Naruto: The Wind Calamity

Chapter 230: Yang Release

Another said, "But if we use less chakra, the fish won\'t heal."

Another couple of trainees gave similar answers before going quiet. The ones who hadn\'t attempted healing yet paid attention as they would soon face the same troubles.

Yoshi looked at Fujin and asked, "Anything else?"

Fujin wasn\'t planning to answer as he expected the instructor to explain the obstacle he faced regardless of his answer. But noticing his gaze, Fujin answered, "The fish\'s body resists our chakra. So very little chakra is actually used to heal the chakra.

Yoshi nodded, "You are right. In truth, all 12 of you faced this issue. Otherwise, even with little chakra, you would have been able to heal a little bit and with excessive chakra, you would have first noticed rapid healing before the fish got burned."

He looked at Fujin and asked, "Can you guess why the fish resisted your chakra?"

Fujin answered, "I am not sure. The only possible explanation I can come up with is that the fish\'s body instinctively resisted as my chakra was a foreign chakra. But if that is the case, healing would be abnormally difficult. Especially since the fish\'s body has minuscule chakra when compared with ninjas."

Yoshi replied, "Your guess is wrong. There are two reasons why the fish\'s body instinctively rejects and resists your chakra. The first reason is that your chakra is too harsh. This type of chakra is very effective in combat and hence all of you release this chakra instinctively. But, to heal, you need to release a very gentle and docile chakra. Only then it will be accepted by the patient\'s body and help heal their bodies."

Fujin and the rest were surprised. Fujin asked, "What do you mean by gentle and docile chakra?"

Yoshi answered, "It means that your chakra shouldn\'t threaten your patient\'s body and must feel soothing enough for them to not resist at all and instead allow it to do its work.

You will need to eliminate any thoughts you have about killing or fighting before you heal a patient and only then will you be able to heal. Of course, with practice, you will begin releasing a gentle chakra with ease. This is one of the main reasons why it takes so long to learn this jutsu.

The second reason is that the chakra you used was attribute-less. Though it seems that Medical Ninjutsu doesn\'t need any nature manipulation, it isn\'t the case. You have to only utilize the Yang aspect of chakra while using Medical ninjutsu."

Fujin\'s eyes widened. He thought, \'Yang release? Medical ninjutsu requires Yang release? Will we be trained in it?\'

Fujin asked, "How can we only utilize the Yang aspect of our chakra? Does it have similar training like the way we train for normal natures?"

Yoshi shook his head and explained, "There is no way to train in Yang Release."

He stopped and corrected himself, "No, that wouldn\'t be right to say. But the methods to train Yang release are all secret techniques. So you won\'t be able to get access to them.

As for Mystical Palm jutsu, you will employ the most basic method for utilizing Yang nature. You will keep trying to heal fish until you are able to heal using only the Yang aspect of your chakra. Once you find it, you should practice a few hundred times so that you master using that aspect."

His words made everyone frown. After all, this was like finding a needle in a haystack! It would be difficult, time-consuming and very luck based.

One ninja, who was from the Yamanaka clan as well, asked, "Can we perform Medical ninjutsu using the Yin aspect of our chakra?"

Yoshi replied, "You can, but it is very difficult. Only senior medical ninjas can do so. And even then, we don\'t use it for healing external wounds. So focus on learning the Yang aspect of the chakra."

Yoshi looked at him and said, "However, if you know Yin Release, then learning basic Yang Release will be easier. You just have to avoid releasing the Yin aspect of chakra."

The ninja nodded and said, "Thank You for the tip, Yoshi sensei."

Yoshi looked at everyone and asked, "Do you have any more doubts?"

No one asked any questions. So he returned to monitor the next batch of trainees.

Fujin closed his eyes and began thinking about Yoshi\'s words, \'So I will have to separate Yang and Yin aspects of the chakra to learn Mystical Palm jutsu. And here I thought that I\'d get it down in no time. Still, this is good. Going by Yoshi\'s words, if I can learn Yang Release, I should also learn Yin Release. So my Genjutsu would become stronger. I might be able to use it in battle against stronger enemies as well.

That said, I guess making my chakra gentle first would be the challenge. To eliminate all thoughts of fighting and killing? That\'s tough. Or would have been tough if I hadn\'t just experienced it while travelling on Ryu\'s head. Maybe I should go back to him and see how I could experience it again.

Though I guess that I should first take a look at what methods the village has. After all, I did feel that I was able to slightly heal the fish. It is probably why Yoshi asked me a question specifically.\'

The remaining 22 people tried healing the fish and met with similar obstacles. Yoshi didn\'t see anyone noteworthy among them. So once everyone was done, he had a similar exchange with the remaining trainees.

Once all doubts were resolved, he summarized, "As you have already tried healing, you would have realized the 3 major aspects of healing. The first is having a gentle chakra that doesn\'t make the patient feel any threat. The second is utilizing the Yang aspect of your chakra. And the last is having very good chakra control."

He looked at everyone and said, "That\'s it for today. We will meet again after seven days at noon. In these seven days, I want you to do only one thing. Meditate for as long as you can, and while meditating, think of happy thoughts or pleasant memories. The next time you attempt healing, you will try to think of those memories before healing."

Fujin watched him with a dumbfounded look. He thought, \'What the hell? That\'s how you make your chakra gentle? You couldn\'t come with any other bullshit? And this is the village that has the most advanced Medical ninjutsu? No wonder Hiruzen shot down Tsunade\'s proposal of training a lot of medical ninjas. Imagine thousands of ninjas thinking happy thoughts while the rest fought!\'

Like Fujin, many were speechless by what Yoshi asked them to do. However, if they knew what Yoshi\'s thoughts were, they would begin cursing him right away!

Yoshi enjoyed the look of disbelief on the trainees. He thought, \'Making your chakra gentle isn\'t difficult. As they keep practicing this jutsu, their chakra will automatically become gentle and docile unless they keep getting angry or frustrated.

But, since every one of them thinks that learning this jutsu is easy, I might as well have some fun with them. Just the thought of them meditating while having pleasant thoughts is hilarious. It\'ll be even more fun when they get annoyed as it won\'t work, hahaha!\'

Yoshi dismissed everyone. When the room was empty, a smile appeared on Yoshi\'s face. Emi and Asuka sighed thinking, \'This old geezer is messing around once again!\'

Fujin moved to Ichiraku while thinking, \'That old geezer was definitely messing with us when he said that. Something seemed off. Though I didn\'t sense a lie, he is a medical ninja from the Yamanaka clan. So he might be a good sensor as well. It won\'t be difficult for him to lie without being sensed.

That said, meditation in itself isn\'t bad. I should stabilize my mind by meditating for a few hours and eliminating all thoughts before I visit next week. More importantly, I should focus on the Yang release."

Fujin reached Ichiraku and ate while thinking about Yang Release.

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