What Do You Mean My Cute Disciples Are Yanderes?

Chapter 240 - Torturing Infidels Is Important, But Master Is More Important


As expected of Master, he managed to nurture them to be this strong in such a short amount of time. I wonder if I would be able to stand beside them one day?

Lian Li led the charge in, surprising the opposing Practitioners with their unexpected aggression.

Their leader got a lightning infused punch in his chest, blasting him back to crash into the ruins behind.

To their credit, they were quick to recover and one of them tried to slash his sword at Lian Li.

Unfortunately for him, Manami was there to cover for her. Her ever dexterous tail wrapped itself around the assailant\'s wrist, breaking it with a loud snap before tossing him away like a sack of potatoes.

Another one came to Lian Li from her other side, his own sword descending from above.

Eris had placed herself in between them, intercepting the downward slash with her own blade. With a deft flick of her wrist, her opponent was disarmed in both weapon and limb.

I barely had time to shout out a warning to the swordswoman when one of them summoned a giant boulder to toss at her.

Unperturbed, the swordswoman raised her blade and slashed downwards, a fireball materialising in front of her to blast the boulder into pieces.

Wait… Didn\'t she say that she wasn\'t a Practitioner? How did she do that then?

Is this due to Master\'s teachings as well? If that\'s the case, that is an extremely scary prospect. From what I can sense, Eris indeed does not have a mature enough Cultivation Point to use any Techniques, so how did she materialise that fireball?

Did Master discover a secret for non-Practitioners to tap into the already existing Quarks in the air? If so, this will utterly flip the entire Practitioner world on its head!

At this point in time, I think Master is just about capable of anything. If someone told me Master was actually the one who created the Universe and everything that exists, I would not even question it.

Since our opponents do not know about Eris\'s background, they are less surprised than I was and continued their efforts in taking us out.

The one directly in front of Lian Li gathered Lightning in his hands, his eyes targeting the golden haired girl.

Lian Li responded by gathering her own golden lightning in between her palms, both of them throwing out their Techniques at the same time.

There was no contest.

Lian Li\'s Divine Lightning devoured her opponent\'s Lightning like it was nothing. I had expected her to target his vitals to instantly kick him out from this bout, but the lightning bolt arced away at the last moment to pierce through his thigh instead.

The grown man cried out and started rolling on the ground in pain, clutching at his bleeding thigh like a little boy.

Three men stepped over him without hesitation, each of them firing their own Techniques towards us.

One of them had clapped his hands together and shot out seven ethereal spikes, each blade aiming for a different person.

Another was focusing a beam of purple energy towards Lian Li and the last threw what I can only describe as a giant fist made of magma into the air above us.

Diao Chan was ready with a counter however, having been chanting under her breath since the start of this engagement.

"... none shall pass by my decree. Infinity Ward!"

A barrier made of pure light appeared around us in the shape of a dome.

The ethereal swords simply shattered upon impact while the beam was deflected up into the sky. The barrier barely even shimmered when the magma fist came down on top of it, the lava spraying in all directions and setting fire on the ruins.

Some of the magma landed at where those Practitioners were, causing them to scatter in a panic.

Kiyomi was quick to take advantage of their panic, snapping her fingers and flash freezing a large area in front of her.

None of those caught in the blast had any time to even throw up any sort of defence and were frozen immediately.

Even little Cai Hong was charging forward… Wait… That\'s not little Cai Hong. Who is that young woman with the rainbow hair?

"Look down on Father did you?!" She roared, pouncing on top of a Practitioner that had his back to her. "No one looks down on Father!"

She grabbed her victim by the arms and ripped them off their sockets before proceeding to beat him with them, the way she executed that movement so smoothly clued me in that this is probably not the first time she has done something like that.

"These girls are crazy! At least take out his male disciple at the back!"

I turned towards the source of the voice, finding one of them running up towards me with his sword raised and encased in black flames while another two of whom I assume to be Elders stayed a distance away with their hands stretched towards me.

How bothersome…

I took out a bottle from my storage ring and tossed it towards the one charging at me in a slow arc.

Predictably, he slashed his sword downwards and cut it in half, allowing its contents to spill onto him.

He took two more steps before he stopped in his tracks. He looked downwards with a confused expression for a while before he began screaming out in pain, the liquid already having begun eating away at his skin.

Alarmed by their comrade\'s screams, they immediately fired off their Techniques at me, the attacks consisting of a wind blade and some form of gravitation Technique to prevent me from moving.

The wind blade passed through me harmlessly, or rather, it passed through a completely empty spot.

The two of them looked confused before turning to each other, their eyes widening and immediately pulling out a dagger with a sinister looking blade to stab each other in the abdomen.

Both of them fell to the ground, groaning in agony while I watched on from a short distance away from where I had been sitting before.

I stoppered the bottle that contained the hallucination gas, something that I had been releasing to the area around me ever since this group appeared.

Wanting to prevent those two from healing up and coming back again, I tossed another bottle of acid at them.

I broke the bottle apart in midair with a water bullet, allowing its contents to splash down on the two Elders.

Both of them joined the first guy in screaming their lungs out while clawing at their skin.

When I finally looked back to see how my senior sisters were doing, the group of thirty had no one left standing.

All of them were either being electrocuted, burnt, cut, frozen, whipped, or just having their limbs torn off.

Diao Chan and the bigger Cai Hong seemed to be taking a personal interest in one of them in particular though. It did not take me long to realise it was the one who tried to pick them up back at the Merchant\'s district.

At least Diao Chan seems to be having fun whipping him going by the sadistic grin she has on her face while Cai Hong was… Oh…

I wasn\'t even the one receiving her punch but I could not stop myself from wincing when I saw it. Must be a guy thing.

"You\'re already granting them death?" Lian Li asked, her hands busy with electrocuting another Elder.

I nodded, "A rather painful one, but yes."

"I was under the impression you will slowly torture them for the next hour or so."

"We don\'t have time, do we?" I pointed out. "Master is still somewhere out there alone you know?"

A metaphorical lightbulb seemed to flash above her head as she dropped the charred Practitioner she was holding on to the ground.

Something tells me these girls were too focused on torturing these infidels and forgot about finding Master…

"We have no time to lose girls! Finish them up and we will continue searching for Master!"

The other girls visibly reigned in their bloodlust and gave each of their victims a quick death, causing the entire area to shine with light particles.

Still, for a couple of \'elites\', they were still taken down rather easily.

Is this the result of just spending a few lessons with Master?

If I had any doubts about Master being a God before, I think it was at this moment that those doubts were entirely washed away.

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