A New World, an immersive game experience

Chapter 488 - Blinding Achievements

Chapter 488 - Blinding Achievements

When the song ended, applause filled the room. Looking up, the two quickly turned red and retreated from the dance floor. However, it was not that easy to escape attention after you managed to grab it.

Many demi-human and human\'s approached the two. Eldrian was a handsome elf who seemed to know an entirely foreign dance style. This piqued nearly all the noble ladies.

Vivian, instead, was a beautiful girl, which attracted many noble men.

It turned into such a bother that the two had to escape to the outside just for some peace and quiet. After they did, they laughed.

"And I thought we might just be able to not attract attention until the reward ceremony near the end of the gala."

Eldrian just smiled and shrugged, "When is that going to start?"

"It should be anytime now. We should probably go back in."

Nodding, they did just that and just as people noticed, Pelaros declared that it was time for the formal matters.

"Friends, I hope you have all been having a good, no, a great time!"

"I hate to spoil the fun, but we do need to give recognition to those who had placed their lives on the line for us. And! Let us not forget those who are no longer with us! Please, let us pray for their safe journey to the next life."

The hall fell silent, and after a few seconds, the band started to play a soft, sad song. It slowly filled the hall, as it did, many of those present even started crying. Many had lost friends or even loved ones in the fight to repel the undead.

Eldrian watched in awe, having activated mana sense after feeling something stir in him. With it, he saw the song actually influence the mana in the hall. And especially focus on those who grieved.

Eldrian was amazed to see, for the first time ever, divine mana outside of divine spells. He saw it surround and hug the grieving, and he saw how they visibly gained closure. It was an amazing sight, and Eldrian was certain he must be the first, or one of the very few who had ever seen this.

\'The AI, or rather, the gods... I don\'t understand, but I do. It just...\' Ignoring the controversy and questions rising in his mind, Eldrian instead simply enjoyed the wonderful sight.

His inquisitive side wanted to move closer to someone who grieved, to try and reach out and take control of some of the divine mana. However, that thought was sent to the darkest room in his mind once he turned and saw Vivian\'s tears slowly flowing down her cheek.

\'How could I even think of doing that? Do I not have a heart?\'? Eldrian asked as he hugged Vivian. As he did, he could feel the divine mana also slowly starting to surround him.

It was not his plan, not what he had wanted. And the result was also not what he would have expected. Somehow, someway, as it surrounded him, he could feel that Sabrea was at peace. That everyone lost at Avgi had found their way to the next stage of their life.

This caused even him to cry, a few tears flowing as a weight he hadn\'t known he still had, lifted from his heart. And as it did, Eldrian slowly gained a feeling. A small decision started to bloom in his heart. One that wished for a world without heartache.

It was a ridiculous dream, but it took root in his subconscious and refused to budge. And with it, his soul also stirred. Eldrian had pushed back trying to enter his soul ever since his death incident.

Of course, he had been curious about how he had killed that devil and undead. But, his instincts had told him that going into his soul again would change his world, yet again.

Now, he could feel that it was time. That he was ready for what would happen.

"Are you okay?" Vivian asked, shocked to see tears also flowing down Eldrian\'s cheeks.

Eldrian nodded, slowly parting from Vivian and looking towards the band who were slowly coming to the end of their song. In his heart, he thanked them.

As the music ended, Pelaros spoke softly. His voice carried through the room through magic, else, those even just a few meters away from him would not have been able to hear him.

"Our losses were great, and... There will be far more losses before the end. But," Slowly his voice started to rise, "We cannot have the sorrows overwhelm us, have them bring us down."

"For, in our darkest hour, when the news of Herglem\'s fall reached us and our hopes of fighting back against the undeads\' corruption waned, a hero appeared."

"We all doubted the Chosen, we heard the stories of them rushing to their deaths without a thought. But, to immortals, death isn\'t scary, and to this Chosen, he had even welcomed it."

"In our last push, as we were ambushed and surrounded, unable to act or even escape. As we saw our death approaching, he sacrificed himself. Killing undead far stronger than him, undead that even commander Sodren had a hard time surviving against. Let alone kill!"

"Not only that, with them he also killed a devil prince! His sacrifice allowed the commander and his party to escape and help the others. Help us all make it back, with just a few new scars."

Saying this, Pelaros lifted his akro. Showing a nasty scar that went from his human ribs to his horse foreleg. The black of the scar sent severs down everyone who knew what it meant.

"The wound of a ghoul, if we had made it out just a minute later, I would have died. As would have we all. His sacrifice not only turned the tides, but it also saved untold numbers."

"Yet, that is just one of his contributions! For he was also the one who figured out how the corruption was spreading and how we could slow it, and even push it back! He was also the one who, before his sacrifice, delivered a massive blow to our foe."

"Infuriating the demon-undead hybrid and causing it to leave its lair!"

"Of course, in handling the demon we must thank our dwarven neighbors. Who due to the severity of the invasion were unable to come tonight."

"Yet, those are still not all of this Chosen\'s achievements!" Pelaros continued, and by now many were in disbelief that one person could have done so much, and there was still more to tell.

"After his death, he had rushed to return to the field of battle. Rushed to warn us of what a danger the demon-hybrid truly was. If we had decided to fight at our camp, instead of pulling back to the fort. Our losses would not have been just a third of the elite."

"Our victory might even have been a loss instead!"

"And through all this, he had even managed to survive the assassination attempts by a devil specialized in stealth and shadow teleportation. A feat in itself that is worthy of praise."

"Eldrian, our hero. Please, step forward!"

[Title acquired: Hero]

AN: A big thanks to everyone who continually supports this novel on WN.

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