A New World, an immersive game experience

Chapter 557 - The Curse Of Those In The Know

Chapter 557 - The Curse Of Those In The Know

"They have a hundred in storage, but can only sell fifty. He is also willing to give us a discount of five gold per cannonball if we buy them all."

While Elizabeth had failed to get the research, she had managed to get a discount as an alternative and show of good faith. And that 5 gold would mean 250 gold less in total. By no means a small amount.

Turning to Pelaros, Eldrian waited for his decision. It was still a lot of gold to spend on something they only had second account information on. However, now it was under two thousand gold in total.

Pelaros had three thousand gold in his personal capacity, he wouldn\'t even need to dig into the city\'s funds. And he was more than willing to spend the money on even just a chance of being able to defend the city.

"Organize it, we will also work on making our own as soon as we can." Pelaros quickly went to work, calling all the craftsmen of the city who weren\'t busy with repairs to his manor.

"Now, explain what happened with you." Elizabeth turned to Eldrian, Ceph and Vivian immediately jumped in on wanting to know why he had gone missing for months.

"That is a long story." Looking at Vivian, Eldrian decided that it was time to bring her into the loop of what Gaia actually was.


"She did not take that well..." Eldrian sighed, he had tried to make it clear that it truly did not mean anything. That it shouldn\'t change anything. Learning that this had happened by design actually pissed her off much more than learning this was a simulation had bothered her.

More than anything, she just wanted to somehow vent her frustration and general anger at the world.

"Did you think that it would go any other way?" Elizabeth asked.

"Not really, but it seems like she at least understood. She just needs some time to process." Eldrian replied, not too worried since Ceph had gone with her.

The two seemed to have grown close over the months that he had been gone, and Ceph had also gone through the discovery that their world was a simulation. If anyone, Ceph should be able to help her come to grips with her new reality.

"Right, as for why I was unable to come back. Miracle decided that it was time for me to upgrade from an interesting study subject to a straight-up guinea pig."

Confused, Elizabeth asked why on Earth they would do something like that. And how they could get away with it.

"They can get away with it since it seems like Miracle might once have been a shadow corporation of the army or something. I don\'t know what else they have hidden, but there are insane numbers of restricted areas. And the place they had me locked up in..."

Eldrian suddenly realized that while he had blocked the monitoring, Miracle had likely confirmed his presence and also knows that Elizabeth was with him.

"It shouldn\'t be a problem." She replied, but Eldrian couldn\'t just take her word for it. "No really, I\'m from a different country, remember."

"Oh, right... But still-"

"They likely want to keep this all under wraps, so they wouldn\'t be able to explain why they are targeting me. If you are worrying about-"

"But what about if they hire a hitman or something to capture you?"

"What use will it do?"

"What do you-"

"I\'m not like you. I can\'t control spells and I certainly haven\'t felt any strange things happening to me. The most they can want from me is to know what you shared. I don\'t think they will try to start an international incident just to hear what we talked about."

"Right... I hope your right."

"But, I will be careful," Elizbeth added, knowing that if she didn\'t then Eldrian wouldn\'t be able to relax. "Besides, you are planning to bring this to light. Aren\'t you?"

"Not right now. I need to first get proof of what I learned and also find a way to explain it without being seen as a madman."

"Yeah, that is indeed a tough one..." Elizabeth thought for a moment. Her eyes flew open as she thought of an event that might be perfect for this.

"What about the next tournament?"

Nodding, Eldrian agreed that it would be a good time to try something. The eyes of the world would be on Miracle. If he were to arrange something at that time. No one will be able to deny it, though Miracle might try to spin it as some sort of spectacle.

"Still, just getting the news out isn\'t good enough. I need to make sure people understand the danger that using magic will bring."

"Right, please fill me in on that."

Realizing that he had been talking as if Elizabeth knew everything, Eldrian nodded and started from the start.

"So... If I understand you correctly- My god! That\'s just-"

"I know, which is why I need to find a way to convey this in a way that people will listen to."

Elizabeth nodded, this time it was her world that had suddenly changed completely. She had long since suspected that magic might exist on Earth, ever since Eldrian\'s disappearance and \'suicide\'.

This, however, was far more than she had thought it would be. That magic could literally destroy the entire world.

"I should admit that I am not actually certain how things would develop on Earth."

By now the conversation had led them to Eldrian\'s office, Maia had also returned before anyone else. She was still as observant as ever, knowing when to disturb to offer refreshments and when to stay far away to ensure she didn\'t get in the way.

Eldrian naturally made sure with the map that they weren\'t going to be overheard. He didn\'t want panic or mass existential dread to overtake a city under siege.

"What do you mean?"

"Mana is scarce on Earth, so scarce that the results might just be an explosion of normal scale and size. Or, it could lead to a cascade that never stops until all mana is spent. I\'ve no way to know and do not want to test."

Elizabeth nodded, getting shivers at the idea that someone would actually dare to test it. Considering how people tested nuclear weapons, it seemed likely that people would do the same with this.

For, indeed it would be an amazing weapon if you could destabilize the mana in an enemy country and set off a mana storm. Far more effective than a nuke and it could even be done in secret.

The very thought was terrifying.

"Jesus Eldrian! How did you manage to just accept this all and continue on like nothing changed?"

"I didn\'t... Did I not explain myself? I killed people, lots of people..." Eldrian voice carried a hint of pain, the act of killing was terrible and stayed with him deeply. The first time it had been in a bloody rage, he hardly remembered it.

However, those after. Where he fought as they found his hiding place. Those times he couldn\'t forget.

Elizabeth looked at Eldrian and saw his pain. Cursing herself she couldn\'t even imagine what he had gone through in these past months.

Needing to live without any help, with the entire army looking for him. With his family thinking he was dead, and he, unable to inform them otherwise.

Without thinking, she moved to hug him. To try and show her support, words would never be enough.

AN: A big thank you to everyone who continues to read and support the story on WN.

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