Naruto: The Wind Calamity

Chapter 83: : 81: Fighting in a Dumb Way

Meanwhile, the 2nd team from Kiri decided to run straight to the tower and prepare a trap there. On route, they had to fight wild beasts thrice, which slowed their speed. They needed around 30 minutes before the tower was in sight.

Fujin, Hoka, and Mieko too came across wild beasts twice. One was a 5 meter tall Chimp, while the 2nd was a 3 meter tall Tiger! However, both were cut with ease by Fujin.

There were other obstructions too along the way. Such as a massive beehive that was poked by Mieko! She did end up burning them away, but not before getting stung in the face a couple of times. Hoka and Fujin laughed at her cost.

As they were moving along, Fujin wondered, \'At this rate, we will break the record by a huge difference! So why did this team not make the record in canon? Was only my addition enough to make such a huge difference?\'

Fujin thought for a bit before concluding, \'It\'s likely that Renjiro became our Jounin Instructor due to my request of being taught Samurai Saber Technique. So whoever became the Jounin instructor of these two most probably didn\'t train them with the same intensity as Renjiro.

Also, without me, the team wouldn\'t have the Fire-Wind combo jutsus which gives us a huge advantage to start with. Oh well, doesn\'t matt…\'

Fujin\'s thoughts were suddenly interrupted by Hoka saying, "There\'s a team ahead 700 meters from us."

Fujin frowned and asked, "Which one?"

Hoka replied, "Looks like a Kiri squad."

Fujin asked, "Is it that guy who asked that question?"

Hoka shook his head and said, "The other Kiri team."

Mieko said, "Let\'s fight! The last one was unsatisfying."

Hoka agreed with her, "Yes, I agree."

Fujin said, "Alright. Their other team seemed very interested in killing." He grinned and said, "So we might as well kill this one!"

They moved ahead quickly. Fujin said, "These guys don\'t seem to have a sensor. They might die just from the surprise attack."

Hoka frowned and quickly said, "Let\'s not do the surprise attack! I want to fight them!"

Fujin raised his eyebrow and asked, "Why no sneak attack? It\'s dumb to not do it when we have the opportunity."

Mieko said, "I too want to fight them head-on. So it\'s 2 against 1."

Hoka smirked and said, "Yes, we fight head-on."

Fujin sighed, \'These kids… No wonder they didn\'t create any records. Even if I assume that they were as strong as we are now, they probably just fooled around instead of passing quickly.\'

Seeing Fujin sigh in defeat, they both smirked.

The Kiri squad was also moving towards the tower. However, at 100 meters from the tower, they were attacked by a huge Anaconda! They quickly dodged and threw shurikens at it, but it had no effect.

So they tossed a few kunais with explosion tags in its huge mouth and ran away. The Anaconda exploded into flesh and blood, littering the nearby area.

They sighed in relief. Unfortunately, another calamity was heading their way! Fujin, Hoka, and Mieko were now within 100 meters of them. They flickered.

Fujin guessed, \'I guess another team will go down quickly. Renjiro\'s training made us too strong against genins.\'

The three Kiri genins had just put their guard down, when Mieko and Hoka suddenly appeared right in front of them and shouted, "Fight me!"

The genins were very startled. And they moved behind in fear as both of them suddenly yelled!

Their misfortune wasn\'t over though. Fujin had flickered silently behind them, and they were moving towards him with their backs facing him. Fujin sighed internally on seeing that and just slashed his sword in the air.

Though Fujin was quiet, they still sensed someone behind them. They turned behind, only to see that ninja swing his sword from about 10 meters away from them.

Suddenly, one of them yelled loudly, "DUCK!"

Hearing her, both of her teammates ducked immediately.

Sakai Yumi, who yelled, immediately ducked. Her two teammates were slightly slower. Matsushita Satoru lost around half of his hair. While Kido Kohaku had some skin on her scalp cut off by the slash.

Since the distance was too close and because Hoka and Mieko were also in the line of attack, Fujin only sent a simple sword slash without any accompanying sharp winds.

However, Mieko and Hoka didn\'t know that and immediately flickered in opposite directions! They still remembered the devastation his sword slash had caused!

Fujin was very surprised, \'All three dodged? I expected all 3 to die!\' Fujin noticed Sakai Yumi\'s eyes. They were blue and were glowing. He wondered, \'Is there another Doujutsu?\'

As soon as the sword slash passed over her head, Yumi created a hand sign, \'Water Release : Water Bullet jutsu\'

Satoru also created a few hand signs, \'Hidden Mist Jutsu.\'

While the 3rd one opened a scroll, got a huge bandage, and placed it gently but quickly on her scalp! She was freaked out!

Fujin was surprised at how quickly they counterattacked. He moved to his left, to dodge 3 water bullets continuously, before sending another flying slash. All 3 moved away!

Hoka and Mieko attacked as soon as they dodged the slash.

Mieko launched Phoenix Fire Sage jutsu on them but was countered by Yumi\'s Water Wall.

Hoka tried to close in to fight, but Kohaku, who recovered surprisingly quickly, threw a kunai with an explosion tag attached to it. Hoka was forced to fall back.

Soon, mist began gathering in the area. This made all 3 Konoha genins frown. The Hidden Mist jutsu was known to obstruct both the Sharingan as well as the Byakugan.

Fujin moved behind and used \'Great Breakthrough Jutsu\' after supercharging it for a couple of seconds.

Mieko and Hoka noticed Fujin supercharging his jutsu and retreated behind Fujin.

The Kiri genins had no idea. They were hit by a massive Great Breakthrough jutsu! All the mist was blown away. They were having a hard time holding on to the ground.

Yumi barely made a hand seal, \'Water Wall jutsu\'

A water wall began forming, but it kept getting blown apart by the winds. Kohaku and Satoru used the few moments of respite to use defensive jutsus as well.

Satoru created another Water Wall, while Kohaku created a Rock shield.

However, at that time, both Mieko and Hoka also launched their jutsu. Mieko spat a huge Fireball into Fujin\'s Great Breakthrough jutsu. While Hoka used \'Stone Shuriken jutsu\' to attack them from a range.

The fire and winds managed to destroy 2 water walls and heated the rock shield, but it held on. However, due to the wild nature of the winds, the fire spread all over and attacked them by moving around the rock shield.

However, this wasn\'t strong enough. Yumi used \'Water Shield jutsu\' in time to protect them.

Hoka\'s Stone Shurikens were blocked by the Rock shield.

Seeing the opponents manage to defend surprised all 3 of them. Mieko grinned and said, "They are strong. This is fun!"

Hoka and Fujin had slightly different thoughts. Hoka was sad, \'Why is no one fighting with Taijutsu?\' Fujin, on the other hand, wondered, \'We are just 100 meters from the tower. Should I grab these 2 and flicker?\'

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