Heaven, Earth, Me

Chapter 949: Grand Cosmos. Martial Enlightenment.

Chapter 949: Grand Cosmos. Martial Enlightenment.

However, she had too much information in her head, and organizing everything to make a coherent martial art that could evolve as she herself became stronger was proving to be much more complicated than expected.

\'I need to review the cultivation anatomy books for each race. I only have two weeks, though.\'

The dragoness rubbed her forehead, her eyebrows gently coming together. "What do I do…?"

She waved her hand, summoning several piles of books that would take a mortal several years to read, and sat down cross-legged. "Focus. That\'s what I need to do. I need to create the base for the martial art so that Tatyana, Mirrory, and Valeria can look at it together later and fix the fundamental flaws, perfecting it. "

She took in a deep breath and then used her energy to levitate one of the books in front of her. She opened it and began flipping page after page. Information about the anatomy of humans entered her powerful brain and was dissected and absorbed. 

Then, a book about dragons. 

Then, a book about phoenixes.

Then, a book about snake beast humans.

Then, a book about fox beasts.

Book after book, race after race, she compiled everything and used the information she already knew to compensate and fill some voids. 

Yasenia\'s theory books were provided by Tatyana and kept in the [Five Realm Spatial Ring] since the second she left her house back in the Moon Empire.

The dragoness had used a small portion of all the books she had. One thing Tatyana didn\'t hold back from giving were books, scrolls, jade slips, and information of all kinds. 

The only thing blocking Yasenia from learning more was her own cultivation level and time. 

So, for the next week straight, Yasenia read anatomy books without stopping for a second. The girls outside knew what Yasenia was doing, so they took care of the children in the meantime. 

The only time Yasenia stopped was when a child asked for her presence because other than serving as a small rest for her mind, she could also feel and sense her children\'s energy affinities. 

She could inspect their empty energy paths and several other things. While Yasenia was with them and paying attention, her subconsciousness constantly absorbed everything she could.

All her children visited the dragoness this week, and this helped her tremendously. \'Finally, I\'ve discovered what type of meridians and acupuncture points are commonplace in every single race.\'

Yasenia stomped the ground and summoned a giant stone tablet reaching over 100 meters in height. Draheart manifested in her hand, and she took a simple stance. 

The dragon\'s golden eyes focused so intensely on the stone tablet that it began physically trembling from the sheer pressure of her gaze. The dragoness was about to take her first step with the sword, but she stopped. \'No… This is wrong. It is a path with an end. I can\'t create a martial art that works with every weapon by making it appropriate for each weapon. Even between swords, there are differences. Even between bows produced by the same blacksmith, there are differences.\'

Yasenia didn\'t release Draheart, but instead, it let it cover her body. The scaly substance covered her hands, arms, torso, breasts, neck, face, head, waist, hips, legs, and tail. 

Then, it tightened without losing the armor-esque figure. Then, her aura soared and burst outward, blowing everything that was on the ground away. 

"[Draconic Heart: Martial Heart Style]."


Yasenia\'s aura completely changed as [War Intent] manifested, unlike any other time. [War Intent] was an intent that took the concepts of [Battle Intent], [Slaughter Intent], [Weapon Intent], [Wisdom Intent], and [Instinct Intent] and then meshed them together in perfect harmony.

This time, when Yasenia manifested [War Intent], she didn\'t do it as a singular mixed intent. Instead, one could feel the five intents rotating and clashing with each other around her.

Her aura suddenly soared. 


[War Intent Level 8]!

However, Yasenia didn\'t stop there. Her eyes were focused on the giant stone tablet, and her body was tightly covered by the blue-scaled draconic armor. 

At that moment, every single martial art she had read, every single anatomy book she had read, every single aura of her family, and every single energy path. Yasenia\'s everything condensed and manifested as an enlightenment. 

When the enlightenment started, Yasenia\'s comprehension speed increased far beyond anything she had done before. She was looking at everything with such a clear mind that every single detail felt obvious. 

The massive cluster of information in her mind swiftly reorganized. However, the dragoness knew; she felt it in her bones, in her soul! She knew that she needed to take one more step if she truly wanted to complete what she wanted.

Therefore, her mind remembered the Abyss she summoned. 

She felt the slaughter she unleashed, hundreds of thousands, millions dying in literal mountains of corpses. 

She saw the cries of desperation from a situation that could have been taken care of by another path.

She saw the thousands of weapons trying to clash with the absolute [Abyss] to no avail, breaking one after another.

She saw the natural reaction of every single creature toward the [Abyss], the raw fear and the instinct to flee or fight until the bitter end.

She saw Admiral Tidal Break\'s battle, not with the creatures, but with himself. A battle between trying to take down his enemy with everything they had or telling his own army to kill themselves as that was mercy. 


A gorgeous hurricane of intents surrounded Yasenia as her comprehension of everything increased to the limits of the mortal realm, and hence, it was born.

[War Intent Level 9].

[Monarch Intent Level 9].

Then, and only then, when everything she could currently pass on gathered and squeezed inside herself, Yasenia took a step forward.

The armor surrounding her figure soared with energies that entangled almost beyond perfection. 

Her figure, at this moment, felt invincible under the mortal ranks. 

Her feet moved, and Yasenia flew toward the gigantic Stone Tablet. When she was at the perfect distance, her fist flew and exploded outward, shaking the very fabric of space. 

"[Grand Cosmos Martial Art, First Form: Stellar Burst]."




Giant black spatial cracks covered the stone tablet as her own punch created large fissures. 

Yasenia\'s figure spun around her axis, and the energy around her rotated with her body, gathering toward her leg and tail.

"[Grand Cosmos Martial Art, Second Form: Galaxy Stream]."



But it didn\'t stop there. Her punch followed, using rotational energy and precise movement technique, striking the Stone Tablet and creating several more fissures across the entire item.

This continued for a few seconds into a mesmerizing barrage of perfectly linked rotational strikes that left no gap between them.


After her last powerful kick, the dragoness was shot skywards. Then, as if physics had stopped working, energy surrounded Yasenia, and when she was high enough, her body accelerated down toward the Stone Tablet, leaving behind a scorched trail created by pure energy.

"[Grand Cosmos Martial Art, Third Form: Comet Descent]."



Like a meteor crashing onto the ground, the raw power behind her punch ruined the spatial integrity of the World, spreading the black spatial fissures all across the stone tablet again.

However, the dragoness suddenly got stuck. A martial art was not only an offensive set of attacks; it needed much more. However, there was only a tablet in front of her and no one to attack her. 

At this exact instant, Tatyana, Mirrory, and Valeria appeared and attacked Yasenia without a single word, using only martial arts. Their eyes glowed with a strange fervor as if they were looking at a wonder of the Universe forming before them.

The dragoness, deep in her enlightenment, didn\'t register who attacked, but she registered several brutal attacks approaching from incredibly powerful opponents. 

When Tatyana\'s fist was about to smash Yasenia\'s armored face, the dragoness moved with enough swiftness to dodge the Death Empress\'s serious punch. Tatayna\'s lips arched in a wide but painful grin as the armored tail sunk into her stomach.


Tatyana\'s figure flew backward just as Valeria\'s leg completed the wide motion to attack the dragoness from an angle that was impossible for Yasenia to dodge. 

Neither of the three was holding back a single bit. They were there to truly strike Yasenia down. However, that was not their intention. They were trying their best because they knew it; they felt it. 

\'Yasenia can dodge.\'

And she did. 

When the lateral kick of the Nature Queen was about to hit the dragoness, Yasenia\'s deep and mellow voice echoed.

"[Grand Cosmos Martial Art, Fourth Form: Cosmic Flow]."

Yasenia\'s body spun in the direction of the kick, and her arm perfectly interlocked behind Valeria\'s leg, pushing it above herself. Worse, as Valeria\'s leg passed, the dragoness was in a perfect position for her leg to fly up and hit the Nature Queen on the side of her body.


The Nature Queen flew as Yasenia\'s strength and Valeria\'s own power exploded on Valeria\'s figure. 

Yet, Mirrory appeared at this time, falling from above with ridiculous speed. Yasenia\'s current position was extremely awkward and dodging was nothing but a dream. 

Mirrory\'s emerald eyes were looking at the dragoness; no, they were asking. \'What now?\'

Yasenia used the arm that diverted Valeria\'s kick and slapped it against the ground from an incredibly awkward position that would\'ve left others helpless.

Like a spring, Yasenia bounced upward and kicked against Mirrory\'s incoming attack.


Mirrory flew upward while Yasenia shot toward the ground. Yet, with ridiculous agility, the dragoness fell on her four limbs. 

By this time, Tatyana had recovered and was rushing toward Yasenia again. The three seniors attacked the enlightened dragoness for the next minute straight, creating a balanced battlefield where Yasenia dodged, blocked, deflected, and even counterattacked them.

However, even in her enlightened state, Yasenia could not permanently hold against them, and Mirrory finally managed to sneak in a truly unavoidable strike. 

Tatyana and Valeria, who were recovering their stances, looked attentively as Yasenia\'s attributeless energy gathered around her body like a nebula.

"[Grand Cosmos Martial Art, Fifth Form: Nebula Ripple]."

Then, Mirrory\'s strike landed.


Tatyana\'s and Valeria\'s eyes widened as the dragoness easily blocked the strike. Even Mirrory was stunned. The punch that Yasenia just stopped carried several Level 9 Intents behind it. 

Mirrory felt the piercing golden eyes looking at her from beyond the armor\'s vision, and her heart dropped. \'Defend!\'

She gathered her arms to her right, and right after, with a speed that appeared blurred even for them, Yasenia\'s leg smashed Mirrory with the force of a cosmic explosion.



Mirrory\'s immaterial form flew and smashed against one of the walls as several black spatial fissures opened all around the area.

Valeria\'s eyes flashed, and her figure basically vanished. 

"[Grand Cosmos Martial Art, Sixth Form: Celestial Alignment]."

Yasenia\'s focus increased. It soared beyond comprehension. Aided by the nascent martial art, the dragoness\'s perception and intuition heightened to such depths that she could perceive even the particles of dust clashing with each other. 

Valeria, who appeared from nothing behind Yasenia, attacked the back of the dragoness\'s head with a rising fist strike that carried her entire strength.

Even Tatyana was worried that the attack would make Yasenia\'s skull explode, almost leading her to intervene. However, she felt Mirrory\'s gaze just at the right time, preventing her from intervening. 

Even Valeria was unsure of this attack. Yet, just when her fist started to feel the cold radiating from the armor the dragoness wore, the head right before her fist disappeared. 

"[Grand Cosmos Martial Art, Seventh Form: Astral Convergence]."

Valeria\'s spiritual sense focused in an instant out of pure battle reaction and saw the dragoness rotating toward her body. \'S-She predicted me-GOUGH!!?\'

Yasenia\'s punch sank into the lower stomach of the Nature Queen, using their combined strengths to explode with the energy of the stars. 


Tatyana\'s and Mirrory\'s pupils shrunk, seeing that the stomach of the Nature Queen had actually been blown open with blood pouring all over. 

Yasenia then looked at the Stone Tablet covered with cracks and rushed at it, releasing a barrage of space shattering attacks.

Five minutes later, all energies vanished together with the dragoness\'s armor, and Yasenia fainted. 

The three seniors rushed forward and easily caught her. Then, they looked at the giant tablet, and they laughed. 

Mirrory muttered. "Incredible. I have seen geniuses all my life, even those that had reached Yasenia\'s current achievements as early as her. However, they were all high-level Heaven juniors."

Tatyana blinked, surprised. "She actually created a martial art and infused its essence into the tablet. This stone tablet has absorbed all of Yasenia\'s intent and strength, becoming a martial art stele."

Valeria smiled. "The cracks are now mending and forming, guided by Yasenia\'s remaining energy, the shapes and forms of the martial art. In a few centuries, they will change into visual forms that guide people not by words but by comprehension." 

Tatyana laughed. "Well, we don\'t have that much time, do we?"

Mirrory sighed. "This will be annoying, but sure. Let\'s accelerate it and finish it by Estrella\'s birthday."

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