Losing Money to Be a Tycoon

Chapter 704 - Poetry Master AEEIS

Chapter 704: Poetry Master AEEIS

Chang You keenly felt that this matter was not easy.

One would know from the name that this was not an ordinary app!

Boss Pei’s naming sense for it was strange.

The names of the various industries and products of Tengda Group were all appropriately named. Take the artificial intelligence AEEIS for example: it was connotative.

So what would be the content of this Useful App for him to dare name it this way?

Chang You immediately messaged Yu Pingan privately: “Is the Useful App a new project on your side?”

Yu Pingan replied in no time.

“Yes, Boss Pei personally requested for it!”

Yu Pingan proudly told Chang You about the specific content of Useful App, especially focusing on Boss Pei’s vision and the goals of the first phase.

The more Chang You heard about it, the more he praised it.

When others heard about Useful App, they might think that it was just ordinary knowledge-based social software, but Chang You derived some unusual meaning from it.

Every time Boss Pei wanted to start a new industry, the people in charge of the departments would fully supplement Boss Pei’s requirements and fill in the blanks for his intention.

However, they could not guess his true intentions no matter how much they imagined!

Boss Pei had reached a superb level in the linkage of various departments, which most people could not understand.

However, that did not mean that the heads of various departments had to give up thinking.

On the contrary, these people-in-charge should try to figure out more; only in this way could they keep up with Boss Pei’s ideas and make continuous progress.

Work hard, and they would be able to see something.

Chang You immediately replied: “If you have time, can you make a trip to OTTO Technology? I want to discuss some things with you in person.”

Yu Pingan: “Okay, then I will rush over now, and I will arrive in about an hour.”

Yu Pingan didn’t ask much. That was the tacit understanding and trust between the heads of various departments of Tengda.

There must be quite important things to discuss since Chang You asked him to go over.


An hour later, Yu Pingan came to OTTO Technology.

Chang You led him to the conference room and briefly spoke about the intelligent assistant AEEIS.

The two of them sipped tea while sharing the information they had.

Yu Pingan was slightly confused: “So does this smart assistant have any connection with the ‘Useful App’?”

Chang You said very confidently: “Of course, there is a connection!

“Will the new industries pioneered by Boss Pei be unrelated? Think about his mind map!

“The shallowest connection had already linked Tengda Games, Fei Huang Workspace, OTTO Technology, and Useful app!

“The name AEEIS was personally named by Boss Pei, and it happened to be able to be used in Tengda’s latest games and movie plots.

“As to the connection with Useful App...

“Do you know how the current voice assistants will deal with most problems they don’t understand?

“They would jump directly to Qiandu’s search result page.

“That will at least be better than just answering ‘I’m sorry, I don’t know.’ ”

Yu Pingan realized something: “Oh! You mean... Useful App can actually replace this?”

Chang You nodded: “Yes!

“In fact, the current artificial intelligence assistants have evolved in similar ways. When users ask some questions beyond the basic functions, they will automatically search for answers on Qiandu or Wiki.

“The problem is that the effect is very poor.

“That’s because everyone knows that most search engines find things that are a pile of rubbish. There is very little useful information in it, and users rarely click in to read them.

“Moreover, this is not a problem that can be solved by the optimization function since the search engine itself cannot solve it. It can only be said that there is too much rubbish on the Internet. When searching for a specific problem, it is simply ‘gold in the sh*t’. How can the search engine be optimized? To improve efficiency, it is also difficult to provide users with sufficiently accurate and useful knowledge.

“However, what if we link this function with the content of Useful App?

“Imagine it, that will become the core competitiveness of AEEIS’s artificial intelligence!

“In the future, Useful App will actually be able to give the best solution if there is already a lot of information on the app.

“Furthermore, Useful App is also an industry of Boss Pei’s, and we can only provide them to AEEIS for use—which will clearly distinguish us from other artificial intelligence assistants.

“At that time, other artificial intelligence assistants will be ‘artificially retarded’ and can only find a pile of rubbish while AEEIS has a strong knowledge base as support. The experience is definitely much better than other artificial intelligence!

“Isn’t this the core competitiveness?

“The best thing was that the original intention of AEEIS was an ‘efficient and labor-saving intelligent system’. It uses mechanical sounds and answers most users’ questions in a very precise and concise way. This is how its personality settings are.

“Does it sound like a ‘mechanical top student’?

“This point is exactly in line with the characteristics of Useful App since its information would be accurate, concise, and efficient knowledge. The combination of the two can be said to be a match made in heaven!

“Useful APP, if used properly, can become the brain of AEEIS, making it smarter than all competitors!”

Yu Pingan suddenly said, “That’s it! It really makes sense!


Yu Pingan hesitated and said, “Currently, there is too little content on Useful APP. I am afraid it is difficult to meet this requirement.

“We all say that search engines are not easy to use and wiki contents are garbage, but we have to admit that they started too much earlier than us. What’s more, search engines search for the entire network content, which is large enough.

“And if the content on Useful App wants to reach this level, it will take a few years at the earliest...”

Chang You nodded: “I understand, so we have to make different characteristics for each stage.

“Since AEEIS couldn’t achieve the level of ‘wiki’ at the beginning, we have to find a way to achieve the ultimate in a single field.

“You said previously that Useful APP plans to start with the field of literature?”

Yu Pingan took a sip of tea and nodded: “Yes, Professor Kong Zhemin is a great man in the field of literature and has deep research on ancient literature. This time, we are cooperating with the Faculty of Art and Science. Many professors and young scholars were studying ancient literature or modern literature. This is the first field we are setting foot in.”

Chang You thought for a while and suddenly thought of an idea: “Then, I think the first feature of AEEIS can be linked with ancient poetry.

“For example, AEEIS can converse with the users in poetry exchange. The user says one sentence, and then AEEIS says a sentence. Either that or AEEIS and the user took turns to say the last sentence; whoever fails to continue will lose...

“AEEIS can use ancient poems to answer user-specific questions while chatting.

“Boss Pei said that AEEIS is an erudite and easygoing intelligent voice assistant. It doesn’t swear, but it is so smart that it will offer ‘concern’ to you when it thinks you are stupid.

“I wondered, isn’t this just ‘swearing without dirty words’?

“In other words, this should not sound like cursing... but a feeling of ‘yin and yang’ or the unconscious contempt of the top students towards the flunkies.

“Just like in some film and television dramas, people with high IQ tend to be a bit toxic and will say some lines such as ‘the IQ of the whole street is lowered by you’—which can actually highlight his personality!

“Speaking of this, there are a lot of words available in ancient poems, and they can be used in communication!”

Chang You took out his mobile phone and searched the Internet for ‘poems that scold people without swearing’, and the results were out in no time.

“Your body and reputation may be destroyed, but the rivers would not stop flowing; the ant thinks too highly of itself in its want to conquer the giant tree; even the rats have known their place, what about humans who did not; rotten wood cannot be carved, a wall of dung cannot withstand any weather; ignorant people who only knew brands...

“So many poems, so appropriate!

“In this way, the image of AEEIS will be even more perfect.

“The cold mechanical and electronic sound, efficient and concise answers... when the same question is repeatedly asked, it will show ‘concern’ to the user—which is very smart. There is also a wealth of knowledge reserves... it can use poetry and famous sentences to communicate with users...

“In addition to the basic functions, such personalized content can actually make users better remember AEEIS and stand out among the many intelligent voice assistants!

“With the continuous improvement of Useful App content, functions of AEEIS will continue to grow, and its areas of expertise will gradually expand in the future, such as all aspects of daily life and knowledge in various professional fields.

“In the future, AEEIS can even link with all apps of Tengda’s other industries and become the center of Tengda’s industries together with OTTO mobile phones...

“In short, anything can happen with imagination!”

Yu Pingan couldn’t help but give a thumbs-up: “Vice-President Chang is amazing! I think that’s exactly what Boss Pei has in mind too!

“If there is anything you need us to cooperate with, Vice-President Chang, just let me know.”

“The content of our first stage is mainly for literary content, especially ancient poems. While making the content, we can also arrange for someone to cooperate with you to pick out those ancient poems that can express emotions and give them to AEEIS!”

Chang You nodded: “Well, thanks! At that time, the new version of OTTO OS and the newly developed fully automatic intelligent bar lifter will be equipped with AEEIS intelligent assistant.

“When the product is well-received, I will tell Boss Pei that I will use a part of the profit to subsidize Useful App’s projects, and I will definitely not let you work in vain!”

Yu Pingan was overjoyed: “Thank you!”

Who said that there was absolutely no possibility of profit for Useful App?

It would definitely be difficult to make a profit by relying solely on the fee for each user when the knowledge base was not rich enough and the insufficient number of users.

However, while the project itself was not profitable, it could be linked with Tengda’s profitable projects! Wouldn’t it be enough just to make money together?

Anyway, it would be profitable for Boss Pei no matter which department made money!

Everyone was one unified body!

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