
Chapter 605 Meeting The Crew

"Ahh! Go slower!" Akio shouted. He tried to peel away from Keng\'s grasp but was only met with resistance from his sister.

"Hold still." Akali growled pushing down on him as Keng picked at the seaweed-like paste. It felt tough as Keng peeled it off.

"Ow! That hurts!" Akio complained as he managed to pull himself away from Akali and Keng. "Let\'s wait a bit."

"Stop being a baby." Akali smacked her brother. Akio instantly swung around, looking at his twin sister in disbelief. Before he could utter the words, "how dare you," Keng snapped his fingers.

"H-hey!" Akio shouted. Keng quickly made a pull motion and watched as the seaweed paste peel off clean. "Ahhh!" Akio\'s face squeezed in pain as the seaweed paste paper hovered next to him. Keng looked at it in disgust before flicking it off to the kitchen.

"Done." Keng stood up, releasing the hold onto Akio. Akio clutched his side, trying not to hurt himself too much as he reeled in pain.

"Ahhh, fuuuck!"Akio shouted loudly. Calis munched on the last pizza as he watched the scene unfold before him. Akali laughed as she slapped Akio\'s bare back. Akio turned, putting himself in more pain as he tried to fight between defending himself or protecting his wound. "Why\'d you do that? You could\'ve given me a chance to ready myself!"

"You were being a baby about it." Keng rolled his eyes. "The best remedy is the one that comes without notice."

"HAHAHA!" Akali pointed at Keng. "He used your own words against you! He really knows everything about Lee Seng!" Akio slapped her brother a couple more times before Akio stood up in frustration.

"Stop! It hurts like hell still!" Akio stomped his foot in frustration.

"Okay! Okay! I won\'t tease you anymore!" Akali waved her hands. Akio huffed as he turned away. Keng wandered over to the kitchen and flicked his finger at the trash can. The seaweed paste paper fell into the trash, closing as Keng turned around.

"Eat your fill, Calis?" Keng asked.

"Mmm?" Calis cleared his throat, nodding. "Yeah, I\'m good."

"Let\'s go then." Keng moved over to the bedroom door, grabbing his things.

"Leaving already?" Akali looked over at Keng.

"Mmm." Keng nodded, heading for the door. Calis stood up and turned to look at Akio and Akali.

"Thank you for the food." Calis gave a politeful salute before following Keng.

"I-I\'ll call you when I hear something." Akio told Keng.

"Alright. I\'ll let you know if I find anything on my end." Keng waved without turning back.

The drive home was something Keng dreaded. He didn\'t know how much Calis knew about human technology and blending in, but Calis surprised him. Calis navigated through the city and onto the highway like a pro.

Keng watched the light of the lit city and cars pass by as Calis drove them home. He propped his head on his left arm as he watched cars go by. Calis took glances at Keng from the rear view mirror. The Fox Spirit was quiet. It was different from Keng\'s recent behavior and attitude towards him.

\'He\'s not that bad when he\'s quiet.\' Calis thought. He watched the road as cars passed. The GPS built in the car was on and telling him he had miles before he had to exit. He cruised through the traffic, passing slow cars as he followed the tempo of the traffic. It took them close to an hour and a half to get to the heart of the city. Night traffic was bad because it was dinner time.

Calis rolled the car to a stop as he rolled his window down. A guard greeted him.

"Is it just you?" The guard asked.

"Me and him." Calis nodded back to Keng. The guard\'s eyes went to the backseat.

"Alright, both of your IDs, please." The guard asked. Keng pulled Lee Seng\'s ID out and handed it to Calis. Calis plucked it out of his hand and gave the two IDs to the guard.

"Hmm… Student Lee Seng Chang and… Mr. Calis Forger?" The guard looked up at Calis.

"Correct." Calis nodded.

"Can I ask what you\'re doing with Mr. Chang?"

"I\'m his newly assigned bodyguard." Calis answered. The guard gave a delayed nod and handed the IDs back.

"Have a good night Student Chang and Mr. Forger." The guard waved. The gate raised as Calis handed Keng\'s ID back. Keng plucked it and went back to staring out the window. It didn\'t take them too long to get back home. Before Keng knew it, Calis had parked on the street and shut the car off.

"Keng?" Calis called to him. Keng shook his head and realized Calis had opened the door for him. "Everything okay?" Keng grabbed his things and stepped out. He nodded at Calis\'s answer, slinging his backpack on his shoulder as he rounded the rear of the car and moved onto the sidewalk.

"It\'s Lee Seng." Keng corrected Calis. "And I\'m fine… Just a long day. Let\'s go inside. I guess I\'ll introduce you to everyone." Calis unlocked the trunk and pulled his suitcase out and quickly closed it, jogging after Keng.

Keng led Calis up the lit path towards the front door and opened the door. He rang the doorbell and listened as footsteps rushed to the door. The door swung open, letting the heat greet him as Calis poked into view.

"Lee Seng, you\'re home! We were supposed to wait for you but you never showed." Manny greeted him. He noticed the dark tanned blonde guy climbing the stairs. "Thank goodness I got a text telling us you went somewhere with your sister. How\'s your brother? Is he doing fine?"

"Tired, but they\'re both fine." Keng answered. He let out a yawn as he passed Manny.

"Who\'s this?" Manny asked. Calis set the suitcase down and stuck out his right hand.

"I\'m Mr. Chang\'s bodyguard. I\'m here to watch him while he\'s at the Academy." Calis told him. "I\'m Calis Forger."

"Ah, Calis Forger? You\'re pretty young for a bodyguard with the Creator\'s company. Must be good." Manny shook Calis\'s hand. "Come in. You\'ll probably have to take one of the empty rooms upstairs."

"Thanks, Mr. Valentin." Calis nodded, grabbing his things and moving inside.

"Who\'s here?" Liz\'s voice called out. Liz and Olivia poked their heads out from the kitchen. They were in sweats and hoodies. "Oh, hi Lee Seng. You\'re back?"

"Mmm, I\'m back." Keng nodded. He stepped aside, revealing Calis.

"This is Calis." Manny motioned at Calis as he shut the door behind him. "He\'ll be staying with us for a bit. He\'s gonna be watching Lee Seng for a bit."

"Oh! Hello I\'m Liz." Liz waved.

"I\'m Olivia." Olivia nodded at him.

"Calis. Nice to meet you." Calis nodded.

"Calis, how old are you? Twenties?" Manny asked, poking his head into view.

"Mmm, I\'m twenty-four." Calis answered. Manny stepped backwards, taking a good look at Calis. Keng could tell Manny had interest in the sunkissed bodyguard.

"Cool, cool. Not too far off from us." Manny nodded.

"C\'mon, Calis. I\'ll show you your room." Keng begrudgingly spoke.

"Yo! You\'re back?" Ritsuka asked climbing the stairs.

"Mmm, I\'m back. With a… guest."

"Oh who?"

"His bodyguard." Manny replied.

"Calis, this is Ritsuka." Keng motioned at Ritsuka.

"Nice to meet you." Ritsuka stepped straight up to Calis and shook his hand.

"Likewise." Calis nodded.

"I\'m gonna show him where he\'s gonna sleep and do this never ending homework." Keng groaned, climbing the stairs.

"Make yourself at home." Manny motioned. Calis smiled, excusing himself as he followed Keng up the stairs. Keng took Calis to one of the empty rooms and motioned at Calis to go in.

"Wow. This place is… Huge." Calis glanced around at the bare room. It was the last room between the six of them. It was an extra room that was set up as a guest room in case any of their friends decided to stay over.

"Make yourself at home." Keng turned and started to leave.

"Wait, Lee Seng." Calis called out. He moved over as Keng turned.


"Is there… Anything I need to know about… Your friends?" Calis asked. Keng thought about it for awhile and shook his head.

"Not really. I think the only crazy one in this house is Manny. I guess you know that by the way he looked at you." Keng motioned. "Other than that, Liz and Olivia are usually together. They\'re the only girls in the house so try not to accidentally spy on them or anything. Ritsuka and I are in the basement and Evan - the last member you haven\'t seen yet - is probably in his room playing video games."

"Okay." Calis nodded, looking around the room. "I guess I should try to get aquainted with this place since I\'ll be here for awhile."

"Mmm. Don\'t settle in too well." Keng told him.

"Why?" Calis asked, furrowing his eyebrows. Keng smiled at him and turned. He looked over his shoulder as he stood in the door.

"Because this place is supposedly haunted." Keng waved Calis goodbye as he descended to the basement.

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