Shrewd Wife Of Lin Brothers

Chapter 373 - Don’t Be Scared

Su Wan wasn\'t much of a security blanket while trying to climb up on the roof if he spoke the truth.

"Come on, follow me," called Su Wan as she started climbing the ladder. One by one she climbed the rungs of the ladder, and soon she was all the way up to the roof of his room. Lin Yan stood at the bottom of the ladder, holding its sides, hoping for some miracle to happen so that he didn\'t have to climb up. "There is nothing up here," said Su Wan when she saw that Lin Yan was not coming up, "nothing at all, and especially not a baby, come up and check for yourself."

"Wan Wan -" began Lin Yan trying to fight his case, but then Su Wan shook her head as she wriggled her finger in a \'no, no\' action.

"If you don\'t come up here, I won\'t get down, so you better start climbing that ladder," threatened Su Wan. Honestly, she didn\'t want to, but Lin Yan forced her hand by acting obstinate.

Lin Yan knew that she was serious, so he still climbed that ladder despite having a sense of foreboding. Su Wan held her hand out and helped him up the roof when he reached the top of the ladder. It was just like she said, there was nothing. Except for some frozen leaves and a bit of melting snow, there was nothing on the roof.

Lin Yan blinked his eyes and looked around, waiting for a bloody head of a baby to pop out from somewhere, but nothing happened. Except for the two of them, no one else was there, whether alive or dead.

"See, there is nothing here," said Su Wan as she waved her hand around the roof, in a \'so you see\' motion "just, you, me and the moon. Now you don\'t need to be scared, alright?"

Lin Yan nodded. Maybe he was really spooked out after learning that Luo Xin was back in the town and ended up having weird hallucinations because of that. Yes, that\'s must be it. He thought inwardly, but on the other hand, he kept clutching the red string in his right hand tightly.

"It\'s beautiful, isn\'t it?" said Su Wan all of a sudden as the wind rustled past them, making the clouds flutter and float, revealing the brightly lit moon hidden behind them. The entire roof that was only lit from the lantern that Su Wan was carrying was instantly drowned in the white moonlight, lighting up every corner of the once dark roof.

"Yea, it\'s beautiful. But it is freezing," replied Lin Yan.

Following that statement, that\'s how the romantic mood that Su Wan was trying to set up was broken. Like fragile glass.

Eyes twitching, Su Wan looked at Lin Yan. She was sure that if she ever got pregnant, Lin Yan would be the last of the brothers to get her pregnant. He was such a klutzy klutz when it came to emotions.

Lin Yan didn\'t know that he had just lost some major \'romance\' points in Su Wan\'s eyes. He was still looking at the moon that was shining brighter than ever. His long hair fluttered in the wind, and he smiled just as bright as the moon. "But it is indeed stunning."

Su Wan\'s eyes widened at his careless smile, and suddenly her expression softened. Never before has she seen such a carefree smile on his face. She hooked her fingers with his and chuckled, "It would have been even better if we had hot chocolate."

"Hot chocolate? What\'s that-"

"it\'s a -" then Su Wan explained to him all about the hot chocolate and cocoa beans. Sure they didn\'t have it with them right now, but at least they can still discuss it, right? It\'s not like it\'s going to hurt them.

"It sounds really delicious. I wish I knew where to get cocoa beans," said Lin Yan as he rubbed his chin and pondered over what Su Wan had just told him. A creamy and sweet delicacy would become an instant hit in their restaurant if they could get their hands on it.

"Don\'t think much about it. It\'s not that easy to get the cocoa beans," said Su Wan as she shook her head and then wrapped her arms around herself when a swift and cold breeze blew past them.

Seeing her tremble because of the chill, Lin Yan immediately took off his robe and draped it over her shoulders. "Let\'s go inside. It might be getting warmer outside, but it isn\'t spring yet. If we stay here for long, then you might end up catching a cold."

Su Wan nodded. She secured the robe around her body and then climbed down the ladder. She hadn\'t dressed appropriately for a moon watching in the middle of the night. She only draped a thin layered cotton-padded jacket to check on Lin Yan and then intended to return to her room. She never thought that she would be climbing on the roof at night! But then again, as she watched Lin Yan climb down with that rosy hue on his cheeks. At the same time, moonlight illuminated his entire being like that of an angel. She realized that it wasn\'t too much of a loss either.

After all, such a beautiful sight should be appreciated no matter how many sufferings she has to go through for it.

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