The Strongest Businessman

Chapter 97 97: A Puppy as a Partner

\'However, that doesn\'t​ necessarily mean that he can\'t absorb energy. Why would it stay in the Cosmic God Mansion? It must have desired to incubate using the immortal energy within. The only thing that has happened to me was transforming my spirit core to the Supreme Core and I needed to use the hybrid energy from my bloodline​ and the medicinal essence of the herbs I used. So, the egg must have unknowingly devoured some of the hybrid energy which lead it to accelerate the puppy\'s growth!\' Dylan swiftly enlightened himself after considering countless things.

"First, I did not trap you inside it. You must have instinctively searched for a suitable place abundant with high class energy to incubate yourself which lead you bro the mansion. Second, you must have awakened due to devouring the mixed energy of my blood energy and herb\'s essence." Dylan quickly responded after his quick deliberation.

"Really? How is that possible?" The little guy could not under everything that Dylan said but he was able to get a gist of what happened to him.

"So, what do I do now?" The puppy impatiently asked.

"You can accompany me for awhile before we could figure out what you truly are." Dylan suggested.

"Okay. I guess I would be force to take you in as my servant, huh?" The puppy tried to cross its two front legs and seemingly had an expression of frustration.

"You narcissistic rascal, if anything, you would be the one under me since you have ate my blood which means​ that you have to be my pet from now on." Dylan teased the dog.

"What?! If I ate someone\'s blood, I will be their underling?!" The naive puppy was shocked by this new knowledge he learned.

"Hahaha, that\'s right." Barry laughed in agreement and joined teasing the young pupoy. He was in a state of petrification for quite a while, unable to shake off the tiny feeling he had in the face of that thing the puppy showed them and was only able to come to just a moment ago.

When Barry came to, he heard Dylan speaking something about the young canine eating his blood energy in order to awaken and teased him that by doing so he would be his master. He decided not to pry right now because he could just ask Dylan later.

"Err... then, you must eat my blood as well!" The little puppy roared! He quickly jumped to Dylan\'s​ face in an attempt to make Dylan eat his blood.

"Wha~" Before Dylan could even react, the puppy was already on his face and being unprepared to this sneak attack, he fell backwards due to the force of the jump.

"Get off of me, you crazy dog!" The dog maybe small and cute but it\'s physical strength was something else! It\'s constitution was of great potential and without even needing to train, he overpowered Dylan with just his natural physical strength!

"Hahaha, eat this!" The dog furiously bit his paws and shove his bleeding paw to Dylan\'s mouth. Soon, drops of blood flowed down Dylan\'s tongue and slid down his throat.

"Get off him!" Barry aided Dylan by pulling the puppy out of Dylan\'s face. The puppy was really ferocious and unpredictable. It took their teasing too seriously! He distanced himself from Dylan to avoid the little dog to run rampant again.

"Hahaha, now we\'re even! You ate my blood too! Now you\'re my servant as well! Hahaha!" The little rascal triumphantly laughed even if he was being held by Barry.

"Pweh!" Dylan spit out all the blood he could. Despite his unwillingness, some of the dogs blood was already ingested by him.

Unexpectedly, a bizzare milky strand of light was formed which was latched on Dylan and the puppy. It was like a chain that connected them with each other as companions for life!

"This is a Master-Servant Beast Contract. No, it is quite different since the beast has given its blood willingly​, instead of the person forcefully making the beast submit! Not only that, there is a life link between them... This is a Beast Companionship Contract! But the way they did it was rather peculiar." Barry\'s extensive knowledge has come into play again as he recognized​ the phenomenon that just happened.

A Master-Servant Beast Contact is done by, more often than not, forcing the beast into submission and coercing it to recognize the cultivator as its master. It is done by leaving a blood mark on the beast\'s body so that the user could Seldom would a spirit beasts willingly agree to this contract but it depends if they were to recognize the cultivator as worthy due to his strength or potential. This is the type of method that most cultivators and Beast Tamers do to make a beast submit.

A Beast Companionship Contract was different. The two parties must mutually recognize each other as companions by offering their blood to each other and forming an identical mark in their bodies which will be linked by the life force of both man and beast.

This type of contract was seldom achieved as both humans​ and beasts are prideful creatures and will not accept the others as equals so easily. However, this type of contract will bring endless benefits because it will enable the two to be connected with one another and could even borrow a portion of their companion\'s strength temporarily by energy transfer through the life link that they have.

Such a boost in strength during a battle could very well be the deciding factor of who will slay who.

The reason why Barry described the contract as peculiar was because they did not have created the mark but ingested each other\'s blood instead. Despite not being the prescribed method, the two has now been bounded by fate.

"You mean I\'m in a contract with the puppy? We\'re bonded by fate now?" Dylan was baffled. He knew what these beast contracts meant and by the way Barry described it to be, it was the type of mutual bond.

"Yes." Barry awkwardly answered. Even he found it a bit absurd that they were able to form a life link through ingesting each other\'s blood.

"Glad, you know your​ place. Now, greet your master." The bratty puppy domineeringly commanded. He escaped Barry\'s grasp easily and stood in front of Dylan. He misinterpreted what Barry just said.

"Don\'t get too ahead of yourself. It\'s a mutual contract which means that we are now companions." Dylan clarified as he got up.

"Whaaat?" The puppy felt like he lost something. He stood there feeling quite dumbfounded. Clearly, this was not the outcome he anticipated it to be.

"So do you have a name?" Dylan asked the puppy. Since he was already bonded with the little tyrant, he just accepted it as is.

It was not necessarily​ a bad thing that he now had​ it as his companion. Putting asidede the puppy\'s imperious attitude, he also had that ridiculously frightening bloodline and he was only an infant. How strong would he get if he were to grow up and unlock the unlimited potential of his bloodline!

"Of course! I am King!" The puppy snapped out of his lostness and revealed quite proudly.

"Is that really​ your name or did you just award it to yourself?" Dylan interrogated. He was not convinced by what the dog said.

"It is! I am King!" The puppy insisted.

"You don\'t look like a King yet though." Dylan said otherwise.

"You!" The puppy was angered when he heard Dylan.

"I\'ll call you Rian. It means little king. Quite a fitting name for a little tyrant like you." Dylan named the puppy.

"Rian, little tyrant... Hahaha, I like it!" Rian accepted his name.

"I am Dylan. Nice to meet you, partner." Dylan formally greeted.

"Hehehe, right back at you, partner!" Rian chuckled back. He smiled as he thought of the​ word, \'Partner...\' A strange flash shone in his eyes as he was lost in his line of the.

*BANG* *Crumble* *BANG* *Crumble*

Suddenly, rumbling sounds could be heard above them. Something was continuously bashing the outside of the cave! Tiny crevices started to form on the cave ceiling and rock debris were also falling from above. The top of the cave was starting to fall apart.

"What\'s happening?!" The puppy jumped from shock!

"Oh no, the tribulation has started! Brother, get down!" Dylan knew what those sounds signified, they were the lightning bolts crashing atop the cave.

*BANG* *Crumble* *BANG* *Crumble* *BANG* *Crumble* *BANG*

Before they could even react, the loud banging sound intensified abruptly. The cracks converged into larger cracks and eventually fell apart. The falling debris fell upon them.

Dylan was worrying about Barry but a very large rock fell to him at this moment. It could even kill a rhinoceros if it landed on one! So, he had to react by defending himself.

"Falcon Monarch: Sweeping Thunder!" Dylan roared and raised his right hand as he used the skill of the Lightning Falcon King. A giant falcon with wingspan of 5 meters shot out of his right hand and destroyed the large rock as well as the debris that followed it. It even fended off a lightning as it soared.

Sweeping Thunder is a skill which is known for its power to sweep through everything​ that it passes through! Once it reaches Grand Perfection, one could materialise four giant lightning falcons that will sweep through all four directions!

Once the falling rocks were cleared, Dylan could not see Barry and Rian anywhere. The was only a wall made by the fallen broken rocks around him. He immediately called out, "Brother, Rian, where​ are you?"

"I\'m here!" Rian snuck out from a rubble of rock and went to where Dylan. He appeared perfectly fine without the slightest hint of injury.

"You\'re not hurt?" Dylan surprisingly asked. He was glad to know that Rian was fine.

"Of course not! How could I be hurt by rocks?" Rian laughed proudly.

"Good!" Dylan smiled at Rian\'s attitude.

"I\'m here behind​ the wall of rocks! I\'m fine! Don\'t worry about me! Just focus in the tribulation! I know you can overcome it! I will go find some additional herbs that will help you recover after your tribulation is done! So, you have to live, brother." Barry\'s voice answered after a while. His voice was getting somewhat distant as he said his words which implied that he was already distancing himself.

"I will!" Without the cave ceiling, Dylan was looking directly to the night sky and he could clearly see vast cluster of dark-grey clouds with slithering lightning serpents within and deafening roars of thunder.

*Whoooosh!*The clouds seemed as though it detected Dylan as well. It started to rotate like a vortex directly on top of Dylan. The lightning gathered at the center ferociously and the thunder resounded more defeaning than ever! It was like the heaven\'s was trying to exhibit it\'s​ supremacy and deliberately made Dylan feel it\'s wrath!

"Let\'s begin!" Dylan readily said and summoned his trusty Waning Moon Sword and Shield of Dusk.

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