Superstar From Age 0

Chapter 239

Chapter 239

The chat room was filled with lol at the moviegoers slip of the tongue. 

The moviegoer chuckled at his own mistake and cleared his throat before continuing.

Lets talk about the most important core of Natra, or rather, this Time Stone that is located in the underground temple of Natra. It is very important for Natra. It is the planets core and the power that maintains the planet and the lives of the Natrans.

-But the security is weak.

-Isnt Jin Natra strong?

-No, no, there are only guards. Dont they need to install some security devices?

According to the official setting, the Natrans cannot do anything with the Time Stone. They cant destroy it or absorb it. Rather, the failed successor candidates are absorbed by the shadows. So its important, but the security is poor.

-Well, if the aliens want to get the Time Stone, they have to go through this route (Natra planet > royal palace > underground temple > Time Stone!), but they would be smashed before entering the palace.

-True. The ancestors probably never thought that their descendants would adopt an alien as their son.

Yes. Thats why there was no way to deal with the situation of Jin Natra in the kings library, you know, the aliens body collapse due to the Time Stone.

-It never happened before.

-Its a relief that they found a way to deal with it this time.

Then lets go back to the movie story. The second wormhole was installed in Korea, and the first wormholes location was Paris, France.

-Thats right.

-Scholar lol

The viewers laughed as they recalled the scholar who spouted out information. The moviegoer nodded.

Belle Natra brought the scholar from France.

-Honestly, I didnt see Belle Natra fighting with Shadowman, so I thought he couldnt fight because he was a Natran.

-Me too lol But that wasnt it lol

-Brought? Brought?

-Moviegoer sir. Lets be honest lol

-??? : Dragged?!! Forced!!

The moviegoer shook his head at the viewers protests.

Yes. Dragged. This scholar who was kidnapped by Belle Natra played a very important role.

-His mouth is too light.

-He answers everything he is asked lol

-But I think this scholar is also part of Jin Natras plan.

-22 He seemed to know a lot of information.

-333 Thats why he spilled it out.

I thought so too. If I were him, I would have brought a loyal and tight-lipped scholar. To prevent it from reaching Shadowman. But Jin Natras plan was not that. He probably picked and picked a cooperative scholar and brought him.

-Very thorough.

-Jin Natra Scary kid!

He made the wormhole generator sturdy for the purpose of making only one way to stop the wormhole, which is defeating Jin Natra.

-Jin Natra: (Bang!) It broke? Make it again!

-Scholar 1: If you give us more time and budget!

-Scholar 2: He broke it again


And he also composed the power of the Natran knights and soldiers who came to Earth almost equally. He divided them into lower-ranking knights and soldiers who would be shaken by Belle Natra, and higher-ranking knights who would follow Jin Natras words fairly well.

-Perfect for attacking each other.

-Wow. How do you stop a kid who is strong and smart?

Finally, all his plans were revealed in Central Park or should I say, everything went according to his plan.

-Shadowman and Tull Natra, Belle Natra mental breakdown.

-I didnt even think of Jin Natra as Tull Natras precious thing when I saw the cookie video. He said he would take away his precious thing, but who would put his life on the line for that?

-22 I thought it would be either Natra planet, Belle Natra, or Shadowman at most.

-I thought he would just invade Earth with a Natran spaceship and take care of all three of them after Belle Natra ran away with Tull Natra to Earth.

Thats ironic. If Jin Natra knew that he was in Tull Natras precious thing, he must have been loved by Tull Natra very much.

-Well. He must have felt betrayed enough.

-He jumped N times and annoyed the Natrans too.

-22 There were also some who said he should have killed Jin Natra.

-Honest. If it werent for Tull and Belle, Jin Natra would have been just an alien.

-He grew up well in Shadowman 2 though.

-He must have been bitter. He might look fine on the outside, but you never know whats inside a person.

The real battle began when they met Jin Natra in Central Park. As always, Marines CG was awesome. The shadows were much more lively and heavy than in the first and second movies. It felt like they were real shadows.


-The technology must have improved a lot.

-Well, its been years.

Jin Natra took the first hit from Tull Natras attack. Until then, Shadowmans party only made defensive attacks. Of course, Jin Natra was the same. He didnt want to kill them.

-Thats more cruel

-??? : Do you choose, Earth or Natra?

-I thought to myself at that time, Isnt that scale too big??!!

-Memo) The fight of the whales is too big in scale.

-Hey, you adolescent!!!

-Memo) Jin Natra: Adolescent. Youre dead.

-Im having a hard time with kimchi stew VS soybean paste stew.

-Soybean paste.


Soybean paste stew. I like clam soybean paste stew.

-You lol

-Memo) Moviegoer likes clam soybean paste stew.

The moviegoer, who had gone off track and laughed and chatted, continued his review.

Then lets go back to the movie story. From here on, the real fight begins. What I felt when I jumped 11 times was that Jin Natra and Shadowman had different fighting styles, which made it fun to watch.

-Fighting styles?

If you look closely when they fight, Jin Natra seems to have some kind of formality. His posture is straight and his movements are smooth, you know, elegant. But Shadowman feels instinctive. He rolls on the ground and uses not only shadows but also fists, but Jin Natra mostly manipulates shadows.

-Oh. Thats true?

-Why different?

I think its because of the environment they grew up in. Jin Natra was a prince and Shadowman was a commoner. The prince Jin Natra learned martial arts such as swordsmanship from the knights and the commoner Shadowman had no place to learn, so he fought roughly.

-Ah, he was a prince? lol

-The kings son lol

-Jin Prince lol (A rabbit emoticon laughing and clapping on the floor)

-Lee Seo-jun plays a lot of royal roles.

-Our Daegunmama even invaded the aliens!

Its fun to see how different their fighting styles are. In the middle of the battle, Shadowmans troublemaker shadow causes a mess here.

-I was shocked at first, but not this time.

-Me too. I had a feeling this would happen.

Because of that, the energy of the Timestone goes wild inside Jin Natras body, who lost consciousness for a moment. Was it a survival instinct? Jin Natras shadow wraps around his collapsing body.

-I thought it was Shadowman VS Jin Natra, but it was Timestone VS Jin Natra

-Its self-destruction.

-It hurt me when Jin Natra screamed.

-222 It gave me goosebumps.

Eventually, Jin Natra falls under the attack of Shadowman, Bel Natra, and Tul Natra. It was heartbreaking to see how they felt when they attacked Jin Natra.


-Tul Natra cried so much

-But what about the healers story? The difference between Earthlings and Natrans?

To put it simply, Earthlings are uncontrolled parking lots. Even if the parking lot is full and there is a risk of an accident, they just cram in the cars and see what happens.

The moviegoer showed a picture he had prepared in advance. His younger sibling drew it for him. It was cute. The square parking lot was full of crushed cars.

On the other hand, Natrans are controllable parking lots. They have shadows from birth of course, they cant use them before inheritance. The shadows control the parking lot like parking attendants. So they can block the entrance and exit of cars.

There were orderly parked cars in the square parking lot, and shadows wearing hats were holding red guide rods and blocking the cars trying to enter from outside.

-The picture Its easy to understand But cute

-Parking lot

-Shadow Parking attendant

What the healer meant was that Tul Natras shadow controls Jin Natras parking lot. Until now, Tul Natra didnt have enough shadows to take out the cars, but if he injects more shadows, he will have enough parking attendants to drive out the cars from Jin Natras parking lot. Those cars are the energy of the Timestone.

-Oh, I see.

-I was curious about that! Doesnt Jin Natras shadow seem to have a self-awareness?

-Huh? Really?

-It moved when Jin Natra lost consciousness.

The moviegoer also recalled Jin Natras shadow that wrapped around Jin Natra like a bandage when he was collapsing.

I was also curious about that. Maybe Jin Natra had some consciousness left, or maybe his shadow developed a self-awareness. But we cant know now. The story is over.


But I liked that point. That Tul Natras shadow saved Jin Natra several times.

-A good father

-But a kidnapper.

-Shut up!

And after a long fight, the child who had been away from his parents for a long time could finally go home. I cried without knowing it since the residential area appeared.

- I cried too.

-Hes so small. William

-Sneakers, sweater, two teddy bears

-I wish the new teddy bears name was Jin.

-22 I hope William (teddy bear) and Jin (teddy bear) get along well

-I see why they promoted it as a re-release.

The moviegoer nodded his head.

It was definitely immersive to watch 1st and 2nd episodes again and then watch 3rd episode. Do you know that? The place where Shadowman, Bel Natra, and Tul Natra looked at William for the last time. Its where Shadowman looked at Williams mother in Shadowman1.


-Was it?!

-What did I watch!?

-Im crying again like this

The cookie video was also good. It showed that Jin Natra, no, William lost all his painful memories and became pure William again.

-No way. I almost had a heart attack when he came out.

-I almost fainted when William came out.

-He was so cute that I wanted to break the apartment!!

-I watched [48 Hours] for the first time in a long time.


Shadowman series ended like this.


-I think they will do it again in a few years

The moviegoer said with a smile, feeling the same as the viewers.

A Natrean who grew up on Earth due to a tragic accident, Muel Natra. An Earthling who grew up on Natra due to a tragic accident, William. Mack, who had someone to rely on. Jin, who had no one to rely on. Shadowman, who had someone to hold his hand. Jin Natra, who had no one by his side.

The viewers chat slowed down as they recalled the Shadowman series with the moviegoers words.

Jin Natra, who gave up his life in the end, and Shadowman, who finally saved the child. I hope William and Muel Natra will be happy with their family.

-Be happy

- Ill miss you!

Then, since we have some time left, lets have a question time. Ill answer what I know.

-Me! Me! What about the restoration of Gyeongbokgung Palace?!!

-Our company needs some restoration too.

-222 I hate going to work, but I need to make money

The moviegoer answered the question he had expected and looked up in advance.

Our water lord Redbone has solved everything. Fortunately, there were no casualties because the evacuation order was issued in advance, and those who were injured while taking pictures without fear were able to heal with the Timestone using the excuse of the latest treatment.

-I think I got a disaster text.

-22 I already got dozens of them.

-Well, they fought so openly from France to Korea, how could they not know

-The countries on that road must have been in trouble.

-[Central Safety Measures Headquarters: Natra has invaded. Please evacuate to the shelter.]

-??? : Is it April Fools? Is this text real?

-I never thought I would find out about an alien invasion by a disaster text.

-Are the Natrans okay?

I think there werent that many casualties here because its a country with a red Timestone. They can turn back time before they get hurt.

-But if there are they would be the ones who tortured Jin Natra.

-222 Our Jin is not that weak.

-He probably picked them carefully.

-Revenge like Jin Natra.

-Is Tul Natra still the king of Natra?

-Yeah. Hes weak now.

Maybe it will take a long time to recover his original strength, and he will have to take some responsibility for what happened to Jin Natra, so he might step down.

-Huh. Then whos the next king of Natra?

The moviegoer scratched his cheek.

All the other candidates were turned into ordinary people by Jin Natra absorbing their shadows into the Timestone, and Jin Natra, who was a strong candidate, became an Earthling. Muel Natra, his son and Shadowman, doesnt even know N of Natra. Well, theres only one left.

Someone posted a comment on the chat window. The moviegoer and the viewers laughed at the voice that played naturally.

-Bel Natra: Me? Im the king?!?!

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