How the Zergs were Made

Chapter 581 - 582 Star Resource Development Mission (5)

Chapter 581: Chapter 582 Star Resource Development Mission (5)

The physical model of the red dwarf reappears in the collector\'s channel, in order to understand the stellar scale giant conceived by the proposer more intuitively and quickly.

I saw the proposer expressing his ideas in the channel.

"I propose to build a ring. This orbital ring is enough. The orbital ring is composed of a large number of segmented orbital modules. Each orbital module is a cylinder. The diameter of the circular surface does not necessarily need to be large, but the strength must be as high as possible. It is best to think and design according to the gravity of the black hole.

"This ring is a particle accelerator. It uses an electric field to continuously increase the speed of the particles in the orbital module, making it infinitely close to the speed of light. This speed is completely different from our 90% sublight speed navigation. It will be a speed increase as much as possible, and the voltage that maintains the electric field will rise to very much. To a high degree, this voltage intensity will be the highest value since the birth of the group.

In the physical model in the channel, a cylindrical structure appears, and then the cylindrical structure shrinks to the same proportion of the red dwarf model, which is like a grain of sand compared with the red dwarf.

The small cylindrical structure proliferates rapidly, and a large number of cylindrical structures revolve around the red dwarf star to form a slowly rotating ring.

Subsequently, the ring became transparent and showed a glowing circle, which is the flow of particles in the orbital ring that is accelerated to extremely close to the speed of light.

Seeing these collectors, they can intuitively understand the concept of this scheme.

"How can such a high voltage be achieved?" There is an individual question.

The proposers have already figured out a solution to this problem.

"Energy can be obtained from stars. The ring needs to reduce the temperature and take away the accumulated heat with low-temperature materials. This process can be used to generate electricity by the way to maintain the accelerated electric field inside the ring. As for the resistance, we can try it slowly and always find the right material."

To generate a high voltage, it requires a strong resistance, and the resistance also needs to be enough to withstand high temperatures. While increasing the voltage, it will not vaporize and accelerate the electric field due to its own high temperature, but the deflection electric field is the key to the whole ring, so this is a crucial part.

However, this problem is a matter of materials, and collectors can constantly combine substances to try the resistance of various substances.

"Does the electric field need to keep accelerating?" Some collectors asked.

"No, after the ring accelerates the internal particle flow to a suitable speed, the electric field does not need to accelerate, but is changed to deflected. In a vacuum environment, there is no friction. An object will always move at the initial speed, and so will the particle flow."

As long as the deflection electric field does not disappear, the particle flow will always continue like this, even when the universe is silent, thinking that if the ring is not taken into account, only the particle flow is considered, and the motion extremely close to the speed of light will form a ruler shrinkage effect, that is, the macroscopic time will slow down, and the decay rate of the particle flow itself will also slow down many times.

At this time, an individual thought of a very dangerous problem, that is, the gravity generated by the particle flow will also affect the ring itself.

"But the gravity generated by the mass of particle flow is bound to affect the ring itself. As a giant structure on the scale of stars, the structure is fragile, and it may be torn apart by the gravity of the particle flow."

The larger the scale of the object, the lower the total strength. The electromagnetic force in the large-scale structure still plays a role, but the internal stress of the large-scale structure is also terrible. If the two forces are offset, the total strength of the large-scale structure will decrease.

It\'s like a person who is about to fall to the ground. At this time, only needs the weight of a straw to make the person fall down, not to mention that the force exerted on the person who is about to fall is not only the weight of a straw, but also a heavy push.

However, the proposers of the scheme have long thought of this, which is also the most important structural design part of the whole scheme.

"You think so because you didn\'t take into account the movement of the particle flow itself."

The proposer answers this question. In order to facilitate the understanding of the same race, it asks the questioner another question.

"A simple mechanical question, what is the torque of uniform circular motion?"

"Er... The two moments are perpendicular to each other, one is the deflection force of the moving object, and the other is the centrifugal force generated by the kinetic energy of the circular moving object itself."

In the channel, two arrows soon appeared in the physical model of the orbital ring. The two arrows represent the direction of the two forces respectively, and then blur the model of the orbital ring. The existence of particle flow is obvious. Every collector can intuitively see the particle flow moving around the circle of the star.

The proposer replied that it began to explain to its peers which part of its idea was the core, and even if it was a structure on a stellar scale, the strength could still be guaranteed.

"Yes, and the centrifugal force is the moment we can use. We have been worried that the electromagnetic force cannot extend to a larger scale, and the universe has already told us what kind of force should be used on a larger scale, which is gravity."

"Everything is interactive. Even a small meteorite can deflact the star when it interacts with the star, but this deflection value is very small, so it is equivalent to ignoring it."

"We can use the centrifugal force of the deflection electric field to interact with the particle flow, as well as the gravity generated by the particle flow approaching the speed of light to improve the structural strength on the stellar scale."

It is not only using the orbital module to deflate the particle flow and constrain the orbit, but also using the gravity and centrifugal force of the particle flow to strengthen the ring\'s own structure - the structure cannot be without a skeleton. but the general skeleton cannot be qualified for the stellar scale. The previous star ruler The degree structure is troubled by this problem.

The collectors have considered bypassing this problem, but unfortunately, the direction of gravity is omnidirectional. If they want to avoid it, they will not be able to complete the ethnic task.

Now this problem has been solved!

"The real \'skeleton\' of this ring is the flow of particles approaching the speed of light in the ring!" The proposer excitedly explained the core part of his idea.

"When gravity needs to be weakened, for example, there are too many plasma substances absorbed by stars at one time. We don\'t have enough low-temperature materials. We only need to reverse accelerate the particle flow and slow down the particle flow, and the strong gravity will decline. Even the amount of stellar material absorbed by gravity will decline, and we can even turn it off if we want. Open it if you want..."

In this way, he talked for a long time, and when the proposer came to his senses, the channel was completely silent.

"...Huh? Why is it so quiet? Is there anything else that is lacking?

The proposer urged the other collectors to come back like a dream.

"There\'s nothing to say, it\'s perfect..."

"And the demand for resources is not high, just a few planets..."

"What are you waiting for? Construction has begun! I can\'t wait to see such a perfect stellar giant.

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