From Human to Skeleton: Revived with Infinite System Crystals

Chapter 21: Head Captain

Chapter 21: Head Captain

Ty\'s hollow eye sockets widened in disbelief. "How could that be? How long had I been unconscious for?"

After taking a moment to think, Todd explained, "I started my shift that morning, and by then, you were already detained. I\'d say that you might have been out for around two days. But in this realm, travel can be quite swift. We often used teleportation crystals and other arcane methods."

"You aren\'t native to these lands, are you?" Todd observed, a trace of amusement evident in his voice.

Ty playfully shot back, "Was it my skeletal appearance that gave me away?"

With that, they continued their journey.

As they approached the town\'s ornate wooden gates, they were greeted with intricate carvings depicting the historical events and legendary creatures.

Ty queried, "Your former Boss made some intricate hand gestures before lunging at me. Tusandro did something similar before everything went black for me. What\'s the significance of these characters?"

"Oh, you mean magic weaving?" Todd asked. "It\'s how we are able to unlock our talents temporarily, be it for a fight or to perform any number of abilities."

Ty raised a brow, intrigued by this and muttered to himself, "That seems like an odd concept, but then again, he did mention each place has its unique take on life."

As they continued walking, the ambient sounds of the marketplace enveloped them. Merchants strummed their instruments, creating a melody that danced through the air, while others energetically haggled with customers, promoting their wares.

Amid the bustle, Todd glanced at Ty, curiosity evident in his eyes and asked, "You seem to hold many mysteries, but how do you fight if not with Weaving?"

Ty paused, lost in thought for a moment and answered, "That\'s a good question. I really didn\'t know. But both the times I fought, it felt like I was in some kind of trance. My movements just flowed naturally."

He rubbed his chin and then recalled, "I believe it might be about channeling energy directly from one\'s soul. My friend referred to it as \'RESIENCEIA,\' though I have always been stumbling over its pronunciation."

Todd\'s eyes widened in admiration as he nodded, "Well, I hoped to witness you in battle someday. Defeating the boss clearly displays that you possess some exceptional skill, especially since he had over 15 years of combat experience."

Ty nodded slowly, still processing. "I suppose so. By the way, Todd, how far until—" just as he was about to ask something, he was interrupted by a booming voice.

A man, draped in white armor reminiscent of the samurai guards whom Ty had confronted along with Elithira, stood imposingly behind them. "You green-skinned fool!" the guy bellowed, gazing at Todd, "Why have you abandoned your post? I distinctly commanded you not to leave!"

"Uh-oh, this isn\'t good," Todd murmured under his breath.

Standing about two inches taller than the guard, Todd explained, "The boss allowed me to leave to get supplies for fixing the broken door leading into the cells. I apologize for any confusion, head captain," Todd said as he gave a slight bow, his hand protectively placed over Ty\'s shoulder.

Narrowing his eyes in suspicion, the guard countered, "What happened to that door? It was made of solid metal with robust bolts!"

Being inquired, Todd\'s nervousness grew even more, but he still tried to make something up, "In his rage over running out of food, the boss consumed one of the remaining prisoners. When I reminded him of the rules, he furiously smashed the door, claiming his superiority and asserting his rights."

Throwing the helmet on his head to the ground in frustration, the guard\'s red hair flowed down while the armor he was wearing started to glow red as if it was being heated before he snapped at Todd, "And you didn\'t think of alerting about this to anyone?"

"He threatened my family," Todd responded quickly. "So, I could only leave in a hurry to get the door repaired as soon as possible. On my way, I met this carpenter," saying that, he gestured towards Ty and continued, "Who has been helping me procure the necessary materials for fixing the door."

With a stern expression on his face, the guard reached to his side, drawing a shimmering crystal situated near the handle of his gleaming white sword. "Stay right here," he commanded. "I\'m going to check your story with your disgusting boss. And after I\'m done with it, both of you will answer some of the questions. Don\'t forget, King Yami will be arriving soon for one of the prisoners."

Todd nodded, trying to look innocent, "Of course," he then added with a hint of sarcasm, "We\'ll just wait around. Perhaps enjoy some of the local food."

The guard responded swiftly, raising the crystal. With a burst of intense light, he disappeared from sight, leaving the area momentarily brighter than before.

As the radiance dimmed, Ty leaned in, his voice barely sounding more than a whisper, betraying his worry, "What now, Todd? Are we actually going to grab food?"

Todd quickly looked Ty over and frowned as he remarked "Your garb is smoldering."

Without waiting for a response, he used Ty\'s lightweight skeletal frame, scooped him up and tucked him under his arm. With Ty safely in tow, they started to sprint, navigating through the town, dodging the vendors in the marketplace and darting through the narrow alleys.

As the buildings whizzed by, a bit dazed due to the swift motion, Ty managed to ask, "Todd, where are we headed?!"

"We\'re heading to a friend\'s place," Todd explained as they raced down the narrow streets. "Though she won\'t be happy knowing that my cover might be blown or, at the very least, at risk."

After that they slid into an alley, ending at the facade of a modest building with a sign that read, "Tea Shop."

"A tea shop?" Ty blurted out, confusion was evident in his tone.

Without a word, Todd burst into the establishment, giving no time for Ty to process the sudden entrance. As they had entered deeper into the shop, a tremor suddenly shook the floorboards beneath their feet.

Ty\'s voice rose in alarm, "What was that?!"

Todd\'s voice was hoarse as he gasped while responding, "It\'s the captain. He is notoriously known for his patience. His movements are swift, as for his temper, sharp enough to stab."

Before the two could delve any deeper into the establishment, their movement was stopped by a woman with a commanding presence.

The woman stood tall, with her raven-black hair cascading down her back. Her eyes were sharp as they remained fixed on Todd\'s eyes, assessing the fellow.

The traditional kimono she wore clung to her figure very well, accentuating her ample bosom.

Yet, it wasn\'t just her striking appearance but the authority she exuded demanded immediate attention of the two.

"Always finding trouble, aren\'t you, Todd?" she remarked, her tone filled with a mix of exasperation and concern.

"You didn\'t blow your cover at the guardhouse, did you?" With her piercing gaze, she asked, seeking the truth.

Todd seemed a little uncomfortable as he answered, "Well, if I were to say then yes. But there might be a silver lining that is worth the risk."

Their conversation was abruptly interrupted by another ground-shaking tremor, prompting everyone to brace themselves.

"You mentioned that you witnessed a giant meteor crashing down a few days ago," Todd began, taking a look at Ty and then continued, "I believe that this skeleton might be related to that event."

Ty, who was caught off guard, spoke sheepishly, "Y-you all saw that?"

"Of course," the woman responded as she continued sipping her tea. "Anyone who was out of their homes and buildings at the time would\'ve seen it. It caused quite the commotion and uproar."

She paused, then addressing Ty, she asked, "So, do you know the origin of that meteor?"

Ty hesitated, "Well, in a way, yes. That meteor was... me. It had a distinct green and black hue. Elithira warned me that I left quite the beacon behind, though I that wasn\'t intentional."

"You what...!"

The woman almost choked on the tea she had been sipping and set the cup down in an abrupt manner.

A plethora of emotions played across her face before she asked, her voice barely different from that of a whisper, "Has Elithira returned?"

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