What!? Never seen a Demon King of Lust before?

Chapter 132 A Flawed Existence

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.Trivia of the day #73: All children of Lilith were conceived strictly by herself, as Eva made her barren as a means to never procreate with other Demons due to envy, as Lilith once stole Adam from her, of course, Lilith being the genius she is bypassed this curse, so to have children of her own she split herself in two and mate with herself, so much so, she became the progenitor of the Succubi, albeit the fact that Eva was the first Succubi but she couldn\'t mate with Adam seeing Akashina would not allow her to create hybrids.


-- ??? POV change --

Inside an unknown underground labyrinth beneath Saint Michael Academy, a tall woman that was 8"2 in height wore an elegant but modest white dress, boots, gloves, and a hat on her head, it was obvious her entire body was covered from head to toe in a red skin tight suit that shows off all her modest curves with ease beneath that very dress, with the prior accessories mention as well.

The woman has large red horns popping out of that very hat; another thing to notice was that her face was covered with a white face mask with features, it was a blank in every sense of the word, some other feature of her initial design as an individual was the fact that she had long slender hands, and four at that, while behind her were three pairs of spider-like tendrils that were also red with a strange black pattern that resembles veins on it.

They\'re sharp and pointy but also hairy, this woman was High Ranking Demon that could only be found on the lower floors of the underworld, her initial race is a Jorogumo one of the Lust Type Demons and the more dangerous ones at that.

However, compared to other Jorogumo that were considered high-ranking demons by default, this one was a name Jorogumo Demon by the name of Kimaris, and to top it off she is one of the 72 Pillars of Solomon nicknamed, The Great Finder, ranked 66th of 72nd, although she is the Demon Countess representing the concept of opportunity.

As a Noble Demon, she was worshiped just as much as an actual Demon Lord, although the Demon ranking of hell is very complex, and ranking up the hierarchy ladder of Demons can take thousands of years the more influential you get.

In Kimaris\' case, her last promotion was 621 Years ago when she went from Knight to Earl, it was her reward for killing the son of an Omicron of the Dragon Kins at the time, as the boy was revered as one of the champions of the Dragon King Agriom.

And that very boy was a major nuisance to the 2nd Pillar of Solomon, as he was interrupting Lord Luciferion\'s plans at the time.

Her achievement made her receive the honor of meeting the 1st Pillar of the 72 Demon of King Solomon under the recommendation of Lord Luciferian, her luck, power, and diligence made her meet one of the strongest demons in all nine hells, Demon Lord Lilim, representing the concepts of Lust, the self-proclaimed child of Lilith, who was a legendary primordial Demon who only appears when a new of Demon King of Lust is born.

To suddenly disappear when that said, Demon King/Queen meets his or her end, legend has it that Lilith is by default an extension of all Demon Kings/Queen of Lust of old and new, as such she is revered as one of the 13 great Mysteries of hell as no one knows the full truth apart from the fact that she is the mother of the Succubi.

And this very woman, The Demoness of the rank of Earl, the countess, was brushing the hair of her favorite human who scared out her mind.

She looks down at the woman who was dressed in a red wedding dress as she lays motionless like a doll, as she goes down to whisper in her ears.

"My...My... My... Are you still scared of me my little delight, fufu... You remind me so much of my 231st female concubine during her earlier training days, you can ease up a little sweetheart I won\'t eat you-- you know, well not yet that is."

Kimaris Said with a perverted smile behind her mask, as she looks down on her favorite human woman that was everything.

She then continues while saying.

"You still have time to pay me what we agreed on right, you will gift me the boy, that marvelous boy, the amazing boy, that process boy, that\'s the only reason why I made a contract with you twenty years ago."

Kimaris said to the scared woman who was slightly trembling.

To which the woman fakes a smile and replied to her contract Demon as such, of course, she was trembling out of fear, seeing her situation wasn\'t looking too good right now.

"D...D...Dont wo~~ry I... Am sure the assassin I send, w-w-will collect your treasure, and also my promise payment, of course, w-w-we are only after the boy right?"

The countess despite being behind a mask smiles to herself, as she said, to the woman who was dressed in an all-red wedding dress, and her face was also covered in a veil.

"Yeah, Yeah... I believe you, I believe you... and I trust you, alas you should know what happens to those who don\'t keep their promises right, I will have you know that a contract means everything to us demons, it is something we considered sacred, and we treasure promises above all things else, don\'t forget you where fest in to be the 9th Concubine of the Patriarch of the Burges family, and at that time you just wanted something more than being the 9th concubine of some low-level E-ranking family, and to boot you didn\'t love that person at all, if it wasn\'t for me the Lucifer family would have never look at you, to begin with, despite the fact you were responsible for my summoning, I help you reach that goal, now you\'re the 1st wife of the talented 8th son of the esteem Lucifer family, you should also know after Ryu break your heart I became your beacon of hope, although who would have thought the child of opportunity who I prophesize to be my grandest opportunity would be the son of that very man, agh... And suddenly when I saw him today his string turned from silver to gold, he is finally ripe, so let\'s hope your assassin can bring me, Victor, before the contract deadline is up."

Kimaris said with perverted excitement.

The woman under the veil was the wife of Felix Diablo, her name is Cindy Diablo but due to her achievement, She had the honor of being called Cindy Lucifer.

She is known as the opportunist, the perfect woman blessed by the Goddess of fortune, she was known for being a human outside the Diablo or Lucifer family that somehow manage to garner the attention of a legendary Noble Demoness with the rank of Earl that was apart of the 72 pillars of King Solomon.

To be contracted with a Pillar, was a feat only possible for the Lucifer family, and yet, out of mere luck a human managed to do the impossible, or as she refers to it, her misfortune strikes again.

With all honesty, Cindy has always been somebody with shitty luck, of course, she knew exactly why she has such shitty luck, to begin with, this was because of her singularity called "Flawed Bliss" which made this entire unfortunate situation possible.

Originally, Cindy isn\'t a bad person, she has never hated someone, nor has she Envy someone no to be honest her envy, her greed, and her pride just tone down a little, in her younger days she was easily a horrible person, but since she has matured she had grown out of her envy and other selfish aspects.

Yes, there are things in life she wishes she could have done better, no skip that she doesn\'t want to wish for anything why do you ask well it\'s simple.

Cindy has learned that being greedy comes with a lot of consequences down the line, what made her have this thinking was because of her power.

You see "Flawed Bliss" is the power to make any wish possible with absolute certainty, as long as the possibility of such a wish isn\'t zero percent.

However, there are multiple restrictions to this power, for instance only one wish can be granted at a time, and if another wish is granted then the previous wish will be null in the worst way possible.

This in itself isn\'t bad but what made Flawed Bliss, so flawed is the fact that it can only grant wishes in unfortunate ways, for instance, she use to have a son name, Dion, however, Dion was born blind, and she wishes for Dion to be able to see, all was good at first, well, that was until her daughter Felisha suddenly went blind.

The ability gave Dion the ability to see at the cost of her daughter\'s sight, by manipulating events to create a scenario where such a wish can be granted, you see by some miraculous means both Dion and Felisha met a senior with the power of Circumstance magic, a magic that can manipulate circumstances to some degree.

However, after the senior Warlock trade both Dion and Felisha\'s circumstances, he went on a school mission to exterminate a Mystic with a large group of other Warlock and Witches, now the thing is, was the fact that Dion and Felisha agree prior that Dion only wanted to borrow her sister sight for a day so he can spend a memorable day with his girlfriend.

However, all hope was lost when the news that the entire Warlock and Witch squad died on that very mission, as a result, it made Felisha permanently blind.

So to undo it she wishes that a miracle would happen that would allow Felisha to see again, one month later Dion died in a freak accident making the spell of the dead warlock null, causing the circumstances of seeing or not seeing to switch back again, causing Felisha to see once more, but at what cost.

Now as powerful as this power might be, it was too dangerous to foolishly use, after all being imprisoned by Kimaris was a result of this power.

How she became trapped with this overpowered Demon was because of a wish, you see she was once in love with a man named Ryu however at that time Ryu was in a relationship with her best friend, and the wish manipulate events that made her best friend met her end, even now she felt guilty about it, how was she supposed to know that wish would kill her.

However, Ryu found comfort in her, and that\'s how the two started dating, however, one day during her exam week, she and her group encountered a strong Mystic with the power to erase and create memories to cause discord amongst pairs, it uses this power to trick and confuse its victim, and when in deep confusion it kills them with its large scythe-like claws.

By some stroke of bad luck, she was almost killed, and in fear for her life, she wished as such "I don\'t want to die, I wish to live" this made her previous wish, "I wish to be with Ryu" NULLED.

How "Flaws Bliss" Cancel the previous wish was as such, you see with Ryu being a good boyfriend he protected Cindy at the last minute and started to fight the beast until reinforcement comes.

However, the beast erases all the memories of her inside Ryu\'s mind, and made memories that make Ryu hate her with a passion.

That day she swore she will never use her powers again, but humans don\'t work like that, their greed eventually takes over, two months later she fell in love again with another man, and it was love at first sight, and until graduation, she would always stalk him, till one day her love and obsession for him reach its limit.

This man\'s name was Felix Lucifer, but unlike Ryu Lioness who was from a mid-ranking family, Felix was from one of the ten great families, but her love run deep, and as result, she relied on her Flawed Bliss once more.

"I wish there was a way to make Felix love me, notice me, and married me."

How did Flawed Bliss react to such a wish, well it gave her immense talent with Demons and on her graduation, she awed and garnered the attention of the Lucifer family, and even Felix as she did the impossible, and summoned the 66th Demon of the 72 Pillar of King Solomon in front of the entire school, this made quite the scenery and also mark her as one of the school greatest unnoticed talents?

Then and again, no one knows of her Flawed Bliss, as her parents said to hide it, as a result of their request she manages to hide it under the coax that her power is Meta Luck, which is an ability that makes her lucky by bringing unfavorable odds to her side, of course, this luck cannot be shared and is subject only to her, even now not even her husband knows of Flawed Bliss due to her guilt and fears.

Then and again Cindy\'s luck with men is just horrible, yes in the end, she got her wish and ended up with Felix, and the best part is, Felix has not requested another combine since, but she soon finds out that Felix was only using her.

The Lucifer clan is a clan that believes heavily in selective Breading, to create strong offspring, that is how Noble Demons, and even Demon Lords, operate as well, as a result, they can plunder the talent from the chosen woman or male and give it to the unborn child, of course, Felix only wanted Cindy because of her affinity and talent with Demons.

There was also a fact that her luck was something that was greatly desired as well, however only if the Lucifer clan knew that her luck is flawed to the point it could be considered as a curse that could even baffle and impress even a Demon King like Asmodeus, hell she even wishes that her talent would just disappear so she wouldn\'t be used by the Lucifer clan, however, that wish backfired so badly on her, You see with her talent she had could have control Kimaris easily, one might even say Kimaris was brainwash because of Cindy talent and affinity with Demons.

But since she wishes for it to disappear, her control over Kimaris also disappeared, by default Kimaris should have returned to the underworld, but Kimaris became obsessed with Cindy, as she wondered how a mere human outside the Lucifer family was able to control her without a contract.

Then she later found out that Cindy was the most perfect human she has ever met in her life, Kimaris who represents the concept of opportunity, and had the power to manipulate and control opportunities to her favor at a universal level, as she possesses unique magic the allows her to manipulate fate as long as it will make her have a benefit in the end, you can even say her power is the future itself, it would not be an exaggeration to say the odds are always in her favor.

But despite these facts, she could have not foreseen the existence of Cindy Lucifer, with her power to reach her desired future, Cindy Lucifer, was a human she deeply admired, deeply wants, deeply loved, and adorn her perfection despite its flaws, with all honesty ever since Kimaris met Cindy, she saw a future like no other that open up a realm of limitless opportunities.

And yet all those amazing opportunities with amazing result and benefits all revolves around her meeting and interacting with a single boy with Emerald green hair.

And yet she foretold her death that was soon to come for falling in love with a dangerous person, a tragic love story between a woman that considered herself flawed despite her vanity, and an unknown factor that was her downfall and rise.

In all possible futures, in every timeline that exists in the future, Kimaris saw it all, Cindy would fall in love and die in the cruelest way possible, and yet not fall, death looms over her, and yet she doesn\'t wish to take her.

For decades now Kimaris saw glimpses of a possible future, a boy name Victor, and a woman named Cindy would meet, one was deeply in love, and the other was bordered by the thought, in the truest sense it was one-sided.

However, that was the benefit of her power, being the Demon that represents Opportunity, she would stop said future from ever happening since she knows how it was going to happen to some extent, as long the future doesn\'t hold some unknown factor that passes her existence value, then it was her win, after all, Cindy needs Victor to reach perfection, and when Cindy does reach her Zennith of flawlessness, it would open up a path for her like no other, with such priceless opportunity even ascending the throne of Lust would not be impossible, she could see it now, All hail The Demon Queen of Lust Kimaris.

The future was in her favor, her love for Cindy, and her love for Victor would make her ascend to greater heights and make her reach her Zennith as a Demon, Love brought her the greatest of opportunities, she was destined for greatness from the day she was born.

And now her love and diligence were finally showing the desired result, this was her reward for being patient.

For that very reason, she would save both of them, and take both of them for herself, however, that is why she forces Cindy into an unfair contract that she can\'t fulfill, she knows the assassin would fail to kidnap victor, how he died would be cruel, but who kill him, even she did not know, however, he will die tonight that much was for sure, as a result, Cindy would now be hers and hers alone.

That is why she dressed her in her favorite wedding dress, as Cindy will soon be her bride, and Victor would most likely be her first male partner, so a husband, the experience would be new to her, it made her all tingly inside, with this her harem of 665 beautiful women, and 1 male would be complete.

Even creating strong heirs would be possible, seeing that she has never been pregnant before, and of course, she can change genders at will, so she does the impregnation on her wives herself, but she has never carried a child by herself, what would she and Victor child look like she wondered.

Either way, her love would be recognized, her love was right, her love was beautiful, and with love, all things were possible, with the power of love nothing could stop her, she love all her wives, even if some of them don\'t love her back, all she desires is love and opportunity, it was the only thing she could never put a price on, love was precious, sacred, and just.

If she loves something then the future was in her favor, as she always gets what she wants, that was an undeniable fact.

And now her love was about to reach its Zenith as well, she wants Victor, she needs Victor, and she will get Victor at all costs.

\'Aww... My precious Victor\'s mommy is coming, my love for you is immaculate, you are the key that will open Pandora\'s Box that is my precious flawed bliss, my favorite human woman, my beautiful wife, my greatest encounter, soon me, you, and Cindy will drown each other in our love, in our lust, and desires, I cannot wait.\'

To Be Continued.

Next Time: Why Won\'t You Die?

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