A New World, an immersive game experience

Chapter 423: Introduced to the world

Chapter 423: Introduced to the world

The entire opening took over an hour, yet no one complained. Even if you didn\'t care for what was shown, the technology by which it was shown was simply mind-blowing. At times some of the magnificent creatures such as Dragons, Phoenixes, Pegassii, and so forth would fly out from the floor and over everyone in the stadium.

Showcasing just how advanced the holograms actually were, and making everyone question how Miracle had managed to develop them and why they were not on the market.

When the hologram finally ended, Micaela appeared on the stage. "We wanted to show everyone just how much more there was still to be found. That the game has only just started and that the players have not even seen a single drop of the ocean that is ANW."

"Now, let\'s welcome the contestants!" With this statement, the players suddenly found the boxes they were in moving. Taking them to the stage where the front wall turned into a door and let them out onto the stage.

In total, 36 players climbed out of 5 boxes.

"Team Zinopia," Micaela said and suddenly the team was on the holograms for all to see. "Team Agrerian."

"Team Phoenix, and last but not least, team Dragonfly."

"For the team matches the players will be logging in from their room to join the matches. Viewers will have the option of viewing the action in this stadium, or make use of the headsets to dive into the virtual stadiums."

"And for the individual matches, we have players: Sky, Red Light, Lizzy, and Sauce."

As with the teams, with each name called the player found themselves appearing as a hologram before thousands of people. Causing many of the players to turn beet red and thank the heavens that Micaela called their names quickly.

Or so it was for all but Sauce, who took the opportunity to throw a victory sign.

After the introductions, the players got back into their boxes and Micaela explained the times for the matches and also shared with everyone that they should differently give the new headsets and immersion chairs a try. Hyping up the fact that with it one could game as much as they want, only needing to ensure they at least return to reality to feed themselves.


"Well, that was interesting," Elizabeth said after they left the stadium. Naturally, none of the finalists cared for the showcase of the new developments since they had their own immersion chair in their rooms. They also were all given a temporary tablet with which they could ask any questions they might have. Be it about the chairs, headsets, or tournament format.

"Yeah, didn\'t know they were going to just call us up like that. Felt kinda rushed," Nikki added. Unlike her avatar, she had long blond hair and deep blue eyes. Eldrian wasn\'t sure why she would have changed both to brown in the game. Her real self looked far more appealing, at least to him. Naturally, he kept that to himself. Especially when he learned she was 28.

"Well, they have always been like this, haven\'t they. They really don\'t seem to know how to handle the advertisement and social part of an E-sport." Judith added, her demeanor completely different than that which she had in the game.

"True..." The group immediately agreed and then quickly turned on Erik and Eldrian asking where one should go for some fun in this city.

The two boys, unfortunately, had no answer for their friends. And compared to everyone in the group they were indeed the boys. The oldest person was Zyviss, whose real name was Chris and had turned 35 a few months back. Right about when ANW was released.

"Shouldn\'t we focus on the tournament?" Eldrian asked after dodging the question a few times too many. He didn\'t know how to admit that he was such a recluse that he had only gone out once after turning 18.

"Sure, sure. But we are going to need to either celebrate or vent. So you can\'t just stay clueless."

The two didn\'t know what to say, and after a bit of thinking, Eldrian said he would ask his sister about it. Seeing as she actually had a social life.

"Right, we completely forgot about going out," Eldrian said to Erik after the two managed to grow some distance from them and the rest.

"Yeah, things became hectic for both of us." Erik replied, "You nearly killed yourself with an experiment and I finally managed to reach Tier 1 in my hidden class."

Eldrian nearly tripped over his feet hearing this. "Wait, what!?"

"Oh, yeah I didn\'t share that yet. Happened two days ago, since then I have been completely absorbed in trying to learn more about it. I finally get just how overwhelming it can be once you make an advancement. It is like everything else loses importance."

"But you are still going to classes, right?"

"Yeah, though I did skip on coming here again."

"What, why?"

"Don\'t get me wrong, I appreciate you getting me the meeting, but... I realized I simply don\'t have the time for it. And as magic advances, the less important it seems to be."

Eldrian had to agree with that. He didn\'t need to know a thing about how to do stitches, and a simple Thera could fix that right up.

"But still, didn\'t-"

"Sure, it will be helpful. But the time man."


Back in the game, Eldrian wasn\'t too sure what to do. He knew he couldn\'t become too invested during the following days, yet he didn\'t want to just sit back and do nothing.

His personal worries were interrupted by the sounds of fighting, the dark night sky suddenly became filled with the light of fires.

Eldrian immediately got ready for a fight, Vivian joining him not much later. The two, however, did not rush forward, instead, they waited where they were and listened.

"Surprise attack?" Eldrian questioned somewhat disbelievingly.

"No, see how few people were actually in their tents." Vivian indicated to the tents that were actual sleeping quarters. Just one or two people exiting from those, most of whom were recovering from their wounds.

"Then, are we being pushed back?" Eldrian asked, wanting to rush forward but also not wanting to blindly rush into danger.

"Let\'s at least confirm what is going on," Vivian said and took the lead, Eldrian not missing a beat. The two quickly arrived at the walls where the undead had burned more than half the wall down and the rest was filled with skeleton-sized holes and scorched.

"Shit!" Eldrian rushed forward and used Thora on the approaching Flaming Skeleton, alas the spell had near no effect on it. But before anything more could happen it was suddenly thrown to the side as a massive demi-human appeared before the two.

"Move back, you can\'t help here!" The man shouted, the two confused by the order and not immediately moving.

However, it took them just a few seconds to realize what was going on. They were being raided by Flaming Reanimates, and not just one or two. By hundreds, mostly previous centaurs.

Seeing this the two realized they could do nothing and moved back, going so far as to even leave the center of the camp and rather wait in between the first and second wall.

There they found many wounded soldiers being constantly brought in, as well as a few Flaming Reanimates trying to reach them but being stopped by a few soldiers or priests.

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