The Son Of Ragnar

Chapter 212 Tyr, A Prisoner Of War

The scouts sent out by Njal had traveled for a while but they had to split up to cover more ground.

They knew they were not supposed to engage should they see anything, they were meant to slip away and report back to the camp.

A man known as Gō was in charge of this expedition, he was a small man, barely 5 \'2 making him perfect for the job because one would rarely spot him from afar.

He had gone a route that made him travel in an arc around the border.

This allowed him to cover more ground in a shorter time but he could not shake off a terrible feeling that something was wrong the further he traveled.

If they had deployed the decoy as Njal had suggested then it was a fool\'s errand because they had had days to cover grounds as opposed to them.

It was unsettling that they could have been the ones watched by the enemies.

But Sturla, his name alone was enough to make Njal come here to the forefront which was an indicator of this man\'s strength because Njal rarely left the side of Gissur.

Gō was cautious but he saw something from the side of his eyes; when he turned to confirm, his eyes met nothing.

This was a frequent occurrence throughout as he ventured further out, the frosty mist brought forth from the snow made it difficult for him to see from afar but he was well-dressed for the weather.

"Something is wrong, something is very wrong…" Gō thought to himself, but he knew seeing things that were not there was common with the mist so he did not pay it too much attention but then he heard a sound.

Gō immediately stopped and fell face down into the snow so it could swallow up his smaller body frame.

The voices got closer and closer, these were unfamiliar forces because they had a strange accent attached to them.

But if they had reached this far, there was no point in returning as they had already completed a full turn around the forces meant to hold them but if he fought them, he was certain to die so that was out of the equation.

Gō contemplated his choices, thinking about what to do next. A footstep mere inches from his face, and that is when he realized he needed to get out of there.

Njal was right, that was a decoy but he needed the report to Njal.

He soon heard them hurrying; like they had amped up their pace, chasing something or someone.

They were traveling in the cover of the mist, that is what made it possible for them to go around them.

Gō waited for a few extra minutes for the noises to quiet down, and he immediately dashed in the direction in which he came from.

He ran as fast as his small limbs could carry him because he knew the faster he returned to the camp the better but while traveling, he saw the body of one of the scouts that were to investigate an area not too far from where he was. The body was mauled to death.

This could not have been the person responsible for their increased pace because they generally lacked any threat in actual combat but they were not completely useless as they each trained in different aspects.

An army did not only need fighters, it needed so much more.

"I have to report this to General Njal! They have breached our second line of defense!" He muttered under his breath but from the corner of his eyes, he could see something approaching him and fast.

It was a white wolf, he knew he could not outrun it but this did not look to be a stray wolf because it had a collar around its neck.

Instinctively, he knew this same creature was responsible for the death of the corpse before him.

He could not be found, not yet and something fortunate soon happened as the wolf lunged at him.

In an act of self-sacrifice, the body he thought had died threw himself in front of the wolf while simultaneously stabbing it in the eye but not after it had taken a huge chunk out of his neck.

There was only one fate that awaited him and that was death but the look in his eyes.

He wanted to tell Gō something but he could not speak for his throat had been crushed.

And before long, he took his final breath, then he heard voices but he did not wait to see who they were.

Running straight ahead without looking back, the mist working in his favor.

The enemies studied the scene and assumed that the wolf had come to finish off its prey.

This left Gō in the clear and the footsteps that would otherwise be imprinted in the snow had been concealed by a very unique trick he had devised.

By attaching a metal bar at the heel of both his respective feet, each hole he made with his feet was covered as the bar served as a leveler.

It was not perfect but it did just enough, especially in this area.


The Mad Hound had carried Tyr, the forces did not look bothered by his sudden need to retreat because if anything, this reiterated their superiority over that clan.

This man that was carrying him not only defeated the Chieftain but made light work of Tyr.

That was impressive, and to think that Tyr thought Erik was a monster.

This was the definition of a real monster, they had been traveling for quite some time and Tyr was fortunate he had allowed Noa to live because if he had as much control over this thing as he thought.

He could prove to be an invaluable asset.

Tyr knew trying to escape would prove stupid because now he was being brought directly to Gissur.

This would be an opportunity to meet him but unknown to Tyr, a prophecy made him the biggest threat to Gissur and Gissur was ready to do anything to make sure it never comes to pass.

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