A New World, an immersive game experience

Chapter 170: Vargr riders

Chapter 170: Vargr riders

The group did not make it far before running into another scouting party. Luckily the orcs all seemed to think they would be able to easily best the group of humans. This ensured that the warband was not informed as their group managed to kill one scouting party after another.

After their fifth run in, everyone took a breather as they felt their worries grow. Vivian took this time to voice her concern, "We are in a bad spot. Either one of the scouting parties we killed have been discovered, and they are looking for the culprits. Or they were already on high alert due to something else."

This even though the area they were in had many small hills, often causing small valleys to form. Allowing them to often avoid detection from far, and hence also a large reason why all the orcs had charged them. Other than believing they were stronger.

Hearing this everyone hoped it was the latter, as it would give them a better chance of going by unnoticed.

Eldrian did not need to ask why, even he understood that the number of scouts was too much. Knowing this he picked up the pace at which he collected the fallen weapons. Everyone in their group already had a weapon by now, so he had started storing the extras in his inventory. A habit he seemed to have grown from his first battle.

Other than taking some extra time, Eldrian felt it had hardly any downsides. If he latter needed space he could decide which to dump, while keeping so many weapons on him allowed him to give them to others in emergencies. If that was never needed, he could also try and sell them later on.

"Them being able to send so many scouts means that the warband is large. If we find ourselves in their path, then we certainly won\'t be able to escape." Sabrea added as she finished cleaning her sword.

"I hoped not to mention this," Vivian said as she looked at the women they were escorting, happy to see them minding their own business.

As of now, they had yet to run into a group which the actual soldiers could not handle. Hence the group of women had mostly been protected and needed not bloody their blades. This ease everyone\'s minds slightly, but knowing that they could run into trouble at any moment added far more unease.

Even so, the group of women was certainly a liability.Vivian feared they might lose hope if they heard how bad the situation was, most of them were still haunted by what they had lived through.

"That isn\'t the worst part," Eldrian said as he looked at the time. "We are running out of time. Once it becomes night, we will no longer be able to run."

Everyone became quiet upon hearing Eldrian\'s words. They had forgotten about it as they focused on trying to avoid the scouts. Night would naturally be the best cover for them, yet they could not move freely at night.

It was not guaranteed that they would be attacked by Night Terrors, but simply the danger of the possibility caused everyone to favor setting up camp. Even if it meant becoming a target of the orcs.

"Are there any caves nearby?" Vivian asked those who had come through here before.Hearing her question Eldrian looked at his map, finding that they were slightly off track.

"Since this morning, we have deviated slightly from our original path," Eldrian said as he continued to look for a place they could hide. "And I don\'t see any caves, but I do see a large hill. We might be able to make sense of things if we get a better view."

After a bit of a discussion, they all agreed to go for the hill. It was only barely visible on the horizon, and even if it was only slightly higher than the rest of the area. It would allow them to see what was actually going on. Hopefully allowing them to avoid further scouts, and more importantly the main army of orcs; the warband.

Setting off, they quickly ran into two more scouting parties. Both were little trouble to the group, the scouts\' total numbers not passing ten. The disturbing part was that the time between running into the two was only ten minutes.

Due to this, the group had not moved from where they had fought the second group. It seemed to be an old dam, a large one at that. They were currently in the middle of it, causing the walls of the dam to cover them and provide cover in all directions.

"There seems to be even more here," Terlas said as he rejoined the others. He had crawled up one of the dam walls surrounding them, having tried his best to remain undetected.

"Then it is likely they have taken the hill. Should we backtrack?" Eldrian said as soon as he heard that there were even more orcs. Angry at himself for not considering the fact that the enemy would also wish to gain the high ground.

It was something so simple, yet only important if the warband was expecting trouble. If the orc warband had only been traveling, then there would be no reason for them to secure the hill. The question was now; were their traveling party the trouble, or was there another army nearby.

"They will likely be scouting that side searching for us," Vivian replied. She felt certain that now with a couple of hours having passed, since their first encounter, that the defeated scouts had been found.

As she wondered what to do, she started understanding just how hard it was to travel through the barren lands. Causing her to wonder just why Eldrian and the others had traveled so far just for her. It did not make much sense from a military standpoint, she certainly did not feel worth so much effort.

She also wondered just why her journey had been relatively peaceful., Other than the Oni chasing her, she had managed to avoid most other dangers. She had run past some small orc bands and goblins groups, as well as some beasts. With her constantly running, these did not even bother chasing her.

"Vargr riders!" Margit shouted as she spotted a Vargr coming over a small hill, an orc rider coming into vision soon after as the Vargr completely climbed the small hill.

The Vargr looked like a mix between a hyena and wolf. It had a bulky wild appearance. It fit well with the orc on its back.

Terlas reacted quickly and let loose an arrow almost along with Margit\'s shout. The Vargr anticipating an attack, jumped to its side with uncanny speed. Avoiding the arrow with ease. In its action, the orc almost lost its balance.

Clutching for life on the wild fur of the Vargr, the orc shouted at it. The latter seemingly not caring for its rider\'s shouts as it started running full speed at everyone. The orc flailing as he attempted to not fall off.

Eldrian wanted to take the front with his spear, but soon he saw another Vargr appear. With more following closely behind as Vivian\'s shout echoes in his ears.

"Run!" Vivian shouted with all her might. The others were slightly slow in reacting, allowing them to see the number of Vargr and their riders quickly climb past twenty. Causing everyone chills, as they turned and ran with all their might.

In their haste to run, they did not care where. They only hoped to not be caught.

Most of the women dropped their weapons in their fear as they started running with all their might. Yet this was not fast at all, everyone in the formal party easily matched their speed.

Turning to look at how bad the situation was, Eldrian felt his blood run cold. The number of Vargrs alone numbered over the hundred. While some of their riders had failed to stay as riders, it still meant they had over two hundred enemies charging them.

Eldrian had thought for a slight second to use his life to gain everyone some time. But upon seeing the mass of Vargr riders he quickly gave up that thought.

How strong are they?Eldrian asked himself, hoping that they would be similar to goblins. To find out he slowed himself slightly and turned to look at the front-most Vargr. Using Observe only added to the chills he had.

-[Vargr, Bloodline Beast]

[Tier 2, Level 6]

[HP: 320]

[Attack: 32.5]


[Tier 4, Level 18]

-[Vargr, Bloodline Beast]

[Tier 3, Level 12]

[HP: 320]



[Tier 3, Level 18]

[HP: 213]


-[Vargr, Bloodline Beast]

[Tier 2, Level 7]

[HP: 323]

[Attack: 32.5]

Cursing Eldrian\'s mind started reeling as he tried to think of a plan.Bloodline Beasts!This struck some fear in him as Eldrian knew this meant they were really strong. These beasts all also had access to magic. The type of magic was not certain, but Eldrian knew just how large a factor spells and skill were.

Rushing back to catch up with the rest, he desperately looked at his map for something. Anything which could help. The only silver lining was that the Vargrs were a couple of hundred meters from the party.

There. That is... Something! Eldrian thought as he saw the dried-up river. He was not sure how up to date his map stayed, but he hoped that it would help. It was also close, hopefully, close enough that they would reach it before the Vargr caught up to them.

"Vivian! Follow!" Eldrian shouted with all his strength as he turned slightly to the left. Without much thought, everyone followed his actions. Hoping for something which could help them survive.

Think. Think. Think!Eldrian told himself as he wondered what the river would be able to do for them. If they had more mages or just one with a variety of skills, then there were a large variety of options.

Yet all magic they had was fire. A magic he could not find a use for in their situation, where there was not even something to burn.


"Do not let the humans escape!" The leading orc shouted as he wondered why his boss was so worried about such a little group of weak humans. They certainly would not be able to do anything against their mighty army.

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