicles of Primordial Wars

Chapter 354

Seeing that the other two people have remained silent, Shao Xuan decided to be the first to break the silence.

“Hello.” Shao Xuan smiled kindly at the two.

The savage and violent strength he had kicked the giant worm with had disappeared without a trace. With the words of Shao Xuan, the atmosphere had eased a lot. The tension of the young man and woman has suddenly relaxed.

“Hello… to you too.” The atmosphere eased, but when the young man opened his mouth, he was still stuttering a little. Facing Shao Xuan still made him tense, but the thought of Shao Xuan helping them made him smile, “Just, thank you. We’re from the Macca tribe, my name is Wanfu, and her name is Shuri.”

According to Wanfu, the two of them were husband and wife, just gotten married. The tribe was some distance from here, but not too far. After all, this was a remote and arid place so it didn’t have a lot tribes. Their Macca tribe was already closest to here.

Because it has not rained for a long time, the two had not saved water at home. Their family life would be difficult without water, so they came over here to look for opportunities. They did not know when the fog would appear, but to be able to collect water, they decided to wait until the fog came. They were willing to continue to wait. Fortunately, they had good luck this time. It was not two days yet when the fog came. Then, they came to a more foggy area to collect some moist edible plants, and also collect some water to take back.

“By the way, which tribe are you from?” After their own side’s introduction, Wanfu asked Shao Xuan.

“My name is Shao Xuan. As for my tribe, I don’t know where it is on this land, because I was born and raised outside and have never seen a tribe here. My parents, even grandparents, were born and raised outside.”

What Shao Xuan said was right. He was indeed born outside this land. If there really was the other part of the Flaming Horns tribe in this land, then he did not know where the tribe was and had not seen anyone else.

When they heard what Shao Xuan said, the expressions of the two as they looked at Shao Xuan suddenly changed, summing it up to one word—pitiful.

Shao Xuan: “…”

Originally, Shao Xuan was still doubtful if the two would believe even a little of this lame statement, if he were to say that he came from the other side of the sea. People who heard this were sure to feel they were being lied to. If it was someone who had never seen a tribe outside, they’d think, was he a wanderer? But, could a wanderer have such strong power? Could a wanderer jump to a senior totem warrior at once? With this nonsense, they should have asked for a better excuse.

But here it was. The two young people really believed Shao Xuan’s words, and there was no doubt showing in their faces. This really made Shao Xuan doubt if these two people were not stupid. A minimum precaution was still there, but they did not doubt Shao Xuan’s statement. That meant the situation here may not be the same as on the other side of the sea. The time when Shao Xuan saw the young warrior’s body with the totem patterns, he found that the totem color of his body was brighter. Even if it was only the grayish yellow of sand, it did not appear to be dark and had a sense of vitality. This was different from what Shao Xuan has seen before.

In the Flaming Horns tribe, except for Shao Xuan, when other people used their totem power, their body’s totem lines were dark.

There really were quite a few weird places.

“Have you ever heard of the ‘Flaming Horns’?” Shao Xuan carefully observed the reaction of the two. In this new place, if people of the Flaming Horns exist here, he wanted to know what other people think of the tribe.

When Shao Xuan had been searching for the old haunt of the tribe from the other side of the river, he had been always acting high-profile. He never hid his tribe. Because by going high profile, what the Shaman told him to pass the name of the Flaming Horns out, Shao Xuan would naturally not hide. However here, Shao Xuan has to be a little more cautious. There were too many unknowns in this land.

Wanfu and Shuri were still a little dazed about the name “Flaming Horns,” a word that was unfamiliar to them.

“Is the ‘Flaming Horns’ the tribe of your ancestors?” asked Wanfu.

Seeing the two people’s reactions defenseless and not hostile, Shao Xuan nodded. “Yes.”

After thinking about it, Wanfu scratched his head and apologized to Shao Xuan, “I think I have heard of it, but can’t remember.”

“That’s all right. I’ll look for them later.” Shao Xuan was still slightly disappointed.

When Wanfu and Shuri saw Shao Xuan like this, they felt hard for him again: Poor man!

Shuri could not help but sympathized towards this young man who had helped her and her husband. She then pulled at a corner of Wanfu’s clothes.

Wanfu realized what Shuri meant since he had the same idea himself. He said to Shao Xuan, “Do you have any plans now? Why not return with us? If not for you, we won’t be going back to the Macca tribe, so we want to show our thanks.”

Shao Xuan pondered for a moment. “Well, then I’ll be bothering you.” He did need a place to get a good understanding of this strange continent, to get more news, and to change into a complete set of clothes to use on his way.

While Shao Xuan followed, Wanfu and Shuri felt a lot relaxed. Knowing Shao Xuan’s strength, they were not too worried. There were not many threatening monsters here, and most of the time, they could solve it on their own. Otherwise, they would not have run here with just two. It was just bad luck that they met a giant worm.

With Shao Xuan chatting more, Wanfu also let go of some tension and said a lot of words.

“We came out with the rest of the tribe, but once we reached here, we scattered around. We can join them again in another area. We can’t just focus on one place. It hasn’t rained for a long time and the spring water from the mountain has also stopped. Therefore, everyone’s life is difficult, unless we go further afield to find water. We don’t want that, so we came here to try our luck.”

Shao Xuan watched as they squeezed the water absorbed by the lichen into a pottery jar. They did not throw away the lichen. After squeezing the water, he threw it inside the basket since it could be eaten.

Following Wanfu and Shuri, Shao Xuan also learned some of the ways to survive here, which things could be eaten and what couldn’t be touched.

“It would be nice if it rained, so we don’t have to run so far to find dew.” Wanfu said with emotion.

Although he spoke with emotion, he did not complain much. They had long been used to living in such an arid place. In his memory, there was even a longer dry season, but all the tribesmen had survived in the past. They just had to find a method on their own. Only those who do not want to act or were unwilling to work would die of thirst.

Seeing Wanfu and Shuri’s expressions, Shao Xuan swept his eyes to the vines next to him, entangled in a thick tree. Some branches twined among the vines had withered because of the drought of the previous days.

He pulled a string of vine off and moved it around his hands.

The two were still collecting dew, hence they did not notice Shao Xuan’s movements.

After a little while, Shao Xuan finished knotting. He looked at the result, then ripped and threw the rope away.

“After ten days, at noon, there should be rain.” Shao Xuan said.

Wanfu and Shuri paused from collecting water when they heard this sentence. They looked at Shao Xuan strangely, “You can predict the weather?”

“Only a little.” Shao Xuan didn’t say much.

Wanfu and Shuri looked at each other, not knowing whether they should believe Shao Xuan’s words. However, no matter what, they still have to collect dew now. Even if it would really rain after ten days, they also needed to survive these ten days.

After filling the jars and baskets with them, the three left and went to the place where they had an appointment with the tribesmen.

The farther they went, the thinner the mist and the hotter the air became. When one felt that scorching blast again, what you would see around you was the dry and barren land, far from how it was where the fog was shrouding the area, so full of life.

Before reaching the rendezvous site, Wanfu had hunted a beast while Shao Xuan also hunted two. Although it was not the same level as the giant worm, it has more meat than the worm. The giant worm was indeed a fierce beast, but it has not much meat, so one couldn’t eat too much. Shao Xuan, who had been eating plants for a long time, was not picky.

Of the two beasts, Shao Xuan intended to eat one for himself and the other he intended to pass later to the Macca tribe. He had intended to spend some time in the Macca tribe, so naturally he’d come with a few gifts. He couldn’t always depend on the kindness of others.

By the time the sun has skewed, Shao Xuan had also seen the rest of the Macca tribe who had come out with the couple. Several of them had been injured, but no one had died, which was already a good situation.

Wanfu introduced Shao Xuan. When they first saw him in rags, some of them had looks of disgust, but when they glimpsed the two meaty beast Shao Xuan had hunted, their faces softened a lot. Some of them also hunted some wild animals, but not as good as Shao Xuan. The amount was just not comparable.

While walking back with the Macca tribe, the other people saw Shao Xuan carrying two beasts while easily chatting with Wanfu. They did not gasp audibly, but they still couldn’t help but show shocked expressions. However, for the couple who had seen Shao Xuan take on a giant worm with a stone’s throw and kick it flying, it was not surprising.

I forgot to upload last night again.


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